Thoracic Limb - Arteries, Veins, Lymphatics, Nerves. Flashcards
What is the main arterial supply for the thoracic limb, including name change?
Right/Left Subclavian A. (exiting thorax) –> Axillary A. (Cranial circumflex humeral artery)–> Brachial A. (Common interosseous artery) –> Median A. –> Superficial palmar arch –> Palmar Common Digital A.
What are the last two branches of the Subclavian A. before it becomes the Axillary A. ?
Superficial cervical A.
Internal thoracic A.
What is the first branch of the Axillary A. which supplies the Superficial pectoral m.?
External thoracic A.
What is the second branch of the Axillary A. which supplies the Deep pectoral m.?
Lateral thoracic A.
What is the third branch off of the Axillary A.?
Subscapular A.
What are the two branches off of the Subscapular A. they supply the latisumus dorsi m. and the triceps m.?
Thoracodorsal A.
Caudal circumflex humeral A.
What is the last branch off of the Axillary A. which supplies the proximal part of the biceps brachii m.?
Cranial circumflex humeral A.
What does the Axillary A. turn in to after the Cranial circumflex humeral A.?
Brachial A.
What is the first branch off of the Brachial A. which supplies all four heads of the Triceps brachii mm.?
Deep brachial A.
What is the second branch off of the Brachia A. which supplies the dorsal Biceps brachii m.?
Bicipital A.
What is the thrid branch off of the Brachial A. which supplies the cubital joint?
Collateral ulnar A.
What is the fourth branch off of the Brachial A. which runs under the biceps brachii and supplies the cubital joint?
Transverse cubital A.
What is the fifth branch off of the Brachial A. that runs on the superficial surface of the biceps brachii m.?
Superficial brachial A.
What are the two branches all of the Superfical brachial A.?
Medial Cranial superficial antibrachial A.
Lateral cranial superficial antibrachial A.
(parallel with the Cephalic V., on both sides)
What is the last branch off of the Brachial A.?
Common interosseous A.
What are the three branches of the common interosseous A.?
Ulnar A.
Cranial interosseous A.
Caudal interosseous A.
What does the Brachial A. turn in to after the Common interosseous A. branches off?
Median A.
What is the first branch off of the Median A. which supplies the caudal muscles of the antibrachium and flexor carpus?
Deep antebrachial A.
What is the second branch off of the Median A. which travels distally towards the carpus and digits?
Radial A.
What are the superficial arteries on the dorsal surface the forepaw called?
Dorsal common digital arteries
What are the deep arteries on the dorsal surface of the forepaw called?
Dorsal metacarpal arteries
What are the deep arteries on the palmar surface of the forepaw called?
Palmar metacarpal arteries
What are the superficial arteries on the palmar surface of the forepaw called?
Palmar common digital arteries
What does the Dorsal common digital arteries branch off of.
Lateral branch of Cranial superficial antebrachial (3)
Medial branch of Cranial superfical antebrachial A. (1)
What supplies the dorsal metacarpal arteries?
Dorsal carpal rete
What supplies the Dorsal carpal rete?
Caudal interosseous A.
Radial A. (Dorsal carpal branch)
What arteries supply the Palmar metacarpal arteries?
Deep arteries
Deep palmar arch
What arteries supply the Palmar common digital arteries?
Superficial Arteries
Superfical Palmar arch
What arteries supply the Deep palmar arch?
Caudal interosseous A. (Deep Branch?)
Radial A.
What arteries supply the Superficial palmar arch?
Median A.
Superficial branch of the Caudal interosseous A.
Most coming from the Median A. as the Superficial branch is tiny.
What is important about the deep venous system, that keeps our heads from exploding?
The names are the same as the arteries!
They are also formed by the tributaries of the Axillary vein.
What is the vein that joins the external jugular v. at the base of the neck?
Cephalic V.
What is the vein that joins the cephalic vein at the distal fourth of the antebrachium?
Accessory cephalic vein
What is the vein that connects the cephalic vein and the brachial vein?
Median cubital V.
What is the vein that connects the cephalic vein and the axillary vein?
Axillobrachial V.
What is the vein that connects the axillobrachial vein and the external jugular vein?
Omobrachial V.
What is number 1?
Axillary V.
What is number 2?
Brachial V.
What is number 3?
Cephalic V.
What is number 4?
Accessory cephalic v.
What is number 5?
Median cubital V.
What is number 6?
Cephalic V.
What is number 7?
Axillobrachial V.
What is number 8?
Omobrachial V.
What is number 9?
Cephalic V.
What is number 10?
External jugular V.
True or False: There is a single termial lymph node for the lymphatics of the thoracic limb?
What is the location of the Superficial cervical ln.?
Cranial to the shoulder joint, covered by the Brachiocephalicus M. and Omotransversarius M.
What are the Afferent lymph vessels for the Superficial cervical ln.?
Most of the thoracic limb, except the medial side of the arm, forearm, and the shoulder.
Also drain the skin of the caudal portion of the head, part of the ear, and the lateral surface of the neck.
What are the Efferent lymph vessels for the Superficial cervical ln.?
