Cells Flashcards
Active transport
movement of particles against a concentration gradient, requires energy
single celled microorganism
Binary fission
simple cell division in prokaryotic cells
Cell cycle
growth and division stages of cells
Cell elongation
the enlargement of a cell, plant cells grow by cell elongation
Cell membrane
thin surface which surrounds a cell
Cell wall
structure around some plant cells that provides support
plant molecule that strengthens cell walls, also algae
green substance in chloroplasts, absorbs light for photosynthesis
structure in plant and algae cells for photosynthesis, contains chlorophyll
a long length of coiled up DNA, which carries genes
population of one type of microorganism, grown under controlled conditions
gel-like substance in cell where most chemical reactions take place
specialisation process in cells
moving out of particles from area of high concentration to one of low
Electron microscope
device to create images of small things by use of electron particles, not light
Eukaryotic cell
complex cell, such as plant or animal
Exchange surface
thin surface with holes, allows smaller particles to pass through
unicellular microorganism such as fungus, yeast and moulds, useful decomposers, can cause harm to other organisms
sex cell, e.g. an egg cell or a sperm cell in animals
short section of DNA, found on a chromosome, controls the development of a characteristic
Guard cell
cell in pairs that open and close stoma (hole) in plant leaves
structure in cells, site of aerobic respiration
Multicellular organism
made of more than one cell
Nucleus (of a cell)
structure in a body cell, contains genetic material information in form of chromosomes
diffusion of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane
Partially permeable membrane
thin surface with holes, allows smaller particles to pass through
Permanent vacuole
structure in plant cells, contains nutrients and wastes in water solution
plant tissue ‘tubes’, transport dissolved sugars
Prokaryotic cell
small, simple cell such as bacterium
ability of microscope to distinguish two objects
structure where proteins are made
Root hair cell
long narrow cell on end of plant roots, absorbs water and minerals
Specialised cell
performs one job
Stem cell
undifferentiated cell, unspecialised, able to change and specialise
White blood cell
part of the immune system, helps defend the body against infection, many sub-types
plant tissue ‘tubes’, transporting water and minerals upwards