Classical and Operant Conditioning Flashcards
An interruption in the flow of thought
classical conditioning
Originally discovered by Ivan Pavlov, classical conditioning is a form of learning in which a subject learns an association between two stimuli. First, a stimulus (the unconditioned stimulus) produces an automatic, unlearned response (the unconditioned response). The unconditioned stimulus is then paired with a neutral stimulus (the conditioned stimulus) until the subject learns the association between the two stimuli, and the subject responds (the conditioned response) to the conditioned stimulus presented alone.
conditioned response (CR)
In classical conditioning, the response that has to be learned, as opposed to the unconditioned response (UCR), which occurs naturally without having to learn it.
conditioned stimulus (CS)
In classical conditioning, the neutral stimulus that is paired with the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) to provoke the conditioned response.
continuous reinforcement schedule
A reinforcement schedule in which every instance of the target behavior is reinforced.
An example of a counterconditioning process. For example, someone who responds to heights with fear might be desensitized by pairing the experience of heights with something that promotes a relaxation response.
discrimination (learning)
The cognitive process whereby two or more stimuli are distinguished.
In operant conditioning, the disappearance of a behavior due to a previously reinforced behavior no longer being reinforced.
fixed schedule of reinforcement
A schedule in which reinforcement occurs after a consistent, or fixed number of responses (fixed ratio), or after a consistent amount of time (fixed interval).
The transfer of a response learned from one stimulus to a similar stimulus.
Little Albert
The little boy who was conditioned by John Watson and Rosalie Raynor to be afraid of a white rat. Watson and Raynor used classical conditioning to pair the rat with a loud noise, until Little Albert began to exhibit fear in response to the rat.
negative reinforcement
Anything that causes a behavior to increase by removing an adverse condition in response to the behavior, like taking aspirin to remove a headache.
neutral stimulus
A stimulus that does not provoke any particular response. In classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus (NS) is paired with the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) until the organism learns the association between the two stimuli. The neutral stimulus then becomes the conditioned stimulus (CS).
operant conditioning
A type of conditioning in which the organism learns an association between a voluntary behavior and its consequences.
partial reinforcement schedule
A schedule of reinforcement in which only certain instances of the desired behaviors are reinforced. Partial reinforcement schedules fall into four types: fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, and variable interval schedules.
positive reinforcement
Anything that causes a behavior to increase by administering something desirable in response to the behavior.
The second stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, occurring from ages 2 – 7. During this stage, children are capable of using symbols in their thinking, but they lack the ability to perform logical operations.
primary reinforcer
A reinforcer, such as a food reinforcer, that meets a basic biological need.
Anything that follows a behavior and causes the behavior to decrease.
ratio schedule of reinforcement
A partial reinforcement schedule in which the organism is reinforced based upon the number of instances of the desired behavior. There can be fixed ratio schedules or variable ratio schedules.
Anything that follows a behavior and causes the behavior to increase.
schedule of reinforcement
A plan for how frequently a target behavior will be reinforced.
secondary reinforcement
A reinforcer that does not in and of itself meet a basic biological need, but it can be exchanged for primary reinforcers, which would meet a basic biological need. Money is an example of a secondary reinforcer, because it can be exchanged for food or shelter.
The process of reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior, until the organism is performing the desired behavior in its entirety.
spontaneous recovery
The quick reoccurrence of a previously extinguished response when the reinforcer for the response is reintroduced.
stimulus generalization
A phenomenon in classical conditioning in which the conditioned response occurs in response to stimuli that are similar, but not identical, to the conditioned stimulus.
token economy
In operant conditioning, where one can earn tokens or some other reinforcer for certain behaviors.
unconditioned response (UCR)
The unlearned, innate response to an unconditioned stimulus (UCS).
unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
A stimulus that provokes an innate, unlearned response (UCR).
variable schedule of reinforcement
A partial schedule of reinforcement in which the reinforcer is delivered after either varying numbers of responses (a variable ratio schedule), or varying lengths of time (a variable interval schedule).