THORACIC Section 1: Anatomy Flashcards
Identify “The black hole”
The main pulmonary artery on the right passes 1____ to the right main bronchus, whereas the left pulmonary artery passes 2. ___ - hooking up and over the left main bronchus.
Left upper lobe bronchus
The main pulmonary artery on the right passes 1.) anterior to the right main bronchus, whereas the left pulmonary artery passes 2.) posteriorly - hooking up and over the left main bronchus.
This is the dark triangle behind the trachea on a lateral chest radiograph.
Retrotracheal Triangle (Raider Triangle)
An opacity in the Raider Triangle is an
Aberrant right subclavian artery.
How many layers of pleura are there?
Variant Airway Anatomy:
- Bronchus that comes right off the trachea (prior to bifurcation into right and left mainstem).
Pig Bronchus (Tracheal Bronchus)
Recurrent RUL pneumonia in a kid.
Pig Bronchus (Tracheal Bronchus):
Bronchus that comes off bronchus intermedius, opposite to the origin of the right upper lobe bronchus.
Cardiac Bronchus
The mediastinum is classically divided into 1. ___ Sections.
Name them
4 Sections
What is the most anterior structure in the superior mediastinum?
The inferior border of the superior mediastinum is drawn from 1. ___ to 2. ____.
- Sternal-manubrial junction to 2. T4
Name the structures in the superior mediastinum.
- Great vessels of the heart
- Bulk of the thymus (in kids)
- Upper thoracic duct
- Top of the phrenic nerves
- Sympathetic trunk
- Top of the esophagus
- Trachea
what structures are included in the MIDDLE mediastinum
- Heart
- Pericardium
- Roots of the central vessels
- Bifurcation of the trachea
- Phrenic nerves
The posterior mediastinum starts from 1. _____ to the 2.____.
Back of the heart to the spine.
What does the posterior mediastinum contain
- Esophagus
- Lower thoracic duct
- Descending aorta
You can be born with extra pulmonary veins. They don’t give you super powered endurance but can cause ____ ?
A-fib (Sleeves around the veins can be arryhthmogenic)
The most common supernumerary vein.
Right middle
The most common vein sleeve to cause a-fib.
Left superior
Pulmonarv veins can
merge with each other
before reaching the left
Common Ostia of the Pulmonary Veins
The Common Ostia of the Pulmonary Veins is typically composed of 1. _____ and 2. _______
- Left superior pulmonary vein
- Left inferior pulmonary vein
The Common Ostia of the pulmonary veins can be difficult to separate if not identified on pre-op CT resulting in ____ ?
The Common Ostia can be difficult to separate if not identified on pre-op CT resulting in ACCIDENTAL LIGATION DURING SURGERY