abdomen chung Flashcards
What passes through the esophageal hiatus?
Vagus nerve
A 63 year old man has back pain, weakness, and SOB. He has aneurysm of abdominal aorta at aortic hiatus of diaphragm. What pairs of structures would most likely be compressed?
Azygous vein and thoracic duct
A 36 year old woman with yellow pigmentation of the skin and sclerae presents. Which condition most likely is the cause of her obstructive jaundice?
Cancer in the head of the pancreas (obstructs bile duct)
A 2 year old boy presents with pain in his groin that has been increasing in nature over the past few weeks. He has degenerative malformation of transversalis fascia during development. Which structure on anterior abdominal wall is likely defective?
Deep inguinal ring (lies in transversalis fascia just lateral to epigastric vessels)
A 29 year old man has duodenal peptic ulcer and complains of cramping epigastric pain. Which structures harbor the cell bodies of abdominal pain fibers?
Dorsal root ganglion
A 42 year old obese woman with 7 children has large gallstones that have ulcerated through posterior wall of fundus of gallbladder into intestine. Which of the parts of the intestine is more likely to initially contain gallstones?
Transverse colon (fundus of gallbladder is in contact with this)
A 35 year old woman complains of abdominal tenderness and acute pain. Her physician observes that an abdominal infection has spread retroperitoneally. Which structure is most likely affected?
Descending colon
A 46 year old woman has hypersecretion of NE from suprarenal medulla. Which types of nerve fibers are most likely overstimulated?
Preganglionic Sympathetic Fibers
A 6 year old girl has constipation, abdominal distention, and vomiting and diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease (aganglionic megacolon). This condition is caused by absence of which kind of neural cell bodies?
Enteric ganglia (Parasympathetic postganglionic neuron cell bodies) in the lower part of colon
A pediatric surgeon is resecting a malignant mass from liver of neonate with cerebral palsy. The surgeon divides the round ligament of the liver during surgery. A fibrous remnant of which fetal vessel is severed?
Left umbilical vein –> Ligamentum Teres (round ligament of liver after birth)
A 27 year old woman suffers a gunshot wound to midabdomen. A trauma surgeon locates bleeding from pairs of veins that typically terminate in same vein. Which veins are damaged?
Right and Left Hepatic Veins (drain IVC)
A 43 year old man complains of abdominal pain just above umbilicus. A tumor is found anterior to inferior vena cava. Which structure would most likely be compressed by this tumor?
Third part of duodenum
A 33 year old man with a perforated gastric ulcer complains of excruciating pain in his stomach. The pain comes from peritoneal irritation by gastric contents in lesser sac. Which nerves contain sensory fibers that convey this sharp pain?
Lower intercostal nerves
A boy has pelvic fracture and the doctor tests his reflexes. Which nerves would carry afferent impulses of the cremasteric reflex?
Genitofemoral Nerve
A man receives a penetrating knife wound in abdomen and injures both the superior mesenteric artery and vagus nerve. Which portion of the colon would most likely be impaired?
Ascending and transverse colon
A man with portal hypertension secondary to cirrhosis of the liver and subsequent massive ascites refuses to have a TIPS procedure. Which of the following surgical connections are involved in the most practical method of shunting portal blood around the liver?
Splenic vein to the left renal vein (divert blood from portal to caval system)
A man suffers from ischemia to suprarenal glands. Rapid occlusion of direct branches of which arteries results in this condition?
Aorta, inferior phrenic, and renal arteries
A woman has a perforation in posterior wall of the stomach in which the gastric contents have spilled into the lesser sac. The surgeon has opened the gastrosplenic ligament to reach the lesser sac and notes erosion of the ulcer into the artery. Which vessel is involved?
Left gastroepiploic artery
A woman with a history of cholecystectomy arrives with intractable hiccups most likely caused by an abdominal abscess secondary to surgical infection. Which nerves carries pain sensation caused by irritation of the peritoneum on the central portion of the inferior surface of the diaphragm?
Phrenic Nerve
A boy with a ruptured spleen has a splenectomy. After ligation of the splenic artery the patient heals normally. Normal blood flow would occur in which artery?
Inferior pancreatioduodenal artery
A boy complains of nausea, vomiting, fever, and loss of appetite. He has tenderness and pain on the right lower quadrant because he has acute appendicitis. Which structure would be injured at McBurney’s point?
Iliohypogastric nerve
A man with ETOH abuse presents with abdominal distention most likely resulting from an alteration in portal systemic blood flow. Which characteristics are associated with portal vein/portal venous system?
Caput medusae and hemorrhoids caused by portal hypertension
A physician is trying to distinguish the jejunum from the ileum. He has observed that the jejunum has:
Fewer mesenteric arterial arcades
A patient with liver cirrhosis has portal hypertension, which vein is most likely dilated?
Right colic vein (belongs to portal venous system and empties into superior mesenteric vein)