Food Security Flashcards
What is food security?
- Having access to dietary needs
- Security
- Sovereignty
- Safety (Safe to eat and nutritious)
“All people at all times have physical social and economic access to sufficient, safe andnutritious food that meets their dietary needs and good preferences for an actve and healthy life.
On a global scale, how do you think Canada compares to the rest of the world?
Canada falls into the top 10 globally.
How do you think food insecurity in Quebec compares across provences? Amongst population based on SES race/ethnicity, education?
Quebec has a food insicurty persentage of 13.1%
Do you think food security impacts long-term health? If so, how?
What is
What is good sovereignty?
“The right to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable method, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems”
Prevelance of Household Food insecurity across Canadian Provences.
What factors are taken into consideration when compiling the Global Food Security Index.
- Agricultural
- Import tariffs
- Food waster
- Protine quality
- Corruption
- Supply chain
What is Canadas strength in food security?
Safety. Safty of distribution and free of contamination.
What is Canadas biggest weakness in terms of food security?
Food Waste. Followed by affordability.
Where in Canada is there the highest percentage of food insecurity?
In Nunavut and the Northwest territories, the prevalence of household food insecurity rose to the hight levels obeserved since monitoring began in 2005.
Nunavut: 46.8%
Northwest territories: 24.1%
Statistics on child food insecurity in the Northern Canadian Territories.
Statistics on food insecurity of people under 18 across Canadian Provences.
Statistics on Racial Food insecurty
Statistics on homeownership Food insecurity
What is the link of food insecurity and mental health?
The higher the level of food insecurity, the greater propensity to developing poor meatal health and mental health disorders.
What is the association of food insecurity to acute (and cronic) health issues?
How does level of food insecurity relate to healthcare costs incurred by and individual?
What are the objectives of the first ever Food policy for Canada?
- Income support programs that reduce poverty, that can also reduce food insecurity
- Policies to improve food envirnments and support healthier good choices.
- Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including in the agriculture and good sector
- Investments in innovation to increase the agriculture and good sectors capacity to produce high quality food.
What would be the main priorties of a sucessful food policy?
Increase access to affordabel food
Improve health and good safety
Conserving out soil, water and air
Growin more high quality food
What is a food policy?
Look at slide 13
What effect does the CPP accesable at age 65 have on food security?
Food insecurity drops when one has access to the CPP
What other strategies might be successful?
- Affordable Child care
- Affordable housing
- Financial security
What is the effectiveness of food banks?
Most research shows that food banks arent very sucessful in helping with food insecurity.
What are some impacts of climate change on the good industry?
Agrifood damaged production
- Crops lack nutrience
- Radiation damage to biolife
- Bread and bakery with less nutrition
- (Finish later)
Food Sustainability Cycle.
Components of regenerative agriculture shifts
Compete with nature/Partner with Nature
Disturb soil/Protect siol
What are other issues related to good ethics, sustainability and climate change?
Do self directed learning on slide 19