Thoracic Wall; Pleural Cavities and Lungs Flashcards
What are the body wall layers of the thorax, superficial to deep?
- Skin
- Superficial Fascia
- Muscles of the upper limb
- Intercostal muscles
- Endothoracic fascia (areolar CT)
- Paretal Pleura
- Thoracic Cavity
Intercostal Muscles
- Muscles of respiration
- From superifical to deep:
- External Intercostals
- Internal Intercostals
- Innermost Intercostals and Transversus Thoracis
- Contents of Intercostal Spaces (Costal Groove of Inferior Rib):
- Vein
- Artery
- Nerve
Transversus Thoracis Muscle
- At the same “depth” as the innermost intercostals
- On anterior thoracic wall
- Attaches from sternum to 2nd-6th costal cartilages

Innervation of Thoracic Wall
Anterior rami of intercostal nerves (T1-T11)
- **T12 is the subcostal nerve and doesn’t innervate thoracic wall, it innervates the abdominal wall
Thoracic Wall Blood Supply Overview
Intercostal vessels (anastomose with one another to form vessel arc)
- 9 Anterior Intercostal Vessels
- 11 Posterior Intercostal Vessels (more as a result of floating ribs)
Internal Thoracic Artery
- Branch of subclavian a.
- Runs along the lateral sternum
- Branches:
- First 6 anterior intercostal aa.
Musculophrenic a. (follows line of ribcage)
- 7-9th intercostal aa.
Superior Epigastric a.
- Continuation of internal thoracic a.
- Anastomoses with inferior epigastric a.

Posterior Intercostal Arteries
Superior Intercostal Artery
- Gives rise to 1st and 2nd posterior intercostal aa.
Descending Thoracic Aorta
- Gives rise to 3rd-11th posterior intercostal aa.
Posterior intercostal aa. give rise to radicular aa. to inferior spinal cord
Veins of Thoracic Wall
- Anterior intercostal vv. drain into internal thoracic v.
Posterior intercostal vv. drain into:
- Azygos v. (right side)
- Hemiazygous v. (left side)
Boundaries of the Thorax
- Boundaries:
- Superior Thoracic Aperture
- Diaphgram
- Sternum/Costal Cartilages
- Thoracic Vertebral Bodies
- Central mediastinum
- Lateral pleural cavities

Thoracic Diaphgram

- Separates thorax and abdomen
- Muscular and tendinous components
- Primary Muscle of Respiration
Aortic Opening (T12)
- Descending Aorta
- Thoracic Duct
- Azygos Vein
Esophageal Opening (T10)
- Esophagus
- Left and right vagus n.
Caval Opening (T8)
- Inferior vena cava
- L/R Phrenic nn. (C3, C4, C5)

Movements of Respiration
Expand thoracic cavity in all three dimensions
Superior to Inferior: Diaphgram
- Moves from dome shape to flat to increase space in thoracic cavity
- Laterally: Ribs
- Anterior to Posterior: Sternum
Superior to Inferior: Diaphgram
Compress thoracic cavity
- Superior to Inferior: Diaphragm
- Laterally: Ribs
- Anterior to Posterior: Sternum
Flail Chest
- Multiple rib fractures in multiple places produce separate wall segment
- Will show paradoxical breathing movements (opposite of regular breathing movements)

Pleural Cavities
Pleura: a serous “sac” that consists of 2 continuous membranes
Parietal Pleura: lines the thoracic wall
- Blood Supply: intercostal vessels
- Innervation: intercostal nerves
Visceral Pleura: covers the lung
- Blood Supply: pulmonary and bronchial vessels
- Innervation: autonomic nervous system
Pleural Cavity:
- Between parietal and visceral pleura “potential space”
- Contains serous fluid
Pleural Effusion
- Fluid inside pleural cavity
- Use thoracocentesis to remove fluid (above rib)

