Study guide for ABD part I Flashcards
<p>1. Landmark structure for locating gallbladder? </p>
(main lobar fissure???? AL quizlet)
<p>2. Most common cause for acute pancreatitis</p>
(I have biliary tract disease p 317- JL)
<p>3. What is gerotas fascia </p>
<p>Surrounds true capsule, perinephric fat.</p>
<p>4. What condition is increase pressure within the portal splenic venous system </p>
<p>Portal hypertension</p>
<p>5. If you have a small hyperechoic pancreas with calcifications what is it? </p>
<p>Chronic pancreatitis </p>
<p>6. What structure divides the left lobe into two segments</p>
<p>Ligamenum teres
Left hepatic vein
left intersegmental fissure</p>
<p>7. cholecytokinin is stimulated when food reaches what structure </p>
<p>duodenum </p>
<p>8. If a PT presents with back pain weight loss and jaundice what structure are we looking for something</p>
<p>Pancreatic adenocarcinoma</p>
<p>9. What structure surrounds the liver? </p>
<p>Diaphragm, Glissons capsule</p>
<p>10. Fluid collection that contains bile </p>
<p>11. A liver pathology may have spenomegaly?</p>
<p>Cirrihosis portal hypertension </p>
<p>12. Enlargement of the gallbladder caused by obstruction is called what</p>
<p>Acute cholecystitis</p>
<p>13. RUQ nausea vomiting predisposed factors of what </p>
<p>14. Structure in the kidney that could be mistaken for an extrarenal pelvis </p>
<p>15. What structure is located anterior lateral portion of the pancreatic head? </p>
<p>16. Normal length of an adult spleen </p>
<p>17. What type of aneurysm is most commonly associated with a bacterial infection? </p>
<p>Mycotic aneurism</p>
<p>18. To aid and demonstrating and acoustic shadowing what can the sonographer do</p>
<p>Raise frequency </p>
<p>19. Extensions of pancreatic inflammation into surrounding tissues what is that called </p>
<p>20. If you and elevation in Aldosterone what organ </p>
<p>Adrenal gland</p>
<p>21. What structure is commonly mistaken for the pancreatic duct </p>
<p>Splenic artery and vein</p>
<p>22. Main renal arteries arise from the later aspect of the aorta inferior to what </p>
| (JL pg 357)</p>
<p>23. Know the locations for the gallbladder? </p>
<p>Neck, Body, fundus</p>
<p>24. What is termed in outer bulge to the renal cortex</p>
<p>Domedary hump </p>
<p>25. What is the congenital anomaly where you have fusion of both kidneys?</p>
<p>Horseshoe kidney </p>
<p>26. What are the functions of the spleen </p>
<p>Production antibodies,storage iron,
| Culling, pitting, disposal abnormal RBC.</p>
<p>27. When you see a comet tail artifact in the gallbladder what are we looking at?</p>
<p>Adenomyomatosis pg 289 (BF)</p>
<p>28. Non shadowing amplitude low level echoes in the gallbladder? </p>
<p>29. What is accessory duct of the spleen called?</p>
<p>Accessory spleen or splenunculus pg 425 (BF)</p>
<p>30. What lab values will you asses in the renal function? </p>
<p>BUN and creatin </p>
<p>31. Pancreas lies in the lap of what structure </p>
<p>C-loop of duodenum</p>
<p>32. What is another name for the portal triad?</p>
<p>Porta Hepatis </p>
<p>33. Congenital anomaly of the pancreatic head circling the duodenum? </p>
<p>Annular pancreas</p>
<p>34. What is the most common type of an abdominal aortic aneurysm?</p>
<p>Fusiform </p>
<p>35. Abd aortic aneurysm is present the diameter exceeds what </p>
<p>Greater than 3cm</p>
<p>36. Know the layers of the vascular system </p>
<p>tunica intima, Tunica media, tunica adventitia</p>
<p>37. Sono findings of acute hepatitis </p>
<p>Prominent portal vein border, slightly more echogenic parenchyma, hepatosplenomegaly,
GB wall thickened. </p>
<p>38. What is the most common benign tumor of the liver?</p>
<p>Cavernous hemangioma </p>
<p>39. PT who has liver cancer are more likely to have had what? </p>
<p>40. The right left hepatic ducts emerge to form what? </p>
<p>Common hepatic duct</p>
