Thyroid powerpoint reverse Flashcards
Thyroid gland length
4-6 cm
Thyroid gland AP
2-3 cm
Throid gland width
2 cm
Isthmus diameter
4-6 mm
Thyroid in relations with trachea
Thyroid in relations with esophagus and cervical spine
Thyroid in relations with IJV and carotid artery
Pyramidal Lobe
a normal variant extending superior to the isthmus May be seen in pediatric but usually atrophies in the adult present in 15 to 30% of thyroids
Vascular Supply
right and left superior thyroid arteries and inferior thyroid arteries
First branch off the ECA
right and left superior thyroid arteries
Venous Drainage
superior and middle thyroid veins into the jugular vein and the inferior thyroid veins into the inominate vein
Strap Muscles
thin sonolucent bands along the anterior surface of thyroid Sternohyoid Omohyoid Sternothyroid
Sternocleidomastoid muscle location
anterolaterally to thyroid
Common Carotid artery and internal jugular vein location
lateral to thyroid glands
Longus collie muscle
Posterior to the thyroid wedge-shaped sonolucent structure adjacent to the cervical vertebrae
Esophagus is usually hidden because of what
Minor neurovascular bundle location
posterior to thyroid
Parathyroid location
posterior to thyroid
Thyroid gland function
Endocrine gland T3 T4 CALCITONIN
The production and releae of the thyroid hormones are under the control of
What is TSH produced by
anterior pituitary gland which is located in the brain
Calcitonin is important for
calcium metabolism
state in which the thyroid is producing the right amount of thyroid hormone
When does hyperthroidism occur
increased production of T-3 and T-4
Metabolic rate Body’s growth and development Heart and blood vessel functions Brain function Behavior
Hormones affects
Thyroid enlargement Increased metabolic rate Weight loss Nervousness
Hyperthyroidism results in
acute situation with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism, usually precipitated by infection or surgery
Thyroid Storm
of resulting hyperthermia, tachycardia, heart failure and delirium
Hyperthyroidism may be life threatening because
Hypoechoic with diffuse enlargement without palpable nodules Doppler shows increased vascularity (thyroid inferno)
Sonographic Appearance of hyperthyroidism
inflammation of thyroid causing swelling and tenderness due to infection
Diffuse thyroid disease (Thyroiditis)
caused by infection or autoimmune disorder
Diffuse thyroid disease (Thyroiditis) is caused by
enlarged and hypoechoic
Diffuse thyroid disease (Thyroiditis) sonographic appearance
usually viral diffuse enlargement tenderness/mild to severe transient hyperthyroidism
De Quervain’s (sub acute granulamatous)
goitrous from of autoimmune thyroiditis-(chronic) a. Most common form b. auto-immune- chronic inflammation c. diffuse enlargement possibly asymmetric d. painless/ may develop mild pain over time e. eventual hypothyroidism f. more prevalent in women
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
a. possibly hypoechoic/normal echo texture b. thick fibrous strands c. Color flow variable can be increased or decreased vascularity with color doppler
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Sonopgraphic appearance
decreased production of T-3 and T-4
Hypothroidism occurs when theres a
thyroid failure, or abnormalites of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus
Hypothyroidism may be caused by
thick skin,puffy face,course hair, husky voice
Hypothyroidsm for adults
decreased physical and mental growth
Hypothyroidsm for infants and children
increased TSH decreased T4/T3
Hypothyroidism with a normal functioning pituitary and hypothalmus
decreased TSH increased T4/T3
Hyperthyroidism with a normal functioning pituitary and hypothalmus
Differentiates between hyperfunctioning “hot”nodules and hypofuntioning “cold” nodules. “Cold” nodules have a higher risk of malignancy
Nuclear medicine
Palpable enlargement Abnormal thyroid hormone level (s) Palpable mass in neck/thyroid Swelling of the neck Asymmetry of neck Redness and/or tenderness
Indications for exam
homogenous with fine echogenicity
Normal gland is
most common abnormality, most common in females age 50-70 Appears as an enlarged, heterogenous
Multinodular goiter
benign, usually single tumors Appears as a well defined hypoechoic mass 50% will have a halo or ring surrounding
Follicular adenomas
due to low iodine intake Low T-3 and T-4 levels. More prevelant in females during puberty Uncommon in the US
Endemic goiter
autoimmune disorder which produces hyperthyoidism Protruding eyeballs, thickening of the skin on the feet Appears as a diffusely enlarged thyroid Increased color doppler due to overactivity of the gland
Graves Disease Hyperthyroidism
heterogenous gland, increased color flow “thyroid inferno”
Graves Disease: Sonographic appearance Hyperthyroidism
hypermetabolism, diffuse toxic goiter, exopthalamos
Graves Disease: Clinical Findings Hyperthyroidism
women over 30
Graves Disease: more common in what gender and age Hyperthyroidism
papillary, follicular, medullary
may be isoechoic, hypoechoic, cystic or solid
Tumor characteristics
multiple nodules are present
Risk of malignancy decreases when
definitive diagnosis
FNA is necessary for
4 glands 2 superior 2 inferior
PTH (parathormone) which maintains the proper calcium levels in the blood
Parathyroid secretes
congenital,benign cysts located within the midline of the neck superior to the thyroid gland near the hyoid bone Asymptomatic, although may become painful when inflammed
Thyroglossal duct cyst
benign congenital cysts found most often near the angle of the mandible
Branchial cleft cysts
Enlargement termed lymphadenopathy Greater than 1cm (Beth says 2cm) Can result from infections and malignancies May lose their normal hilar features and contain calcifications
Cervical Lymph nodes
Performed by Radiologist Guided by ultrasound Cells read by Pathologist Results to endocrinologist
Thyroid FNA’s
diffuse toxic hyperplasia (Graves Disease) Toxic Multinodular Goiter Toxic Adenoma makes up 99% of cases
Disorder associated with hyperthyroidism
Thyroid enlargement
Nontoxic Simple Goiter Clinical Findings
sometimes smooth, sometime nodular possible compressoin of surrounding tissue
Nontoxic Simple Goiter Sonographic Appearance
Thyroidism Hypothyroidism Neoplasm
Nontoxic Simple Goiter Differential Considerations
Thyroid Enlargment
Toxic Multinodular Goiter Clinical Findings
enlarged inhomogeneous gland can have focal scarring, focal ischemia, necrosis, and cyst formation
Toxic Multinodular Goiter Sonographic Appearance
Neoplasm Cyst
Toxic Multinodular Goiter Differential Consideration
Diffuse toxic goiter
Graves Disease Clinical Findings
Diffusely homogeneous and enlarge
Graves Disease Sonographic Findings
Neoplasm Ophthalmopathy Cutaneous manifestation Hyperthyroidism
Graves Disease Differential Consideration
swelling and tenderness of thyroid later hypthyroidism
Thyroidism Clinical Findings
homogeneous enlargement with nodularity later inhomogeneous
Thyroidism Sonographic Appearacne
Thyroidism Differential Consideration
solitary nodule or multiple nodule
Cyst Clinical Findings
Anechoic areas, echogenic fluid, or moving fluid levels1
Cyst Sonographic Appearance
Toxic multinodular goiter
Cyst Differential Consideration
Usually euthyroid or hyperthyroid
Adenoma Clinical Findings
Compression of adjacent structure fibrous encapsulation ranges from anechoic to hyperechoic may have a halo
Adenoma Sonographic Appearance
Grave’s Disease
Adenoma Differential Consideration