Thoracic Spine and Cervical Spine Flashcards
How many thoracic spine vertebrae are there?
What area does the thoracic spine cover?
area that has ribs
What is the costovertebral joint?
ribs + vertebrae
Facet joints are in between…
each vertebrae
Name the deep muscles of the thoracic spine.
erector spine runs from iliac crest to cervical spine
Name the intermediate muscles of the thoracic spine.
- serratus (anterior and posterior)
- rhomboid
Name the superficial muscles of the thoracic spine.
- trapezius muscle (lower)
- mid trapezius
- latissimus dorsi
What do we ask for history of thoracic spine and rib cage?
pain with breathing
What are the movements of the thoracic spine?
- flexion and extension (fairly limited in tsp)
- lateral flexion (big movement in tsp)
- rotation (big movement in tsp)
Rib fractures and costal cartilage separations occur the most where?
in collision sports
What is the MOI for rib fractures?
generally only occur with a direct blow
What is the MOI for costal cartilage separations?
- can be from direct impact (can be at site or somewhere else and bending)
- violent contraction (could be coughing or sneezing)
Where is the costal cartilage line?
where rib attaches to cartilage and to the sternum
In what area of the ribs are fractures and separations most common? Why is this?
- ribs 5-9 (bottom half)
- tend to have more blows in that area
- generally less protected
What are the signs and symptoms for rib fractures and costal cartilage separations?
- severe pain with breathing
- pain is local to where they have the injury
- point tender from palpation
- crepitis (grinding)
Name a complication from rib fractures and costal cartilage separations.
flail chest
Describe flail chest and why it is potentially dangerous.
- multiple fractures can cause a loose section in rib cage
- compromises breathing
- need to get to hospital (EMS)
- can become life threatening
- shallow respiration, lots of pain
- fractured pieces can float around and damage organs, vessels, and muscles
Why won’t they do surgery for rib fractures or costal cartilage separations?
they don’t want to affect your breathing system
How do we manage rib fractures or costal cartilage separations?
- can’t tape or brace
- can’t help breathing
- round about braces
- like to hug pillows
- up to 6 weeks of doing nothing
Name 3 special tests for rib fractures or costal cartilage separations.
- deep breaths
- rib springing
- crepitis
Describe the deep breath test.
rib fracture would cause pain at the site
Describe rib springing.
- hands on either side of rib cage, push in and let it bounce back
- pain
- only done from the side
Describe the crepitis test.
- feeling for crepitis at the area they have pain
- grinding, clicking, not attached = positive test
Where are rib heads? What can happen to them?
- Rib heads sit on/next to the vertebrae
- Capsule and ligaments that hold them
- Can be sprained/subluxed
Rib head subluxations generally only occur where?
in the back
What is the MOI for rib head subluxations? Give examples.
- typically from violent ROM
- ex. wrestling, football tackles
What are the signs and symptoms of rib head subluxations?
- inch out from the spine, very local pain in the back
- they felt some sort of pop or snap
- will not like breathing deeply
Why could people with rib head subluxations get referred pain?
- can if where rib head is sitting is aggravating a nerve root
- most nerve roots come around the rib cage
What is the comfort position for people with rib head subluxations?
- like to rest back against something (muscles of spine aren’t working)
- like to lie down
What is the special test for rib head subluxations?
no specific special test