Cardiology Anatomy Flashcards
What separates the superior and inferior mediastinum?
Sternal angle
What is systemic circulation?
- From left atrium through bicuspid valve
- Into left ventricle out of heart via aortic valve
- through systemic arteries and capillaries into venous system
- In IVC and SCV into right atrium
What is pulmonary circulation?
- From SVC and IVC into right atrium through tricuspid valve
- Into right ventricle through pulmonary semilunar valve into pulmonary trunk
- Pulmonary trunk through right and left pulmonary arteries to lungs
- From lungs to pulmonary veins back to left atrium
What is the outermost layer of the heart made of?
- Epicardium made up of viseral serous pericardium
What is the myocardium made of?
- Thick muscular layer made of spiraling overlapping layers of cardiac muscle
What is a MI?
- Lack of blood flow to area of myocardium usually from blockage of coronary artery such as atherosclerosis or buildup of lipids on internal walls of coronary
What is angina pectoris?
- Pain originating in the heart that produces a strangling pain in the chest
- Result of narrow or obstructed coronary arteries that produces ischemia of myocardium
What is the inner layer of the heart?
- Endocardium
- Thin internnal endothelial and subendothelial layer lining inside chambers and valves
What is the function of the fibrous skeleton of the heart?
- Produces attachment points for myocardium
- Produces attachment points for cuspid valves
- Supports and strengthens atrioventircular and semilunar orfices
- Provides electrically insulated barrier btw atria and ventricles
where is the right atrioventricular groove?
Btw right atrium and ventricle transmitting the r. coronary artery
Where is left atrioventricular groove?
- Btw left atrium and left ventricle housing the coronary sinus
Where is the anterior interventricular groove?
- between the right and left ventricles on anterior aspect of heart transmitting the anterior interventricular A and great cardiac vein
Where is posterior interventricular groove?
- Btw right and left ventricles on posterior aspect of heart
- Transmitting posterior interventricular artery and middle cardiac vein
What is ligamentum arteriosum?
- Embryo remnant of ductus arteriosus which was a connection btw pulmonary trunk and arch of aorta
What nerve loops around aortic arch andligamentum arteriosum ascending to the larynx?
- Left recurrent laryngeal nerve of the vagus
What is the Sinus Venarum?
- Posterior part of Right atrium, smooth, thinned walled region where venae cavae and coronary sinus empty