PRAC.25 Flashcards
Give the layers of pericardium + heart
- Fascia
- Pleura
- Pericardium fibrosum
- Pericardium serosus
- Epicardium
- Myocardium
- Endocardium
Continuation of the pericardium to the diaphragm
Lig. phrenicopericardiacum (Ca,Su)
Continuation of the pericardium to the sternum
Lig. sternopericardiacum (Ru/Eq x 2)
Name the Surface.

Auricular Surface


Paraconal Interventricular Groove
Name the surface

Atrial Surface

Subsinous interventricular groove

Paraconal Interventricular Groove

Notch of the Cardiac Apex

Subsinous interventricular groove

Chordae Tendinae

Left Muscular Band
Trabeculae septomarginalis sinistra

Right Muscular Band
Trabeculae septomarginalis dextra

Muscular Ridges
Trabeculae carneae

Left Semilunar Valvula

Parietal Cusp

Parietal Cup

Right Semilunar Valvula

Left Semilunar Valvula

Intermediate Semilunar Valvula

Septal Cusp

Septal Semilunar Valvula

Right Ventricular Margin

Left Ventricular Margin

Base of the Heart

Coronary Sinus

Oval Fossa

Intervenous Tubercle

Great Papillary Muscle

Small Papillary Muscle

Subarterial Papillary Muscle

Phrenicopericardiac Ligament (Ca)

Sternopericardiac Ligaments (Eq/Ru)

Sinus Venarum Cavarum
Tendons from the Small Papillary Muscle attach to the…
Septal Cusp and Parietal Cusp
Tendons from the Great Papillary Muscle attach to the…
Parietal Cusp and Angular Cusp
Tendons from the Subarterious Papillary Muscle attach to the…
Angular Cusp
Septal Cusp
The Subauricular and Subatrial Papillary Muscles attach to…
Both Bicuspid Valves
M. papillaris subauricularis
- Located under the auricle
M. papillaris subatrialis

Pectinate Muscles

Pulmonary Vein

Coronary Groove
Vessels contained in the subsinous interventricular groove
- Terminal branch of left coronary artery
- Middle coronary vein
Vessels contained in the paraconal interventricular groove
- Paraconal interventricular branch of the left coronary artery
- Great coronary vein
Opening between the right atrium and ventricle
Right atrioventricular ostium