Thoracic Neurology Flashcards
What are the regions of the esophagus?
- Cervical part
- Thoracic part found between T1 and esophageal hiatus of diaphragm through the posterior mediastinum
- Abdominal part
What are the constriction points of the esophagus?
- At cricopharyngeas mm (referred to as upper eso sphincter)
- At aortic arch
- At left bronchus
- At esophageal hiatus of thoracic diaphragm (referred to as lower eso sphincter)
Difference btw right and left recurrent nerves?
- Right: Made in the neck and loops under the subclavian back to larynx
- Left:Under aortic arch and back up to larynx
Wehre do superior and middle cardiac branches come off?
Vagus in the neck
Where does the inferior cardiac branch come off of?
- Vagus nerve in the thorax
Left vagus makes ___ trunk and right vagus makes ____ trunk
Left vagus makes anterior vagal trunk and right vagus makes posterior vagal trunk
What is phrenic nerve traveling between in the thorax?
Mediastinal parietal pleura and fibrous pericardium
(parietal pleura not pictured)
Why are T1-2 atypical intercostal nerves?
- T1 anterior rami are still involved with brachial plexus of nerves
- T2 makes intercostobrachial nerve
Why are T7-11 atypical?
They no longer have a rib once they get around the front, they become the thoracoabdominal n
What are the five general priciples of the autonomic nervous system?
- typically symp is catabolic fight or flight
- typically PSNS is anabolic, normal function and energy conservation
- PSNS has limited distribution, never body walls or extremities, SNS goes to all vascular areas of body
- Glandular secretion is stim by PSNS (except sweat) the SNS can indirectly decrease non sweat gland secretion via vasoconstriction
- Vasoconstriction is sym stimulated (except coronary arteries)
the branches are contributions to the greater sphlanchnic nerve
What branches do vagus make?
- Superior middle and inferior cardiac branches
- Pulmonary branches
- Esophageal branches
Are pulm sphlanchinc nerves pre synaptic or post synaptic?
- Postsynaptic