thorax 2 Flashcards
cardiac plexus
- fibers from sympathetic trunk and vagus nerves
- right sympathetic SA node
- left sympathetic AV node
aortic arches
- 2 common carotid
- esophageal
- 2 bronchial (arterial supply to lung)
Which side has the longer intercostal artery?
- Right intercostal artery
what happens to the intercostal nerves?
- enter white and gray rami communicates –> synpased in sympathetic chain –> gray rami (post ganglionic) go to skin and supply deep structures, but some form cardiac, esophageal plexus
right thoracic duct
- drains 1/4 of upper quadrant of body (thorax, upper limb, head and neck of right side)
- empties into junction of right internal jugular and subclavian veins
left thoracic duct
- drains 3/4 of the lower body (lower limbs, pelvis, abdomen, left thorax, lefter upper limb, left side of head and neck)
- passes through aortic opening of diaphragm and ascends through posterior mediastinum between aorta and azygous vein
stellate ganglion (cervicothoracic)
- formed by fusion of inferior cervical ganglion with first thoracic ganglion
lesser splanchnic nerve
- arises from T10-11 thoracic sympathetic ganglia and ends aorticorenal ganglion
- contain preganglionic GVE with cell bodies in intermediolateral cell column) of spinal cords and GVA fibers with cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia
myelinated preganglionic fibers
-synpase pre-aortic ganglion
where is the thoracic duct located?
- between azygous vein and aorta
least splanchnic nerve
- arises from T12 sympathetic ganglia and ends in renal plexus
- contain preganglionic GVE with cell bodies in intermediolateral cell column) of spinal cords and GVA fibers with cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia
greater splanchnic nerve
- T5-9
- contain preganglionic GVE with cell bodies in intermediolateral cell column) of spinal cords and GVA fibers with cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia
what type of cell bodies are found in the CN 9 or 10 ganglion?
where do the afferent fibers enter?
- pseudounipolar vagal ganglion
T1-4 sympathetic fibers
- some ascend and synapse in superior, middle, inferior cervical ganglia and return
- come back as postganglion SNS fibers will join plexuses
Where do afferent fibers of PNS go?
- go back through dorsal root ganglia to the medulla oblongata
where do the afferent fibers of the SNS go?
- go back through dorsal root ganglia of the sympathetic chain
where does the superior epigastric artery enter the abdomen?
- behind the rectus abdominus muscles
What are the three muscles of the abdomen?
- internal oblique
- external oblique
- transversus abdominus
where do the nerve fibers and the artery run?
- between the transversus abdominus and the internal oblique muscles
what is special about the linea alba?
- not very vascularized
- will not heal well
what are the first pair of arteries from the abdominal aorta?
- inferior phrenic artery (supply interior surface of diaphragm)
what lies in between the right and left crus of the diaphragm?
- esophageal hiatus
what is the significance of the median arcuate ligament?
- it is connective tissue that holds the diaphragm to the vertebrae
- continuation of the insertion of the diaphragm