Time management, Productivity and Technology use Flashcards
Does time managment better for wellbeing or proformance?
In other words, time management may be of primary
importance to preserving wellbeing, and of
secondary to performance.
8 tips for time management
- Monotask. Do one thing at a time.
- Time block (Logical Vs creative Tasks)
- Make a schedule
- Whats the thing I need to achieve today?
- Have a Monthly Goal
- Habit Stacking (two things you can do easily at once)
- Do the same thing in the same places.
- Proper Sleep
What is the Podmoro Method?
PODMORO METHOD: 25min work, 5min rest x4 cycles, then one15-30min
Tips for overcome Procrastination
- Just do 5 minutes
- Complete the easiest part first
- Choose the part you are the least challenged or the least put-off by
What is Encoding?
Encoding: connecting pen to paper
* Writing down information helps you process and encode information into memory
- Put aside perfectionism: Pareto principle: 80/20
- Right-size the problem - 10/10/10 rule
- Leverage your intuition through thin slicing
- Limit the drain of decision fatigue
- Use time constraints for thinking and task completion - Parkinson’s Law
What is the Pareto Principle?
The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is a theory maintaining that 80 percent of the output from a given situation or system is determined by 20 percent of the input.
What is the 10/10/10 rule?
One way to analyze the short-term and long-term consequences of your work-life-balance decisions is to apply the 10/10/10 Rule: to ask yourself how you’ll feel with the options in 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years.
What is Thin Slicing?
Thin-slicing is psychology’s word for an ability to accurately judge people or situations on the basis of first impressions.
What is decision fatigue?
Decision fatigue is when the mind becomes fatigued after a sustained period of decision making. Making decisions is a cognitively taxing process, and decision making ability declines after long sequences of decisions.
What is Parkinson’s law?
Parkinson’s law is the adage that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”
Why is creating a calme, inviting, decluttered place for work good?
- Ego Depletion:
- Intrinsic motivation
- Consider plants, being outdoors in nature
What are some tips for mindful technology use?
- Attention Residue:
- De-emphasize the importance of returning message right away
- Work offline smart devices and entertainment apps
- Delete apps during “crunch time”, use of apps to set time limits
- Put device on silent and out of sight/out of reach
- Scheduled/timed use of apps/device: e.g. digital curfew
What is attention residue?
Attention Residue, when part of our attention is focused on another task instead of being fully devoted to the current task that needs to be performed.
What does some research say about the relationship between smart phones and cortisol?
Relationship between smartphones and cortisol is not yet clearly established
Select research to-date:
* Subjects report feeling more stressed than before they had a smartphone
* Checking work emails first- or last-thing in the day can interfere with natural cortisol rhythms
(and sleep)
* Nomophobia (no-mobile-phone phobia) has been shown to increase cortisol levels
* Social media can exacerbate stress (information overload, cyber bullying, social comparison…)
What are some negative connections between smart phones, cognition and connetion to self and environment?
- Impaired memory, information processing due to attention residue
- Smart phones not in use but within reach can impair cognition
- One study found that when a smartphone was within sight, even if turned off,
lowered test scores for short-term memory and problem solving - Weakened social connections e.g. lack of ability to process body language/emotions or
to initiate casual conversations, don’t help strangers - Anxiety and depression (social media)
- Avoidance of self: thoughts, feelings, relationships
What is tech neck?
“Tech neck,” the act of stressing muscles while using phones, tablets, and computers, resulting in neck and shoulder pain, stiffness, and soreness, is a problem that’s getting worse.
What is the importance of self care?
- Enhances mental health resilience and prevents burnout
- Builds self-esteem and self-worth “I am important. I am investing in myself. I will be okay.”
- Preserves social connections, relationships and empathy
- We must take care of ourselves first, in order to take care of others
- Consider self-care in all 8 dimensions of wellness: social, intellectual (creativity), spiritual, etc.
What is the ESCAPE method of self-care?
- Exercise / movement
- Sleep / rest
-Connect with self and others
- Appreciation and gratitude
- Playful
- Breathwork & meditation
What are the 4 happiness chemicals?
What are some characteristics of dopamine?
- enhances feelings of pleasure and reward. -increases attention
-improves cognitive executive function
-stimulates creativity - Completing a task
- Paticipating in self-care
- Eating Food
- Celebrating small wins
- meditation
What are some characteristics of Oxytocin
- anti-stress effect
- decreases blood pressure and cortisol -regulates emotional response
- promotes social bonding, trust,
empathy - Playing with pets or baby/child.
- Holding hands
- Getting a massage
- Giving loved ones a hug
- Giving a compliment
What are some characteristics of Serotonin.
Serotonin influencing learning, memory, happiness as well as regulating sleep
- Walking in nature
- Running
- Sunlight
- Swimming
- Cycling
What are some characteristics of Endorphins?
Endorphins enhance mood, self-esteem, pleasure
- Laughter/Exercise
- Watching a comedy
- Share a joke with a friend
- Eating dark Chocolate
What is BDNF and how can we increase its production?
BDNF is a factor that repairs connections in the brain and can enhance focus and memory.
movement increases the production of BDNF.
What are 7 benifits of Sleep?
- More efficent thought process
- Organizes new information
- Solidifies your memories
- Leads to more creative thinking
- Clears out harmful toxins
- Regulates your appitite
- Keeps your body healthy
What are the reconmmended hours of sleep a night for children, adolesecents and adults?
children - 10hr
adolescents– 9-10hr (Dr. Matthew Walker, leading research on sleep, believes this
should be extended up to 25yo)
adults – 7-8hr
What are some benifits of Mindful meditation?
* Meditation shifts the neural activity of the brain
* In simplistic terms, it slows down and calms the brain
* It helps to ”dial back” the hyperstimulation superimposed on
us (technology, environment, work, relationships…)
* It also helps us process our internalized perceptions of self
and surroundings.