toddler Flashcards
what does low height for age/ appropriate weight for height mean
long term malnutrition
growth charts- what does mean?
normal height for age
low weight for height
child is wasted, recent or continuing weight loss
growth charts
high weight for height,
high weight for age
excess weight–0 overweight
growth charts– low weight for height
failure to thrive
development: 1-2 age
- cant be breastfed for 2+ years
- learn to drink from a cup
- pincer grasp– can pick up foods
development 2-3 age
have teeth– can meats and raw fruit- more textures
use of cups and utensils
say NO- start independence
to avoid power struggles– allow independence and curiosity
development 3-5 years
- language development
- develop fine motor skills
- ## utensils and cups effectively
why is fat important- toddler
how long whole milk
- essential fatty acids for brain developement
- whole milk from12- 24 months
** not enough fat- age 2 introduce other milk
sedentary behaviour guidelines 0-4 years
prolonged inactivity- less than 1h
tv not recommended under 2 years
screen time 2-4 years - less than 1h
iron rich foods- guideline
fortified cereals
green peas
7mg/d - age 1-3years
10mg/day 4-8 years
screen time and siting guidelines
less than 1h each
how much growth ht, wt per month
o.4 inch/ month
0.8 ounces/ month
ht. 2.75 inch/year
wt. 4.4 ibs/ year
how much protein
1-3 years
4-8 years
1-3 years. 1.1 g/kg of body weight
4-8 years. 0.95 g/kg of body weight
how much fat
1-3 years
4-8 years
how much fluid
less than 10kg– 100ml/kg
10-20kg– 1000ml + 50kg
20+ — 1500ml + 25kg