Right Lung
- 3 Lobes (Superior, Middle, Inferior)
- Separated by horizontal (b/w superior and middle) and oblique fissures (b/w middle and inferior)
Left Lung
- 2 Lobes (Superior and Inferior)
- Separated by oblique fissure
- Lingula is homologous to middle lobe of R lung (doesn’t develop due to heart)

Surfaces of Lungs
- Costal (in contact with ribs)
- Diaphragmatic (in contact with diaphragm)
- Mediastinal (in contact with mediastinum)
Costadiaphragmatic Recess**
Costamediastinal Recess**
**Where fluid can accumuluate. Location of thoracocentesis

Conducting Portion of Respiratory System
- Larger tube, passageways
- Transport respiratory gases
- No gas exchange occurs
- Trachea
- Left and Right Primary Bronchi (one to each lung)
- Lobar Bronchi (one to each lobe)
- Segmental Bronchi (one to each bronchopulmonary segment)
- Bronchi
- Bronchioles
- Terminal Bronchioles
- Connects to Larynx Superiorly
- Travels from the neck into thorax
- Splits into left/right primary bronchi at Carina
- C-Shaped rings of hyaline cartilage
Primary Bronchi
- Left and right
- One goes to each lung
- Irregular plates of cartilage
- Divide into secondary bronchi after entering lung
Lobar Bronchi
- Go to one lobe each
- Cartilage plates
Segmental Bronchi
- Each supply one bronchopulmonary segment of the lung
- Each segment supplied by own tertiary bronchi, branch of pulmonary a., v., lymphatic vessels and autonomic nerves
- Each surrounded by CT
- Have some cartilage
- Divide into smaller bronchi, which divide into smaller bronchioles (no cartilage)
Respiratory Portion of Respiratory System
- Smallest tubes and air sacs
- Alveoli
- Site of gas exchange
Respiratory Diverticulum

- In earyl 4th week, ventral projection occurs off of the foregut (pharynx) called the respiratory diverticulum
- Endoderm
- Esophagotracheal septum forms dividing future trachea from foregut

Tracheoesophageal Fistula
- Abnormal communication b/w trachea and esophagus
Esophageal Atresia:
- Where esophagus ends in blind pouch
- Prenatal indicator: polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid, normally the fetal circulation requires “swallowing” this fluid)

Embryology of Respiratory System
- Late 4th Week: lung bud bifurcates, divides into right and left primary bronchial buds
- 5th Week: primary bronchial buds branch into secondary bronchial buds
Weeks 6-16: more branching
- By week 16, terminal bronchioles formed and conducting portion is complete
Weeks 16-28:
- terminal bronchioles divide into respiratory bronchioles
Weeks 28-Birth:
- Primitive Alveoli form
- Surfactant produced (lack of leads to respiratory distress syndrome, rapid, labored breathing)
Birth to 8 Years:
- More alveoli form
Lung Vascular Supply
Pulmonary System:
- Arteries and veins that transport blood to/from lungs for reoxygenation
Bronchial System:
- Supply bronchi and larger bronchioles
- 3-4 Bronchial Arteries branch from descending thoracic aorita
- Bronchial Veins: drain into azygos vein or accesory hemizygos vein; sometimes into pulmonary veins

Innervation of Lungs
- Supplied soley by Autonomic Nervous System
Pulmonary Plexus:
Sympathetic Axons
- T1-T5
- Bronchodilation
Parasympathetic Axons
- Vagus CN X
- Bronchoconstriction
Sympathetic Axons
Pulmonary Plexus:
Lung Lymphatics
- Lymph from bronchopulmonary lymph nodes goes to:
Tracheobronchial lymph nodes (near carina), then to:
Left/Right Bronchomediastinal Lymph Trunks:
- Right Lymphatic Duct** or **Thoracic Duct
Left/Right Bronchomediastinal Lymph Trunks:
Tracheobronchial lymph nodes (near carina), then to: