PRAC.34 Flashcards
Body and Suspension of - - liver - spleen - stomach

Porta hepatis
- With v. portae et a. hepatica

Lobus caudatus

Lobus quadratus

Lobus hepatis sinister medialis

Lobus hepatis dexter medialis

Lobus hepatis dexter lateralis

Proc. caudatus

V. portae

Proc. papillaris

Lobus hepatis sinister lateralis

Impressio renalis
What is shown? Give the Aspect.

Liver of a Cat
Facies diaphragmatica
What is shown? Give the Aspect

Liver of a Cat
Fascies visceralis
Dorsal Aspect
Area nuda
- Not covered by serous membrane
The Caudate Process extends from the…
Lobus caudatus
The sharp-edged border of the liver is called…
Margo acutus
The blunt-edged border of the liver is called…
Margo obtusus

Ligg.falciformehepatiset tereshepatis
Lig. coronale hepatis
Lig. hepatogastrica
Lig. hepatoduodenalis
- Adjacent to ostium pyloricum

Lig. triangulare sinistrum

Lig. triangulare dextrum

Lig. hepatorenale

Impressio gastrica

Impressio duodenalis

Proc. caudatus
of caudate lobe

Vesica fellae
Bile enters and leaves vesica fellae via…
Ductus cysticus

Ductus choledochus
- Common bile duct
- Union of:
- Ductus cysticus
- Ductus hepaticus communis
Lig. gastrolienalis

Velum Omentale (Ca.)
- Attachment between mesocolon and spleen
List the ligaments of the spleen
- Lig. gastrolienalis
- Lig. renolienale
Lig. gastrolienalis
- Part of the greater omentum
- Stretches between:
- Spleen
- Stomach
Lig. renolienale
- Between left kidney and spleen
Site of vessel attachment at the spleen
Hilus lienalis

→ pancreas

→ omentum majus

Aa./vv. gastricae breves

A./v. lienalis

A./v. gastroepiploica sinistra

Incisura cardiaca

- Ostium cardiacum
- M. sphincter cardiae

Fundus ventriculi

Curvatura ventriculi major

Curvatura ventriculi minor

Canalis pyloricus

Ostium pyloricum

M. sphincter pyloris

Antrum pyloricum

Margo plicatus (Eq/Su)
What kind of stomach do canines possess?
Fully glandular stomach
- Name
- Which organs it supplies

A. coeliaca
- Supplies:
- Liver
- Spleen
- Pancreas
- Stomach
- Cranial duodenum
- Name
- Branches of vessel

A. lienalis
- Aa. lienalis
- Aa. gastricase breves

A. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis

A. gastrica dexter
- Anastomises with a. gastrica sinistra
- Name
- Branches of vessel

A. hepatica
- A. gastrica dexter
- A. gastroduodenalis

A. gastrica sinistra
- Anastomises with a. gastrica dexter

A. gastroepiploica sinistra
How can a. coeliaca be located?
Pulling the spleen

Epiploic foramen
- Between portal vein and caudal vena cava