TMJ Exam / 2 Flashcards
tmj is a blank joint
percent of population that will have symptoms from TMD in lifetime
tmj has a blank disk, ligaments and capsules
articular disk of tmj is blank
anterior and posterior parts of the tmj disk are blank and blank
innervated, vascularized
tmj capsule is blank medial to lateral and blank anterior to posterior
firm, loose
tmj problems can cause blank of the ear or hearing loss
if the five Ds are present in tmj presentation or hearing loss or nausea what does that mean to the pt
dont treat them
patient with neck pain and tmj pain physical exam order
oberve, posture, cervical spine screen/tests
patient without neck pain physical exam order
observe, posture, tmj tests/examination
there is a suspected link between upper cervical spine and tmj through blank nucleus
there is a significant association between TMD and blank
neck pain
high prevalence of tinnuts and blank in TMD patients
treating cervical spine has led to improved TMJ blank and decreased blank
AROM, pain
normal number of teeth