THRA.1 Flashcards
Give the Main Constituents of the Topic: “Bones of the Base of the Neurocranium”
- Presphenoid Bone
- Basisphenoid Bone
- Ethmoid Bone
- Squamous Part of the Temporal Bone
- Basal Part of the Occipital Bone
Give the key small components of the Topic: “Bones of the Base of the Neurocranium”
- Fossa cranii rostralis
- Fossa cranii media
- Fossa cranii caudalis
- Foramen Lacerum
- Foramen ovale
- Foramen Caroticum
- Fissura petrooccipitalis
- Foramen Jugulare
- Tuberculum musculare
Give the structures of the corpus ossis praesphenoidalis
- Jugum Sphenoidale
- Sulcus Chiasmatis
- Sulcus nervi optici
- Rostrum ossis sphenoidalis
Jugum sphenoidale
The flat bony plate covering the chiasma opticum
Sulcus chiasmatis
One of two sites where the optic nerves (fasciculi optici) (CN-II) leave the neurocranium (as well as the sulcus nervi optici).
Sulcus nervi optici
One of two sites where the optic nerves (fasciculi optici) (CN-II) leave the neurocranium (as well as the sulcus chiasmatis).
Rostrum ossis sphenoidalis
At the base of the seperation of the two ethmoidal fossae
Contains: crista sphenoidalis
What is the attachment site of lamina perpendicularis
Crista sphenoidalis
Give the structures of the alae ossis praesphenoidalis
- Processus clinoideus rostralis
- Foramen opticum
- Fissura orbitalis
- Foramen rotundum
- Foramen trochleare (Eq. Only)
Where is processus clinoideus rostralis located?
On the caudal border of the alae ossis praesphenoidalis
Which structure(s) pass through foramen opticum?
Fasciculus opticus (CN-II)
Which structure(s) pass through fissura orbitalis?
- n. ophthalmicus (CN-V1)
- n. oculomotorius (CN-III)
- n. abducens (CN-VI)
Which structure(s) pass through foramen rotundum?
- n. maxillaris (CN-V2)
- n. throchlearis (CN-IV) ØEq
Which structure(s) pass through foramen throchleare?
n. trochlearis (CN-IV) (Eq Only)
Fissura orbitalis & foramen rotundum combine to form which structure, in which species?
Give the constituents of os basisphenoidale
- Corpus ossis basisphenoidalis
- Alae ossis basisphenoidalis
- Processi pterygoidei
Give the structures of the corpus ossis basisphenoidalis
- Fossa hypophysialis
- Dorsum sellae turcicae (ØEq)
Fossa hypophysialis
Located at the centre of sella turcica
Dorsum sellae turcicae
Marks the ventral division between the cerebrum and the cerebellum
Has processi clinoidei caudalis
Give the constituents of alae ossis basisphenoidalis
- Sulcus nervi maxillaris
- Sulcus nervi ophthalmici
- Spina ossis sphenoidalis
- Fossae piriformis
Sulcus nervi maxillaris
Contains CN-V2
Sulcus nervi ophthalmici
Contains (CN-V1)
Spina ossis sphenoidalis
Lateral to:
- Suclus nervi maxillaris
- Sulcus nervi ophthalmici
Fossae piriformis
Most lateral structures of the alae ossis basisphenoidalis
Support the cerebral piriform lobes
Processi pterygoidei
Caudoventrally pointed processes
Continue rostrally to form the cristae pterygoideae (ØCa)
Give the constituents of processi pterygoidei
- Foramen alare rostrale
- Foramen alare caudale
- Canalis alaris (ØRu)
- Foramen alare parvum (Eq Only)
- Canalis pterygoideus
- Sulcus n. canalis pterygoidei
Foramen alare rostrale et caudale forms…
Canalis alaris (ØRu)
Which structure(s) pass through canalis alaris?
Maxillary artery
Which structure(s) pass through Foramen alare parvum
Rostral deep temporal artery
Canalis pterygoideus
Located on the ventral aspect of processi pterygoidei
Sulcus n. canalis pterygoidei
Located on the ventral aspect of processi pterygoidei
Give the constituents of os ethmoidale
- Lamina cribrosa
- Fossae ethmoidales
- Crista galli
Give the constituents of os temporale pars squamosa
- Foramen retroarticulare
- Processus retroarticularis
- Canalis musculotabarius
Foramen retroarticulare
Located caudal to the processus retroarticularis
Contains emissary veins for the temporal sinus
Canalis musculotubarius
In Ca: Lateral to the foramen caroticum
In Ru: Caudal to the foramen ovale
- Double canal
- Contains the Auditory tube and m. tensor veli palatini
Give the constituents of os occipitale pars basilaris
- Impressio pontina
- Impressio medullaris
- Foramen magnum
- Condyles with processi paracondylares
- Foramen n. hypoglossi
Impressio pontina
Location of the pons
Impressio medullaris
Location of the medulla oblongata
Foramen magnum
Passage of the medulla spinalis into the vertebral column
Processi paracondylares
Cervical vertebral ligamen attachment
Contains foramen/canalis condylaris in Ca
Foramen n. hypoglossi
The following leave the foramen and cranial cavity:
- n. hypoglossis (CN-XII)
- Condylar vein
- Condylar artery
Fossa cranii rostralis
Mostly os praesphenoidale
Between laminae cribrosae and alae ossis praesphenoidalis
Caudally bordered by crista orbitosphenoidalis
Fossa cranii media
Mostly os basisphenoidale
Between crista orbitosphenoidalis and sutra/crista sphenooccipitalis in Eq
Between crista orbitosphenoidalis and dorsum sellae turcicae in other species
Fossa cranii caudalis
Mostly os occipitale pars basilaris and os temporale pars petrosa
Found between:
- sutra/crista sphenooccipitalis
- dorsum sellae turcicae
- foramen magnum
Foramen lacerum
Eq/Su Only
Located accross os basisphenoidalis, os temporalis and os occipitalis
Internally conducts:
- Internal carotid artery and nerve (via incisura carotica)
- Mandibular nerve (CN-V3) (via incisura ovalis)
- Middle meningeal artery (via incisura spinosa)
Foramen ovale
Contains Mandibular nerve (CN-V3)
Contains Internal Carotid nerve (In Ru)
Foramen caroticum
Ca Only
Contains internal carotid nerve
Fissura petrooccipitalis
Continuation of foramen lacerum in Eq/Su
Caudal to the foramen ovale in Ru
Foramen Jugulare
Between os occipitale and os temporale pars petrosa
Caudal to fissura petrooccipitalis (continuation in Eq/Su)
Internal carotid artery enters the cavum cranii here (in Ca)
- n. paraglossopharyngeus (CN-IX)
- n. vagus (CN-X)
- n. accessorius (CN-XI)
Tuberculum musculare
Between os basisphenoidale and os occipitale
Attachment of the muscles of the neck
Tuberculum pharyngeum present ventrally (in Ca)
Lamina perpendicularis
Located caudally of septum nasi
Sulcus nervi maxillaris and sulcus nervi ophthalmici form a single groove in which species?
Give the constituents of os ethmoidale
- Lamina cribrosa
- Fossae ethmoidales
- Crista galli
Crista galli
Seperates the two ethmoidal fossae
Leads to crista sagittalis interna

Os praesphenoidale

- Lamina cribrosa*
- Crista galli*

- Sulcus chiasmatis*
- (To canalis opticus)*

Fissura orbitalis

Fossa hypophysialis

Dorsum sellae turcicae

Foramen jugulare

Processus paracondylaris

Foramen ovale