THRA.30 Flashcards

Caudal Mesenteric Artery

Caudal Renal Vein

Caudal Renal Portal Vein

External Iliac Vein

Common Iliac Vein

Caudal Renal Vein

Cranial Renal Vein

Cranial Renal Portal Vein

Ischiadic Vein

Afferent Veins

Caudal Mesenteric Vein

Interiliac Anastomosis

Internal Iliac Vein

Median Sacral Artery

Descending Aorta

Internal Iliac Artery

Caudal Renal Artery

Ischiadic Foramen

Ischiadic Artery

Middle Renal Artery

External Iliac Artery

Efferent Veins

Coeliac Artery

Cranial Mesenteric Artery

Cranial Renal Artery

Caudal Vena Cava

Renal Portal Valve

Gelatinous Body
Describe the blood flow furing rest
Blood passes caudally through afferent veins to the kidney
Where most animals have intercostal arteries, birds have…
Intersegmental Arteries
Which nerve is found between the middle and caudal liver sector?
Isciadic Nerve
Can renal portal circulation be found in non-flying birds?
The bird cerebrum lacks…
Which part of the brain is well developed in birds?
in order to control flight
Unlike in mammals, bird cranial nerves have…
Complete decussation
Mammals have semi-decussation
Describe the avian medulla spinalis
- Similar to mammals until S1
- At S2 , canalis centralis travels dorsally
- to the substantia grisea
- It is encapsulated by corpus gelatinosa
Avian brachial plexus is divided into…
- Fasciculus dorsalis → Extensor muscles
- Fasciculus ventralis → Flexor muscles
Why can kidney stones cause limping in birds?
- The kidney is adjacent to the ischiadic nerve
- Stones cause pressure on the nerve and therefore pain
Marek’s disease
- α-herpes virus
- Causes enlargement of the ischiadic nerve