abdomen 2 Flashcards
greater omentum
- derived from dorsal mesentery
- hangs down like apron from greater curvature of stomach covering transverse colon and abdominal viscera
Why is the greater omentum referred to as the “abdominal policeman?”
- plugs the neck of a hernial sac, preventing entrance of coils of the small intestine
- wraps itself around inflamed organs preventing serious diffuse peritonitis
What ligaments are present in the greater omentum?
- gastrolineal (gastrosplenic)
- lienorenal (splenorenal)
- gastrophrenic
- gastrocolic
mesentery of the small intenstine (mesentery proper)
- fan shaped double fold of peritoneum that suspends jejunum and ileum from posterior abdominal wall
- contains superior mesenteric and intestinal vessels, nerves, and lymphatics
- peritoneal reflection
lesser sac (omental bursa)
- irregular space that lies behind the liver, lesser omentum, stomach and upper anterior of greater omentum
- communicates with greater sac through epiploic foramen
what are the recesses presented in lesser sac of the peritoneal cavity?
- superior
- inferior
- splenic
superior recess
- lies behind stomach, lesser omentum, and left lobe of liver
inferior recess
- lies behind the stomach, extending into layers of greater omentum
splenic recess
- extends to the left at the hilus of the spleen
what is the rectouterine pouch (of Douglas)?
- extends from the cervix of the uterus, along the side of the rectum, to the posterior pelvic wall (rectouterine fold)
What is the epiploic foramen?
- natural opening between lesser and greater sac
- bounded superiorly by peritoneum of liver and anteriorly by free edge lesser omentum
What are the retroperitoneal organs?
- uterus
- bladder
- kidneys
What are the components of the Portal Triad?
- hepatic artery
- portal vein
- cystic duct (common bile duct)
What is located behind the portal triad?
- epiploic foramen in lesser sac
What structures does the superior mesenteric artery supply?
- intestines
What structures does the inferior mesenteric artery supply?
- sigmoid colon, rectrum
What is the significance of the “bald spot” on the liver?
- no peritoneum covering
- abutts against diaphragm
- holds ligaments (anterior and posterior)
what is the rectrovesicle arch?
- pouch between bladder and rectum
ventral omentum (lesser omentum)
- attaches liver to stomach
What are the 4 parts of the duodenum?
- Superior
- Descending
- Transverse - longest, crosses IVC, aorta, crossed anteriorly by superior mesenteric vessels
- Ascending
What is the suspensory ligament of treitz?
- keeps duodenjejunal junction in check
- attaches to right crus of diaphragm