THORACIC Section 16: Pulmonary arteries and veins Flashcards
What are the 2 major forms of anomalous anatomy of the pulmonary and veins?
Parital (PAPVR) or
Total (TAPVR)
Anomalous pulmonary venous return.
PAPVR/TAPVR drain into?
systemic system
Where should the pulmonary veins drain?
Left atrium
Defined as one (or more) of the four pulmonary veins draining into the right atrium (or SVC)
Partial anomalous venous return
What consitions does PAPVR associated?
Most classic type of ASD PAPVR is associated
Sinus venosus type
Schmitiar syndrome is PAPVR + ?
PAPVR + Pulmonary hypoplasia
The most common pattern of PAPVR
Right superior pulmonary vein draining in to the SVC (Junction of SVC and RA)
Less common PAPVR
Left sided
What is the “classic” look of PAPVR
“Vertical Vein” draining a left pulmonary vein into the left brachiocephalic vein
The dilated right inferior pulmonary vein (PAPVR) draining into the IVC
Schimitar Sign
Sword VEin + Tiny Lung
Scimitar Syndrome
A cyanotic heart disease characterized by all of the pulmonary venous system draining to the right side of the heart.
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR)
This is the lost Dad vein, refusing to ask for directions because that is admitting failure.
It takes the scenic route, but it does always return to what structure?
Meandering Pulmonary vein
Left atrium
Vein NOT draining into the left atrium causing left-righ shunting
PAPVR/Sciimitar vein
Vein draining into the left atrium. NO left-right shunting
Meandering Pulmonary Vein
Meandering pulmonary vein
What causes dilatation of the right pulmonary vein?
Mitral regurgitation
Mitral regurgitation causes asymmetric pulmonary edema involving what lobe?
Rightupper lobe.
“Lower vein grows, upper lung shoes (turns white from pulmonary edema)”
“Grower not a shower” - Inferior pulmonary vein
Congenital absence of the right (or left) pulmonary artery with the more distal vasculature present.
Proximal Interruption of the Pulmonary Artery
The distal pulmonary arterial tree is supplied by?
collaterall vessls
Proximal interruption of the Pulmonary Artery
CXR/CT: Volume loss of one hemithorax.
CT + C+: Onley one PA. Raise suspision if with volume loss
The side of the Proximal Interruption ofhte Pulmonary Artery is determined by the side of what structure?
Aortic arch.
Absent right PA with left-sided aortic arch
Absent left PA with right-sided aortic arch
Priximal Interruption of the Pulmonary Artery is associated with what congenital heart anomaly?