THRA.6 Flashcards
The caput of vertebrae are…
The fossa of the vertebrae are…
How many cervical vertebrae are there in domestic animals?
Extremitas cranialis
Foramen vertebrale
Arcus vertebrae
Pediculus arcus vertebrae
Lamina arcus vertebrae
Incisura vertebralis cranialis
- Sulcus nervi spinalis*
- (Ø Eq/Ca)*
Processus transversus
Processus articularis cranialis
Processus articularis caudalis
Processus transversus
Tuberculum ventrale
(C3 - C5)
Foramen transversarium
Tuberculum dorsale
(C3 - C6)
Foramen intervertebrale
What does foramen vertebrale host?
Medulla spinalis
At what point is medulla spinalis at it’s widest point?
C1 - C2 Region
The enlargement of medulla spinalis between C6 and T2 is called…
Intumescentia cervicalis
The ventral branches from intumescentia cervicalis go to form the…
Brachial plexus
Which vessel(s) are found in foramen vertebrae
- Aa. spinales dorsales x 2
- A. spinalis ventralis
Crista ventralis
Incisura vertebralis caudalis
In some cases, bone can grow over incisura vertebralis cranialis/caudalis to form…
Foramina vertebrales laterales
In the C-spine, the spinous process is essentially absent in…
Which direction do the dorsal and ventral tubercles of the C-spine orient?
Dorsal: Caudally
Ventral: Cranially
The foramina transversaria of several cervical vertebrae form the…
Canalis transversarius
Which structure(s) pass through the canalis transversarius
A./v./n. vertebralis
Ruminants use the … to transport blood to the brain, rather than the … which other species use.
- A. vertebralis
- A. carotis interna
As you move caudally, the cervical vertabrae body size becomes…
Spatium interarcuale
Which seperation is between the occipital bone and the atlas?
Spatium atlantooccipitale
Which seperation is between the atlas and the axis?
Spatium atlantoaxiale
The first spinal nerve leaves the medulla spinalis via the…
Foramen vertebrale laterale
All cervical spinal nerves, with exception to C1, leave the medulla spinalis via the…
Foramen intervertebrale
How many spinal nerves exist in the C-spine?
(The 8th between C7 and T1)
The dorsal and ventral cervical plexi are formed by…
The dorsal and ventral branches of the cervical nerves, respectively
Where does the ventral branch of C1 join onto?
CN-VII in the ansa cervicalis
Ansa cervicalis innervates which muscles?
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
- Omohyoid (Ø Ca)
The ventral branch of C2 detaches…
N. auricularis magnus
N. auricularis magnus joins…
Caudal auricular branch of CN-VII
Innervating the caudal part of the external ear
Ventral roots of C5 to C7 form the…
N. Phrenicus to the diaphragm
Supraclavicular branches arise from the…
Ventral cervical plexus
Supraclavicular branches innervate…
The skin over the shoudler joint
Massa lateralis
Arcus dorsalis
- Ala atlantis*
- Processus transversus*
Which processes are absent from the atlas?
- Processus spinosus*
- Processi articulares*
Tuberculum dorsale
(Large in Ru)
Tuberculum ventrale
Which foramina perforate the Eq ala atlantis?
- Foramen alare*
- Foramen vertebrale laterale*
- Foramen transversarium*
Which foramina perforate the Ruminant ala atlantis?
- Foramen alare*
- Foramen vertebrale laterale*
Which foramina perforate the Canine ala atlantis?
- Foramen vertebrale laterale*
- Foramen transversarium*
Which structure replaces the foramen alare in canine?
Incisura alaris
Incisura alaris (Car only)
Describe the shape of the equine atlas (cranially)
Upside down V-shape
Arcus ventralis
Fossa atlantis
Fovea articularis cranialis
Fovea articularis caudalis
Fovea dentis
Facies articularis dorsalis
Facies articularis ventralis
- Bifurcated in Eq/Ca/Su
- Continuous curve in Ru
Give the species

