To return/come|go back/etc Flashcards
To return/come|go back
Return with the receipt if you want credit in the store(/store credit).
I hate that I have to come back to work.
To turn around
I turned around to face those who were insulting me.
Vuelve|Regresa con el recibo si quieres un crédito en la tienda.
Odio (tener | que tenga) que volver|regresar al trabajo.
Me volví para enfrentar a los que me estaban insultando.
To turn (go around)
To turn (swivel/rotate)
To turn (change direction: head, eyes, gaze)
He turned his head and there she was.
Volvió la cabeza y allí estaba ella.
To do again
To re-do
I have to clean everything again!
It will rain again this weekend.
I have to do-again to clean-it everything!
Volver a
¡Tengo que volver a limpiarlo todo!
Volverá a llover este fin de semana.
To return/give|take|hand|send back (something)
You’ll have to return the dress if it doesn’t fit.
Have you taken the clothes back to the store?
As soon as I can, to-him/you I (will) return the favor.
Devolver (algo)
Tendrás que devolver el vestido si no te sirve|queda.
¿Has devuelto el vestido a la tienda?
En cuanto pueda, le devuelvo el favor.
To throw up/vomit
Miles has (the) flu; that’s why he’s throwing up everything that-which he eats.
Miles tiene gripa; por eso está devolviendo todo lo que come.