Thoracic Angiology Flashcards
what branches does the ascending aorta produce?
- right and left coronary
Where does the right coronary artery travel?
- Sinoatrial nodal artery is first branch to SA
- Second is typically a conus branch
- Third is the atrial branch
- Almost always right marginal
- Travels to diaphragmatic surface of heart to produce:
- Posterior interventricular artery (largest)
- Right posterolateral artery
- AV nodal artery
Left coronary artery path and branches?
- Travels supereiorly around the heart to the posterior aspect
- Anterior interventricular artery (LAD)
- Conus branch
- Lateral artery
- Interventricualr septal branches
- Circulmflex artery
- left marginal
- posterior left ventricular
What is a coronary artery bypass graft?
- Done when the coronary artery is obstructed and needing replacement
- Great saphenous vein is used as it is comparable diameter to coronary arteries and easily dissected from the leg
- Can also use radial artery
What does the bulk of the blood supply to the conducting system of the heart?
Anterior interventricular (LAD)
What is a coronary angioplasty?
- insertion of a small balloon catheter into lumen of coronary artery
- Inflation of the catheter flattens the obstructing plaque against wall and increases the size of lumen
Branches from the arch of the aorta?
- Brachiocephalic trunk
- right common carotid
- right subclavian
- Left Common Carotid
- Left Subclavian
start right “Bat” jump to left “shit” back to middle “crazy”
Branches from left subclavian artery?
- Vertebral
- Internal thoracic
- Thyrocervical trunk
- Costocervical trunk
VITamin C
Internal thoracic branches
- Anterior intercostal
- perforating branches to breast
- Medial mammary branches to breast
- Pericardiacophrenic (main supply to pericardium)
- Musculophrenic (terminal)
- Superior epigastric (terminal)
Where does the lateral thoracic come from?
Axillary artery and this will make lateral mammary arteries
What are the unpaired visceral branches of the descending aorta?
- Mediastinal
- Esophageal
- Pericardial
What are the paired lateral visceral branches of the descending aorta?
- Right bronchial
- Left bronchial
What are the paired segmental parietal branches from the descending aorta?
- Posterior intercostal
- Dorsal branch: supply back mm
- Collateral branch: runs on superior edge of rib below
- Lateral cutaneous
- lateral mammary branch to breast
- Subcostal Artery
What artery does NOT fit into the three categories of branches off of the descending aorta?
Superior Phrenic