Give the species

Give the species

Give the species

Give the species

Give the species

Give the species

Give the species


Processus articularis cranialis

Foramen vertebrale laterale

Foramen vertebrale laterale
The foramen vertebrale latetale is lacking in the axis of which species?
Crista ventralis is lacking in which vertebrae?
C6 and C<span>7</span>
(Except Ca)
On C6 the cranioventral tubercle is called the…
Lamina ventralis
What is unique about C7?
- 6 articular surfaces (rather than 4)
- Paired foveae costales caudales
- Lacking foramen transversarium
- Processus spinosus is visible
What kind of joint is art. atlandooccipitalis?
Two ellipsoidal joints
Which joint feature encapsulates each occipital condyle?
- Membrana atlantooccipitalis dorsalis* x 2
- Membrana atlantooccipitalis ventralis:*
- Single in Ca/Ru/Old Eq/Old Su
- Double in young Eq/Su

Lig. longitudinale

Membrana antlantooccipitalis ventralis

Lateral ligament of the atlas

Membrana atlantooccipitalis dorsalis
(with articular capsule)

Right alar ligament

Articular capsule of art. atlantoaxialis

Lamellar part of the nuchal ligament
Lig. atlantoaxiale dorsale
Lig. atlantoaxiale ventrale
Lig. apicis dentis
Which structures hold the art. atlantoaxialis in place?
- Membrana tectoria/atlantoaxialis dorsalis
- Lig. atlantoaxiale dorsale
- Lig. atlantoaxiale ventrale
- Lig. apicis dentis
- Lig. alaris dentis
- Lig. transversum atlantis (Ca/Su)
Name the long ligaments of the vertebral column
- Lig. longitudinale dorsale
- Lig. longitudinale ventrale
- Lig. nuchae (becomes lig. supraspinale) (Ø Su)
Name the short ligaments of the vertebral column
- Ligg. interspinales
- Ligg. intertransversaria
- Ligg. interarcuales/flava

Lamina nuchae (of lig. nuchae)

Funiculus nuchae (of lig. nuchae)
(Ø Su)

Lig. supraspinale

Bursa subligamentosa nuchalis cranialis et caudalis
(Eq Only)

Lig. supraspinale
(with supraspinal subligamentous bursa)

Lig. supraspinale

Funiculus nuchae (of lig. nuchae)

Funiculus nuchae (of lig. nuchae)
(Ø Su)

Lamina nuchae (of lig. nuchae)

Lig. longitudinale ventrale

Lig. longitudinale dorsale
(C2 - S1)

Lig. interarcuales/flavum
Yellow ligament (Ru/Eq)

Lig. interspinales

Lig. supraspinale
Give the groups of the muscles of the head and neck
- Longus Group
- Obliquus Group
- Rectus Group
- Sternocleidomastoideus Group
- Scalenus Group
- Semispinalis Group
Which muscles do not belong to a specific group withing the muscles of the head and neck?
- M. omotransversarius
- M. splenius
Give the muscles belonging to the Longus group
- M. longus capitis
- M. longus colli
Give the muscles belonging to the Obliquus group
- M. obliquus capitis cranialis
- M. obliquus capitis caudalis
Give the muscles belonging to the Rectus group
- M. rectus capitis dorsalis major
- M. rectus capitis dorsalis minor
- M. rectus capitis lateralis
- M. rectus capitis ventralis
Give the muscles belonging to the Sternocleidomastoideus group
- M. brachiocephalicus
- M. cleidobrachialis
- M. cleidocephalicus
- M. cleidocervicalis (Ca)
- M. cleidomastoideus
- M. cleidooccipitalis (Ru/Su)
- M. sternocephalicus
- M. sternomandibularis (Eq/Ru)
- M. sternomastoideus (Ø Su)
- M. sternooccipitalis (Ca)
Give the muscles belonging to the Scalenus group
- M. scalenus dorsalis (Ø Eq)
- M. scalenus medius
- M. scalenus ventralis (Ø Ca)
Give the muscles belonging to the Semispinalis group
- M. biventer cervicis
- M. complexus
- M. semispinalis cervicis (Ca/Ru)

M. Cleidobrachialis
O: Distal Humerus, Crista Humerii
I: Clavicular Intersection
A: Extend shoulder, move limb cranially, lat + downward head movement

