Thermoregulation (coordination and control) * Flashcards
How is temperature change detected by the body?
by the hypothalamus or temperature receptors in the skin
What happens when the body is too hot?
hair lies flat
What is vasodilation?
shunt vessel constricts causing more blood to flow through capillaries close to the surface of the skin
heat is released through the skin by radiation
How does sweating reduce body temperature?
sweat gland secretes sweat onto the surface of the skin
water in the sweat absorbs the heat from the skin/body as it evaporates
How does hair lying flat reduce body temperature?
there is no insulating layer of air over the skin
What happens when the body is too cold?
hair stands up
What is vasoconstriction?
shunt vessel relaxes meaning more blood flows through it and less blood flows close to the surface of the skin
heat is stopped from escaping through the skin
How does shivering increase body temperature?
muscles contract repeatedly using energy from respiration which produces heat
How does hair standing up increase body temperature?
creates an insulating layer of air above the skin