Exercise Flashcards
What are some effects of one acute bout of excercise?
- SNS stress responce
- inflammatory response
- Hightened free radical production (reactive oxygen species) which cause damage to cells and DNA
- Cells in the body become more sensative to responding to insulin
Effects of excercise training (Picture)
What are benifits of Cardio?
- Burn extra calories
- Endurance
- Improved blood flow
- Endorphins and stress relief
What are benifits of weight training?
- Builds muscle
- Burn calories at rest
- Build strength
- Endorphins and stress relief
What are ways that cardo tebse ti ve superior vs RT?
- Total caloric expenditure for a single workout session
- Short term loss of body fat
- Hightened VO2max and cardiovascular adaptations
What are ways that RT (resistance) training may be better?
- Hightened EPOC (post-excercise oxygen consumption)
- post excercise calorie expenditure
- HIghtened BMR (basal metabolic rate)
- More metabolically active muscle tissue
- Hightened power, function, bone health; may also help with hormone related changes of aging/central adiposity
In conclusion, is CV or RT better?
In terms of long term health, current body of evidence indicates that one is not superior over the other; rather combination is superior to a single method.
What is most imprtant is consistancy!
Chart of healthy body composition
What are measurmenets of body compsition indices of?
They can be indices of health risk.
Body composition is related to metabolic health.
What is metabolic health?
Indices of:
- Blood pressure
- Blood lipid levels (HDL and triglycerides)
- Blood glucose response
- Body fat distribution
You could be diagnoced with Metabolic syndrome if you have three or more of these…
- Low HDL cholesterol
- High triglycerides
- Abdominal obesity
- Elevated fasting glucose
Statatitsics of people with matabolic syndrome
- Hypertension1 in 5 adults in canada have Metabolic syndrome and don’t know it
- 40% of people 60 and over have it.
Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome
What is the scientific term for body fat?
Adipose tissue
Metabolic syndrom can release chemicals called…
What are adipokins related to?
- Sexual hormone imbalance
- Chronic cellular inflammation
- Insulin sensitivity
What does where you store body fat say about you physiologically?
Those with “pear shape” body fat storage have lower risk.
Conversely, “apple shape” fat storage places an individual at higher risk of Metabolic Syndrome.
This is known as central obesity (visceral fat storage around the organs in the torso)
Sexual hormone imbalance and chronic cellular inflammation can lead to…
What are some lifestyle factors that affect our hormones and metabolic health?
Out of the lifestyle habbits, what one can have the greatest impact on health?
What do aerobic, anaerobic and resistance training enhance and preserve?
Aerobic, anaerobic and resistance training enhance and preserve functional body capacity
Positive impacts of movement.
movement protects our body and metabolic processes
Benifits of flexability
- Prevents muscle soreness 1 - 7 days after exercise
- Maintains/enhances day to day mobility
- activates the parasympathetic nervous system, enhancing relaxation response
Global average of hours of movement per week.
6.1 hours
Why do men tend to have more hours of physical activity?
- Gender roles
- Traditional gender roles tend to have females staying at home to look after the house, leaving them less time to deal with their physical fitness.
- Mens sports are often priortized over womens sports.
How does income level tend to affect levels of physical engagement?
People with more money tend to be more physically active.
Reguardless of income, there is still an ethnic disparity reguarding who is more physically active. This has to do with intersectionalty.
What are some common barriers that stop people from practicing sports?
What is the most common barrier to participation in sports?
Lack of time is the mosst common barrier tro participation in sports almost with four in ten across the 29 markets saying this stomes them practicing sport as much as they would like.
How many people report no barriers to their participation in sports
One in five ( 20% ) say there are no barriers to their participation in sports
What are three types of barriers to physical health?
- Psychological
- Physical
- Socio-ecological
Top barriers to physical activity
Lack of access
Fatigue/lack of energy
Lack of social support
Lack of time
Lack of self discipline or motivation
What are the two top choices of physical activity?
Walking and gardening
What are some factors that affect life expentancy?
Physical inactivity
Smoking and physical inactivity are equal in reguard to how they shorten lifespan on average.
During an acute bout of exercise, many physiologic changes occur:
-Blood flow is shunted away from the gut towards the working muscles
- increase in ventilation and cardiovascular output
- enhanced delivery of oxygen (and other substrates) to working muscles
enhanced neural response –> body can process neural input and react/respond more efficiently
What is the main distinction between resistince training and cardio?
The main distinction is that muscular training increases muscle size (hypertrophy) and bone density to a greater extent. In addition, the benefits to cardiorespiratory function are inferior unless the resistance training is offered in the form of HIIT – this form of training has a cardiovascular effect on the body.
What does HIIT stand for? What does this method of training entail?
High-intensity interval training
HIIT requires you to work “all out” for brief periods of 30-45 seconds, interspersed with recovery periods of about five minutes, repeated approximately 2-4 times. Because it’s done at such a high intensity, you can have a successful workout in as little as 15-20 minutes.
What is the relationship of intensity and time between HIIT, LIIT and continuous training?
HIIT is high intensity for short periods with longer breaks
LIIT is Lower intensity with shorter breaks inbetween.
Continuous is one long bout with no breaks at low intensity.
Risks of HIIT:
Though uncommon, in my lab we’ve had people be ill, feel faint, and – very rarely – pass out during a single 30-second “super-maximal” exercise. While the benefits still outweigh the risks for most people, HIIT has also been linked to greater risk of injury.
benefits of HIIT:
Not only does HIIT promise to improve overall health and fitness, it can also be done in a short amount of time.
benefits of LIIT:
you can still achieve similar fitness results to HIIT, but with lower risk of injury.
What is RT and CV?
RT – resistance training
CV – cardiovascular endurance
What is HDL?
HDL: high-density lipoprotein – “good” cholesterol – want this to be higher
What is LDL?
LDL: low-density lipoprotein – “bad” cholesterol – want this to be lower
What are Triglycerides?
triglycerides: type of fat cell in the blood; higher levels are unfavorable
Benifits of flexability
Average number of weekly exercise hours in canada
Canada is just slightly above global average for average number of weekly exercise hours, at 6.6hr/wk
WHO recommendations for how much you should excersize
WHO recommendations of 300min/wk (5hr) or 150min/wk (2.5hr) of vigorous activity
How dose fibre, protein, fat and refined carbohydrate composition affect where a food is on the glycemic index?
BUT need to understand that foods higher in fibre, protein, fat will be lower in glycemic index, and refined carbohydrates will have a higher glycemic index.