M. Cleidocephalicus
O: Clavicular Intersection
I: See M. Cleidomastoideus and M. Cleidocervicalis
A: Extend shoudler, move limb cranially, Lat + downward head movement

M. Omotransversarius
O: Distal Spina Scapulae
I: Ala Atlantis
A: Draws Shoulder Cranially, Flex neck laterally

M. Cleidocervicalis (Ca only)
O: Clavicular Intersection
I: Dorsal Midline of the cranial raphe cervicis
A: Extend shoulder, move forelimb cranially, Lat. + downward head movement

M. Sternooccipitalis
O: Manubrium Sterni
I: Nuchal crest
A: Move neck laterally or ventrally

M. Cleidomastoideus
O: Clavicular Intersection
I: Mastoid process of temporal bone
A: Extend shoulder, move forelimb cranially, Lat. + downward head movement

M. Sternomastoideus
O: Manubrium Sterni
I: Mastoid process of temporal bone
A: Lat. + Vent. head movement

M. Sternocephalicus
O: Manubrium Sterni
I: Head
A: Lat. + Vent. head movement

M. Scalenus Dorsalis (Ø Eq)
O: C4-C6 Transverse Process
I: Dorsally Situated: Ribs 1-4
Ventrally Situated: Ribs 1-8/9
A: Inspiration, vent. + lat. head movement

M. Scalenus Medius
O: C6 - C7 Transverse Process
I: Cranial Border of R1 (+R2 in Ca)
A: Inspiration, flex nex ventrolaterally

M. Scalenus Dorsalis (Ø Eq)
O: C4-C6 Transverse Process
I: Dorsally Situated: Ribs 1-4
Ventrally Situated: Ribs 1-8/9
A: Inspiration, vent. + lat. head movement

M. Splenius
O: T1-T3 Spinous Process, Caudal Lig. Nuchae, Cranial Thoracolumbar Fascia
I: Crista Nuchae, Mastoid process on temporal bone
A: Extend Neck, Raise Head, Lat. Head Movement

M. Complexus (Pars ventralis of m. Semispinalis Capitis)
O: Caudal Articular Process of C3-T1
I: Crista Nuchae, external occipital protuberance
A: Extend Neck, Lat. flex neck

M. obliquus capitis cranialis
O: Ala atlantis
I: Squama occipitalis
A: Extends/laterally flexes the art. atlantooccipitalis

M. rectus capitis lateralis
O: Arcus ventralis (of atlas)
I: Processus paracondylaris
A: Flex art. atlantooccipitalis lat. + vent.

M. rectus capitis ventralis
O: Arcus ventralis (of atlas)
I: Pars basilaris of os occipitale
A: Flex art. atlantooccipitalis ventrally

M. longus capitis
O: C3 - C6 transverse processes
I: Pars basilaris of os occipitale
A: Flex neck

M. biventer cervicis (dorsal part of m. semispinalis capitis)
O: T2-T4 transverse processes
I: Crista nuchae, external occipital protuberance
A: Extend neck, flex head and neck laterally

M. Brachiocephalicus
O: Humerus
I: Head and neck
A: Extend shoulder, lat. + downwards head and neck movement, draws limb cranially

M. sternomandibularis (Eq/Ru)
O: Manubrium sterni
I: Fascia masseterica, tuberositas m. sternomandibularis
A: Lat. + Vent. head movement

M. cleidooccipitalis (Ru/Su)
O: Clavicular intersection
I: Crista nuchae
A: Extend shoulder, lat. + downward movement of head, cranial limb movement

M. obliquus capitis caudalis
O: C2 spinous process and caudal articular process
I: Ala atlantis
A: Rotates atlantoaxial joint

M. rectus capitis dorsalis major
O: C2 spinous process
I: Squama occipitalis
A: Extends atlantooccipital joint, raises head

M. longus colli
O: Cristae ventrales of the cervical vertebrae from C2
I: Cristae ventrales of T5
A: Flex the neck

M. scalenus ventralis (Ø Ca)
O: C3-C6 transverse process
I: Middle portion of R1
A: Flex neck ventrolaterally, inspiration