Histology: Skin Flashcards
Integumentary System
Epidermial Appendages
- Hair/Hair follicles
- Sweat glands
- Sebaceous glands
- Nails
- Mammary Glands
Functions of Skin
- Barrier
- Immunologic: APCs to prevent from foregin
- Homeostasis: body temperature and water loss
- Sensation
- Endocrine: converts vitamin D to active form
- Excretion
- Absorption: lipid-soluble drugs
Layers of Skin
- Ketarinized straftified squamous epithelium
- Avascular
- Proviees mechanical support/strength
- Thickness of skin
- Adipose tissue deep to dermis
- NOT part of skin
Thick vs. Thin Skin
Thick Skin
- Palms of hands/soles of feet
- Hairless
- Thick epidermis
Thin Skin
- Thin epidermis
- Hair follicles

Layers of Epidermis
- Stratum Basale (stratum germinativum)
- Stratum Spinosum
- Stratum Granulosum
- Stratum Lucidum (thick skin only)
- Stratum Corneum
Deep to superficial
Stratum Basale
- Single layer of basophilic cells
- Cuboidal to low columnar
- Attached to basal lamina by hemidesmosomes
- Mitotically active stem cells
- Gives rise to cells in upper layers

Stratum Spinosum
- Several layers thick
- Cytoplasmis processes appear as tiny spines
- Desmosomes
- Cells migrate upward through SS
- Cells become more flat as they travel superiorly

Stratum Granulosum
- Contains basophilic keratohyalin granules (contain filagren)
- Most superficial non-keratinized layer
- Squamous cells, 1-3 layers thick

Stratum Lucidum
- Only in thick skin
- Translucent
- Highly keratinized obscures nucleus

Stratum Corneum
- Varies the most in thickness
- Anucleated, squamous cells
- Filled with keratin filaments
- Water barrier
- Surface cells shed via desquamation

- Majority of cells
Produce keratin
- Form epidermal water barrier
Keratinization (2-6 hours):
- Begins in stratum granulosum
- Keratohylain granules secretes fillegrin
- Keratin filaments aggregate into tonofibrils
- Nucleus and organelles break down
- Plasma membrane thickens
Epidermal Water Barrier
2 elements:
- Cell envelope (inside plasma membrane)
- Lipid envelope (intercellular spaces)
Lamellar bodies (filled with lipids)
- Secreted in stratum granulosum
Lamellar bodies (filled with lipids)
- Come from neural crest cells
- Located in stratum basale
- Produce melanin (pigment that protects skin from UV)
- Are dendritic cells: deposit melanin into keratinocytes via dendritic processes

Melanin Synthesis
Synthesized from tyrosine –> DOPA –> Melanin
- Melanosomes are small, dark-staining granules that are transferred to keratinocytes via cytocrine secretion
- Results from defect in tyrosinase (converts tyrosine to DOPA)
Malignant Melanoma
- Skin cancer that develops from melanocytes
- Caused by UV exposure
- ABCDE rule (asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving)
Langerhans’ Cells
APC cells in skin
- Derived from monocytes
- Most abundant in stratum spinosum
- Do not show up with H&E stain

Merkel/Tactile Cells
- Function as mechanoreceptors
- Located in statum basale
- Closely associated with sensory nerve fibers
- Merkel’s Corpuscles (light touch)
- Closely associated with sensory nerve fibers
- Merkel Cell Carcinomas
- Very aggressive
Papillary Layer
- Loose CT deep to epidermis
- Type I and III collagen; Elastic Fibers
- Dermal papilla
Reticular Layer
- Dense irregular CT
- Type I collagen
- Large blood vessels/nerves
- Langer’s Lines: some arrangment of collagen (heals more easily)
Nerve Supply
Free Nerve Endings
- Fine touch, heat, cold
- Surround hair follicles
Encapsulated Receptors
Pcainian Corpuscles
- Deep pressure and vibration
- Located in dermis/hypodermis
- Myelinated nerve fiber surrounded by concentric lamellae

Meissner’s Corpuscles
- Sensitive to light touch
- Abundant in thick/hairless skin
- In dermal papillae
- Cylindrical shape

Ruffini Corpuscles
- Stretch and twisting (torque)
- Deep in dermis
- Elongated fusiform shape
- Keratinized epithelial cells, form within hair follicle
Shaft (above surface of skin)
- Medulla
- Cortex (color and texture)
- Cuticle
- Root (below skin)
- Dermis projects to hair bulb (dermal papilla)
- Hair matrix
Hair Follicle
Epithelial Root Sheath
- Continuous with epidermis
- Two Layers:
- Internal Root Sheath
- External Root Sheath
Connective Tissue Root Sheath
- Continuous with dermis
Arrector Pili Muscles
- Smooth muscles

Sebacous Gland
- Branched acinar glands
- Basal layer of progenitor cells with inner sebocytes
- Outgrowth of external root sheath
- Produce sebum
Holocrine Secretion
- Entire cell breaks down

Sweat Glands
- Axilla, Areola, Genital
- Associated with hair follicles
Eccrine Sweat Glands
- Simple, coiled tubular glands
- Downgrowth of epidermis
- NOT associated with hair follicles
- Temperature Regulation
- Sympathetic Nervous System
- Cholinergic Transmitters
Secretory Portion:
- Clear Cells: produce watery component of sweat
- Dark Cells: glycoprotein production
- Myoepithelial cells: contracticle cells
Duct Segment:
- Stratified cuboidal epithelium

Apocrine Sweat Glands
- Coiled Tubular Glands
- Develop from hair follicles
- Merocrine secretion
- Sympathetic nervous system
- Adrenergic transmitters