Thinking and Feeling Test Flashcards
Driving, typing and riding a bicycle are all representative of which type of long-term memory?
According to Kobasa and Maddi, a person who reframes obstacles as challenges, and maintains an optimistic view of his or her situation in spite of the occurrence of stressors, possesses the characteristic called:
The cause-and-effect relationship between Type A personality and heart disease only appears to be valid in the case of those people who are:
A factor that limits the capacity of sensory memory is:
Which of the following would be considered least important in the process of social learning?
trial and error
A person hears a classical piano sonata while eating a delicious meal at a fancy restaurant. The next time the sonata is heard on the radio, the person becomes hungry. Identify the neutral stimulus in the event
the piano sonata
Sue thinks it is more dangerous to fly than it is to drive. She is demontrating an incorrect judgment about the world that is based on:
the availability heuristic
Which of the following is an example of intrinsic motivation?
Learn to play the piano in order to enjoy making music.
The language acquisition theory that proposes the existence of a critical period for learning speech is the:
nativist view
Your mental plan for getting from home to the local convenience store is a type of:
cognitive map
Chronic stress may raise vulnerability to certain illnesses by depressing the function of:
the parasympathetic nervous system
Which is an example of behavior explained in term of maintaining homeostasis?
A person sleeps because she is tired.
Which of the following is a good example of a secondary or conditioned reinforcer?
Expressed in terms of operant conditioning, a child who whines and whines until his parent buys him a candy bar has successfully ___________ the parent.
negatively reinforced
The inability to form and store new long-term memories is called:
anterograde amnesia
The process by which the hippocampus encodes memories and prepares them for long-term storage is called:
long-term potentiation
John says “rose” when asked for the names of a flower, and ‘chair” when asked for a type of furniture. His answers could be characterized as:
Which of the following is an emotion that would likely be recognized by facial expression in every world culture?
One of the functions of the _____ is to regulate weight over the long-term.
______ memory is another term for autobiographical memory.