<p>41. The normal sizes for CBD age relation</p>
<p>at the age of 6mm and every ten years it goes up. such as 70 is 7 and 80 is 8</p>
<p>42. What is inflammation of the gallbladder?</p>
<p>Choleycystis </p>
<p>43. What hepatic mass is associated with oral contraceptives </p>
<p>Liver cell adenoma pg.258</p>
<p>44. Valves of heister are found where? </p>
<p>Neck of the gallbladder</p>
<p>45. Most common system with acute thrombus of the portal vein</p>
<p>TIPS ?</p>
<p>46. Liver is suspend from the diaphragm and anterior ABD wall by what structure </p>
<p>Coronary ligament</p>
<p>47. Amembic abscess may enter the liver through what structure </p>
<p>Portal vein</p>
<p>48. What is the most malignant adrenal mass in peds? </p>
<p>49. What are the spaces called where fluid accumulates in the flanks of the ABD and pelvis </p>
<p>Sub phrenic, pouch of Dughlas ?</p>
<p>50. Typical symptoms PT with an abscess formation </p>
<p>Fever, tenderness, swelling, increased WBC, weakness</p>
<p>51. A cyst containing urine? </p>
<p>52. Normal length of the adult kidney </p>
<p>9-12cm </p>
<p>53. Know the criteria in order to call a gallstone a gallstone what must be meant </p>
<p>Mobile, strongly echogenic, acoustic shadowing </p>
<p>54. Know about the portal veins do they carry blood to the liver or away what do they divide on the liver deoxygenated or oxygenated</p>
<p>Portal veins carry blood from bowel to liver.
80% blood supply to the liver.
50% oxygenated blood supply to the liver.
<p>55. Ecchonicoal cyst is more prevalent? </p>
<p>SHEEP </p>
<p>56. Fatty infiltration of the liver cause’s elevation of liver enzymes can be it reversed? </p>
<p>57. The most common location of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas? </p>
<p>58. What is the most common tumor of the pancreas </p>
<p>59. Where is the pancreas located? </p>
<p>Retroperitoneal cavity </p>
<p>60. Splenic vein and splenic artery where are they located in reference to the pancreas two questions </p>
<p>Splenic vein- posterior medial border of panc.
| Splenic artery - superior border of panc.</p>
<p>61. Cystic mass between the umbilicus and the apex of the bladder what might it be? </p>
<p>Urachal cyst</p>
<p>62. Complex cyst that results from a parasitic infection what might that be called? </p>
<p>Amebic abscess</p>
<p>63. What is the most common cause for splenomegaly </p>
<p>Portal hypertension, splenic vein thromb</p>
<p>64. Pyonephrosis is what? </p>
<p>Purulent material in the collection system of the kidney association with an infection secondary to renal obstruction.</p>
<p>65. What is the condition where the portal veins are thrombosis</p>
Budd chiari syndrome
<p>66. What is the best description for a uretocele </p>
<p>Cyst- like enlargement of the lower end of the ureter which projects into the bladder lumen at the ureterovesical junction.</p>
<p>67. The splenic artery originates from what? </p>
<p>Celiac trunk</p>
<p>68. An area within an organ that has become necrotic due to the lack of oxygen what is that called</p>
<p>69. What artery do we see posterior to the IVC? </p>
<p>Right renal artery </p>
<p>70. Absence of one or more of the kidneys? </p>
<p>Renal agenesis </p>
<p>71. What are these structures in the portal confluence?</p>
<p>Superior mesenteric vein and splenic vien meet to form the main portal vein. pg. 195 (BF)</p>
<p>72. Know about the celiac trunk </p>
<p>The first branch off of the aorta lies anterior to the SMA </p>
<p>73. What is the space between the kidney and the liver? </p>
<p>Morrison pouch</p>
<p>74. Inflammation of the peritoneum</p>
<p>peritonitis </p>
<p>75. What is the most common cause for renal failure </p>
<p>Chronic renal disease</p>
<p>76. Most common malignant tumor of the kidney in Peds? </p>
<p>Wilm's tumor??</p>
<p>77. Benign fatty tumor of the kidney? </p>
<p>78. Most common location for pancreatic pseudocyst? </p>