Thoracic duct - on the left side
Right tracheal trunk - on the right side
External jugular vein - can be on both sides
Is the superficial cervical ln. constant or inconstant and is it palpable or not palpable?
Is the Axillary ln. constant or inconstant and is it palpable or not palpable?
Not Palpable
Is the Accessory axillary ln. constant or inconstant and is it palpable or inpalpable?
Should be palpable
What is the location of the Axillary ln.?
Caudal to the shoulder join, ventral to the thoracodorsal vessels, at the distal part of the Teres major muscle.
What are the Afferent lymph vessesl of the Axillary ln.?
First three mammary glands
Skin of the shoulder and arm
All the bones (except the digits)
Humeral, cubital and carpal joints
Muscles of the thoracic limb
Accessory axillary ln.
What are the Efferent lymph vessles of the Axillary ln.?
External jugular vein - generally on both sides
Thoracic duct - on the left side
Left and Right tracheal trunk
What is the location of the Axillary ln.?
Ventral to the Latissimus dorsi M.
Dorsal to the Deep pectoral M.
In the 2nd and 3rd intercostal space
What are the Afferent lymph vessels for the Accessory axillary ln.?
First three mammary glands
Skin of the lateral and ventral thoracic wall
Lateral and medial regions of the shoulder, arm and elbow
What are the efferent lymph vessels for the Accessory axillary ln.?
Axillary lymph node
What ventral branches make up the brachial plexus?
Occasionally the ventral branch of the fifth cervical spinal nerve (C5) contributes to its formation.
Where is the brachial pelexus located?
Cranial to the first rib, the roots pass ventral to the scalenus m. and reach the medial aspect of the shoulder - traversing the axillary space.
What is the function of the brachial plexus?
It gives origin to the nerves that innervate the muscles - extrinsic and intrinsic, the skin of the thoracic limb, and the lateral wall of the thorax.
Which arrow would be considered General Somatic Afferent (GSA) [Sensory]?
Purple Arrow
Which arrow would be considered General Somatic Efferent (GSE) [Motor]?
Red Arrow
Which arrow would be considered Post-ganglionic nerurons of General Visceral Efferent (GVE) [Skin glands, smooth muscles in vessels wall]?
Green Arrow
Which arrow would be considered General Visceral Afferent (GVA)?
Blue Arrow
What is the total area of skin innercated by a given cutaneous nerve called?
Cutaneous Area (CA)
What is the Overlap Zone (OZ) of the cutaneous area?
Located at the periphery of the cutaneous area (CA) and is the area where adjacent CA overlap, meaning it is innercated by two or more cutaneous nerves.
What is the Autonomous zone (AZ) of the cutaneous area?
Located centrally within a cutaneous area (CA) that is innervated by only one cutaneous nerve.
What are the extrinsic muscles of the thoracic limb?
Superficial pectoral mm.
Deep pectoral m.
Serratus ventralis m.
Latissimus dorsi m.
Cutaneus trunci m.
Preputial m.
What muscle does the cranial pectoral N. innervate?
Superfical pectoral mm.
What muscle does the Caudal pectoral N. innervate?
Deep pectoral m.
What muscle does the Long thoracic N. innervate?
Serratus ventralis m.
What muscle does the Thoracodorsal N. innervate?
Latissimus dorsi muscle
What muscle does the Lateral thoracic N. innervate?
Cutaneus trunci m.
Preputial m.
What is the Panniculus reflex?
Localizing spinal cord lesion from C8-L3 spinal cord segment
The sensory stimulus is a mild compression of the skin
The motor response is a brief contracton of the cutaneus trunci m., which caused the skin of the trunk to twitch
What is the neuron pathway for the Panniculus reflex?
The cutaneous nerves that are stimulated are from the dorsal branches of the lumbar and thoracic spinal nerves.
The GSE neurons exit the ventral gray columns of spinal cord segments C8 and T1 to innervate the cutaneus trunci m., via the lateral thoracic nerve.
What are the flexor muscles of the cubital joint?
Biceps brachii m.
Brachialis m.
What muscle(s) does the Suprascapular N. innervate?
Supraspinatus m.
Infraspinatus m.
What can happen if the Suprascapular N. is injured/damaged?
Usually caused by tramua.
Paralysis of the suprascapular nerve usually results in atrophy of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles.
In the standing animal the shoulder is abducted and this becomes more pronounced during locomotion –> “Shoulder slip”
What muscle does the Subscapular N. innervate?
Subscapularis m.
What muscle(s) does the Musculocutaneous N. innervate?
Proximal muscular branch –> Biceps brachii m.
Communicating branch –> joins the median nerve - distal part of the brachium
Distal muscular branch –> Brachialis m.
Medial cutaneous antebrachial N. –> Skin - medial aspect of the antebrachium
Flexor mm. of the cubital joint
Skin over the medial aspect of the antebrachium
What is the action of Teres major m., Teres minor m., and Deltoideus m. on the humeral joint?
Flection of the humeral joint
What muscle(s) does the Axillary N. innervate?
Flexor muscls of the humeral joint:
Teres major m.
Teres minor m.
Deltoideus m.
