THRC.1 Flashcards
List the meninges of the CNS in order of depth (starting with most superficial)
- Dura mater
- Arachnoid membrane
- Pia mater
Arachnoid membrane and pia mater are collectively known as…
They are relatively delicate compared with dura mater
Unlike the neural tissue they surround, the meninges are sensitive to…
The spinal dura mater is separated from the vertebral canal by…
The epidural space
Contents of the epidural space
- Fat
- Venous plexus
Common epidural space injection sites
Spatium lumbosacrale:
- Between:
- Last lumbar vertebra
- First sacral vertebra
- Between:
- Last sacral vertebra
- First caudal vertebra
What is found at the caudal end of the spinal dura mater?
Filum terminal durae matris
- Blind-ending sac
- Unites with other meninges
- Fuses with dorsal surface of caudal vertebrae
Dura mater is vascularised by…
Spinal arteries
Cranial dura mater is fused with…
Inner periosteum of the skull
Falx cerebri
Fold of dura mater extending:
Midline of the longitudinal cerebral fissure → Between the hemispheres
Caudally, falx cerebri meets which structure?
Tentorium cerebelli
Which partition covers the roof of the hypophyseal fossa?
Diaphragma sellae
True or false - Cranial nerves are surrounded by dural sheaths?
Until they leave the dural cavity
Where can infection spread from the lymphatic system to the meninges and neural tissue?
The cuffs, surrounded by CSF where the cranial nerves exit the skull
Cranial dura mater is vascularised by…
Meningeal arteries
Arachnoid membrane
2-part membrane cell layer moulded against:
- Dura mater
- Pia mater
Area found between the two arachnoid membrane cell layers
Subarachnoid space
filled with CSF
Enlargements of the subarachnoid space
Used for:
- Injection
- CSF extranction
Pacchioni granulations
Mushroom-shaped projections extending from the arachnoid membrane into dural venous sinuses
Pia mater is in direct contact with the…
Glial limiting membrane of the neural tissue
Describe the structure of pia mater along the spinal cord
Bilaterally thickened along the lateral surface
Describe the spread of the denticulate ligament
- Traverse the subarachnoid space
- Attach to dura mater
- Suspending the spinal cord
After entering the brain,… is surrounded by the pia mater for a short distance
Cranial vessels
Its thought that CSF can enter these vessels
Where does the main blood supply for the brain originate from outside the skull?
Eq/Ca/Su: Internal carotid arteries
- From a. maxillaris et vertebralis:
- Ru: Rete mirabile epidurale rostrale
- Fe: Rami retes
Which receives more blood?
- White matter
- Grey matter
Grey matter
Blood-brain barrier
Reduced permeability between:
- Capillary endothelium
- Surrounding glial cells
Give the groups of veins of the brain
- Dorsal
- Basal/ventral
- Inner
Dorsal vein system collects blood from…
- Dorsal parts of the brain
- Bones of the cranial vault
The connection between the ventral and dorsal venous systems
- Transverse sinuses (Dorsal group)
- Temporal sinus (Ventral group)
Not in Eq
The ventral/basilar venous group drains blood from…
- Ventral brain
- Parts of the face

Artery of callous body

Middle cerebral artery

Internal carotid artery

Arterial circle

Caudal cerebral artery

Basilar artery

Rostral cerebellar artery

Caudal cerebellar artery

Branch of the vertebral artery

Ventral spinal artery

Rostral dorsal cerebral vein

Middle dorsal cerebral vein

Caudal dorsal cerebral vein

Temporal sinus

Dorsal sagittal sinus

Transverse sinus

Ophthalmic plexus

Rostral intercavernous sinus

Caudal intercavernous sinus

Basilar sinus

Temporal sinus

Ventral petrosal sinus

Dorsal petrosal sinus

Chiasmatic groove

Middle cerebral artery

Cerebral carotid artery

Rostral epidural rete mirabile

Basilar artery

Caudal cerebellar artery

Internal carotid artery

Dura mater

Subarachnoid cavity

Diaphragma sellae

Cerebral falx

Subarachnoidal cavity

Epidural cavity

Encephalic arachnoid

Denticulate ligament