Tissues & Organs Flashcards
part of body between hips and chest in humans
ability of eye to focus on objects
Aerobic respiration
reaction in cells with oxygen where glucose breaks down to carbon dioxide and water
very small air sacs in lungs where gas exchange takes place
digestive enzyme that catalyses breakdown of starch into sugars, in mouth and small intestine
Anaerobic respiration
reaction in cells without oxygen where glucose partly breaks down to lactic acid in humans and to ethanol and carbon dioxide in plants
artery carrying blood from heart to rest of body
blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart
Artificial blood product
substitute for normal blood
Artificial heart
mechanical pump that replaces or assists heart
top chamber of the heart, lower pressure pump, one of two atria
plant hormone that controls growth
digestive fluid to break down fats in small intestine, made in liver, stored in gall bladder
Biological heart valve
real animal valve, used for replacement
liquid part of blood, transports other components around the body
thin-walled blood vessels that enable exchanges between blood and tissues
Chamber (of heart)
area of heart, either ventricle or atrium, pumps blood
Circulatory system
system of blood and vessels (tubes) to transport stuff around the body
Coronary artery
blood vessel carrying blood from heart chamber to heart muscle
muscle between abdomen and thorax in body
Epidermal tissue
plant tissue covering entire surface of root, stem, leaves and flowers, one cell thick
red part of blood cell that carries oxygen
organ for exchange of gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide
Mechanical heart valve
replacement man-made valve, allows blood to flow in one direction
Meristem tissue
plant tissue at root and shoot tips, able to differentiate (specialise)
MRI Scanner
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, collects detailed data from inside the scanned body.
group of tissues that work together
Organ system
group of organs that work together
Palisade mesophyll tissue
plant leaf tissue, site of photosynthesis
organ in body, makes digestive fluid, hormones insulin and glucagon
liquid part of blood, transports other components around the body