Skin - over the lateral aspect of the brachium and over the cranial aspect of the antebrachium
What are the extensor muscles of the cubital joint?
Triceps brachii m.
Tensor fascia antebrachii m.
anconeus m.
What are the carpi and digital extnsor muscles?
Extensor carpi radialis m.
Common digital extensor m.
Lateral digital extensor m.
Abductor digiti I longus m.
What muscle(s) does the Radial N. innervate?
Extensor muscles of the cubital joint:
Triceps brachii m., Tensor fascia antebrachii m., Anconeus m.
Extensor muscles of the carpal joints and Ulnaris lateralis m.:
Extensor carpi radialis m.
Extensor muscles of the digital joints:
Common digital extensor m., lateral digital extensor m., Supinator m., Brachioradialis m., abductor digiti I longus m.
Skin - over the craniolateral aspect of the antebrachium and the carpus and over the dorsal aspect of the forepaw
What happens when the Radial N. is injured/damaged?
Proximal to the tricipital branches:
Pralysis of the extensor muscles of the elbow, carpus, and digit
- Flaccid paralysis of the effected thoracic limb
- Non-weight bearing lameness
- Foot is dragged with its dorsal surface on the ground
Distal to the tricipital branches
Paralysis of the extensor muscles of the carpus and digit
- Normal stance of the shoulder and elbow are maintained
- Affected animal knuckes over - rests the dorsal surface of the tow on the ground.
What are the carpi and digital flexor muscles?
Flexor carpi radialis m.
Flexor carpi ulnaris m.
Superficial digital flexor m.
Deep digital flexor m.
Pronator teres ???
Pronator quadratus ???
Interosseous muscles ???
What muscle(s) does the Media N. innervate?
Flexor carpi radialis m.
Superficial digital flexor m.
Deep digital flexor m. - radial and humeral head
Pronator teres
Pronator quadratus
Skin - over the palmar aspect of the metacarpus and digits.
What muscle(s) does the Ulnar N. innervate?
Flexor carpi ulnaris m.
Deep digital flexor m. - ulnar and humeral head
Interosseous muscles - palmar branch
caudal aspect of the antebrachium: caudal cutaneous antebrachial nerve
Palmar surface of the carpus, metacarpus and digits: palmar branch
Lateral surface of the fifth digit: dorsal branch
What muscle(s) does the Ulnar N. and Median N. innervate?
Flexor muscls of the carpal joints
Flexor muscles of the digital joints
Interosseous muscles
What is number 1?
Suprascapular N.
What is number 2?
Subscapular N.
What is number 3?
Axillary N.
What is number 4?
Radial N.
What is number 5?
Superficial branch of the Radial N.
What is number 6?
Deep branch of the Radial N.
What is number 7?
Musculocutaneous N.
What is number 8?
Proximal muscular branch of the Musculocutaneous N.
What is number 9?
Communicating branch connecting the Musculocutaneous N. and the Median N.
What is number 10?
Distal muscular branch of the Musculocutaneous N.
What is number 11?
Medial cutaneous antebrachial N.
What is number 12?
Median N.
What is number 13?
Median & Ulnar N.
What is number 14?
Ulnar N.
What is number 15?
Musculocutaneous N.
What are the superficial nerves of the dorsal surface of the forepaw?
Dorsal common digital nerves
What nerve branches give rise to the dorsal common digital nerves?
Radial n. - lateral branch of the superficial branch
What are the deep nerves of the dorsal surface of the forepaw?
There are not any deep nerves on the dorsal surface of the forepaw.
What are the superficial nerves on the palmar surface of the forpaw?
Palmar common digital nerves
What nerve branches give rise to the palmar common digital nerves?
(Superficial nerves)
Median n.
What are the deep nerves on the palmar surface of the forepaw?
Palmar metacarpal nerves
What nerve branches give rise to the Palmar metacarpal nerves?
Deep nerve on Palmar surface
Ulnar n. - Pamlar branch
Where is the Ulnar N. test site?
4 cm distal to the olecranon - caudal cutaneous antebrachial n.
Lateral surface of the fifth digit - dorsal branch
Palmar branch - no autonomus zone
What cutanous areas does the Ulnar N. innervate?
Caudal cutaneous antebrachial n. = caudal aspect of the antebrachium
Palmar branch = palmar surface of the carpus, metacarpus, and digits
Dorsal branch = lateral surface of the fifth digit
Where is the Median N. test site?
There is no test site because there is no autonomous zone.
What cutanous areas does the Median N. innercate?
Skin - over the palmar aspct of the metacarpus and digits
Where are the Radial N. test sites?
Proximal end of the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones
What cutanous areas doe the Radial N. innervate?
Skin - over the craniolateral aspect of the antebrachium and the carpus
- over the dorsal aspct of the forepaw
Where are the Axillary N. test sites?
2 cm caudal to the humeral joint
What cutanous ares does the Axillary N. innervate?
Skin - over the lateral aspct of the brachium
- over the cranial aspect of the antebrachium
Where are the Musculocutaneous N. test sites?
2 cm distal to the medial epicondyle of the humerus
What cutaneous areas doe the Musculocutaneous N. innervate?
Skin - over the medial aspect of the antebrachium