Thermoregulation and Muscles 1 Flashcards
The core temperature of the human body is _____, which includes what 3 things? This is where ____ are located, and their enzymes must operaate at this temperature
37 degrees
the thorax, the head, and the abdomen
vital organs
Temperature is regulated by _______
nervous feedback mechanisms
Thermoregulatory center is located in the _____, and the 3 responses are:
behavioral, anatomical, physiological
The feedback system consists of: 1,2,3
1: receptor (sensor that respoonds to change)
2: control center (evaluates the input, sends an output)
3: effector ( receives the output, produces a response)
The hypothalamus acts as the ____ for the body, it receives nerve impulses from ______ for cold and heat. The hypothalamus has thermoreceptors called _______ that detect changes in blood temperatures.
peripheral thrmoreceptors
central thermoreceptors
Core temperature is in dynamic equilibrium as a result of balance between _____ and ______
heat gain, heat loss
Heat is gained in what ways? there are 3
chemical reactions in the cells
metabolism which generates heat (muscles moving)
by conduction and raidiation from environment
What are the 2 ways in which heat is lost?
conduction and raidiation to the envrionemnt
evaporation from body surface (skin, sweat)
Explain what heat exchange by conduction is
direct transder of heat through a liquid, solid, or gas (from one molecule to another)
the rate of conductive heat exchange depends on _____
thermal gradient
Explain how heat exchange happens by radiation
objects omit electromagnetic heat waves without any contact with other molecules
When temperature of things in the envrionment is _____ than the skin temperature, radiant heat energy is _____
absorbed from the surroundings
Explain how heat transfer happens by evaporation
heat is transferred when water from either the skin, or respiratory passages. heat is used to vaporize the water, which cools you down
How do dogs cool themsleves down with panting?
they rapidly breathe to increase evaporation from the mouth. as they breathe in they can humidify themsleves and then exhale the air which will then lead to the water evaporating and the dog can cool down
look at the camel slide lol
do itttt
What is the main site for heat exchange with the environment?
the body surface
In endotherms, warm blod typically _____ heat to the environment as it passes near the skin. How can the blood flow be adjusted to conserve heat?
vascoconstriction reduces blood flow and helps retain heat
If body temperature goes below 37 degrees, the thermoreceptors send information to the _______, which then can act on 3 systems which are _______
muscles (shivering), sweat glands (decrease in sweat secretion), and vasoconstriction (less radiation and conduction of heat)
If the body temperature goes above 37 degrees, muscles will _____, sweat glands will ____, and arterioles will _____
reduce their activity
increase secretion
There are two ways to increase heat production (thermogenesis), what are they?
shivering (muscle contractions converted to heat)
non shivering (brown fat with many mitochondria that specialize in heat production instead of the formation of ATP)
When relative humidity is high, the ambient water vapor pressure gets close to the water vapor pressure of the moist skin, and ____
evaporation stops
Total sweat vaporized from skin depends on what 3 things? what is the most important factor?
Surface area exposed
temperature and humidity of the air
air currents about the body
the most important is relative humidity
Why is it important to monitor body temperature during and after procedures that require anesthesia?
because there is decreased hypothalamic response so the body cannot regulate heat.
Myofibrils contain 3 main protein types, contractile, regulatory, and structural.What is the function and examples of each?
contractile: generate force during contraction (actin and myosin)
regulatory: start and end contraction (troponin, tropomyosin)
structural: maintain alignment, elastic and extensible (titin, myomesin, and dystrophin)
Draw a sarcomere and label the bands / parts
the myosin head has two sites, what are they?
actin binding site, and myosin ATPase site
Actin is made up of what 3 molecules?
actin molecules making up the helix, tropomyosin wrapping around the helix, and troponin molecules covering the binding site for the myosin cross bridge
the contracile type proteins are _____
actin and myosin
the regulatory type proteins for muscles are _____
troponin, trypomyosin
the structural proteins in muscles are _____
titin, myosesin, dystrophin
Type 1 muscle is ________, ____ in color, uses _____ to generate ATP, and its primary function is _____. Their fiber diameter is _____, ____ in capillaries/myoglobin/mitochondria
slow oxidative
postural endurance
type 2a muscles are ____, they are ___ in color, they use ____ to generate ATP, and their main function is _____. Their fiber diameter is _____, ____ in capillaries/myoglobin/mitochondria
fast oxidative
areobic AND anerobic (glycolysis)
walking, sprinting
type 2b muscles are _____, ___ in color, use ___ to generate ATP, and their main function is _____. Their fiber diameter is _____, ____ in capillaries/myoglobin/mitochondria
fast glycolytic
short term wuick movements
smooth muscle does not have T tubules, they have ____ instead
What is the composition of: A bands, I bands, M and Z lines, and H zone?
A band: thibk and thin filaments (actin AND myosin)
I band: just thin filamints (just actin)
M line: myomesin
Z line: ?
H zone: just thick filaments (myosin)
What is the function of: titin, myomesin, and dystrophin?
titin: goes from Z line to M line, provides structure and elasticity
myomesin: the protein along the M line
dystrophin: the protien that connects the sarcomere to the cell membrane, so it anchors and aids in structure