Thermoregulation Flashcards
Thermoneutral zone
The thermal zone which is suitable for the subjective demands of animals
Centre of thermoregulation
Animals can be divided into which groups of thermoregulation
- Poikilothermic animals
- Heterothermic animals
- Homeothermic animals
Poikilothermic animals
Body temp. changes depending on environmental temp.
Heterothermic animals
- Body temp. independent of environmental temp.
- Some time behave as poikilothermic animals
Homeothermic animals
- Body temp. independent of environmental temp.
- Permanently
Domestic animals belong to which thermogenic group?
Homeothermic animals
Core temperature is affected by…
- Time of day
- Feed intake
- Muscular activity
- Sex
- Age

Beginning of hibernation
- Metabolic rate decrease
- Body temperature decrease

- Body temperature increase
- Metabolic rate increase
Hibernating animals becomes transiently…
During a 3-month hibernation period….
- CNS is the only system that remains at the core temperature
- Achieved by special heating elements surrounding the brain
Hibernation is interrupted by…
- Awakening phase (for a few hours)
- This happens every 2-3 weeks
- BMR rises 120-140%
- Rapid warming
- Feeding, micturate, defecate
- ‘Hibernation’ in high environmental temperatures
- In the middle of summer, inactive metabolic condition
- Avoid dangers caused by dryness + heat
- Animal is in a still, rigid state
- Observed in animals that cannot provide energy reserves at night
- Decrease of metabolic speed
- Body temp. = near environmental temp.
- Heat of the sun + increased BMR activates the animal again
E.g Hummingbird

The temperature of body parts
- Limbs are colder than the core
- The ratio of unsaturated fatty acids in the limbs is higher in polar animals
Coolin of the limbs is inhibited by…
Efficient heat exchange systems
One-way heat exchanger
- Low efficiency
- Effluent temp. gives the average of incoming temps.

Looping heat-exchange
- Most effective defence against heat loss
- Between the body and the ground

Counter-current heat exchanger
- More effective than unidirectional heat exchange
- Heat flowing out can be almost fully transferred in
- Temp of substance leaving warm branch = Temp of substance entering the cold branch
- Observed in domestic animals - Deep blood vessel systems

Influence of age on body temperature
- High temp in young animals - Higher BMR
- Thermoneutral zone becomes narrower as age increases

Thermoneutral zone
Value where animals consume the least amount of oxygen
Heat balance
- Occurs in normal conditions
- Total body heat (Ht) divided into:
- Produced heat
- Hm (Metabolic)
- Hs (Chemical)
- Exchanged heat
- Hc (Convection)
- Hr (Radiation)
- He (Evaporation)
- Produced heat

Heat exchange occurs via…
- Radiation
- conduction
- evaporation
- Convection
from blood

Describe heat loss at the skin
- Air warmed by skin becomes lighter
- This air leaves the area of the skin
- Replaced by cold air
What is an important element of environmental temperature adaptation?
- The thickness of adipose layer
Adipose/muscle are poor conductors
Calculate the rate of heat-loss by radiation/convection
- A = surface area*
- t2-t1 = Thermal gradient*
- k = Constant (depends on the given material)*
- l = Distance the heat covers*

Heat reception is accomplished by…
Central and peripheral cold and heat sensors
Simultaneous activity of heating and cooling areas adjusts…
- Heat loss
- Heat conservation
- Heat production

Give the forms of heat loss
- Conduction
- Radiation
- Evaporation (sensible/insensible)

In a well-defined temperature range, BMR is…
Animals prefer a … range for a thermoneutral zone

What is expressed in this figure?

Heat balance

Optimal temperature

Cold stress

Heat stress


Heat shock

Lower critical temperature

Upper critical temperature

Adjustable zone

Thermoneutral zone
Vasomotor, behavioural, pilomotoric activity
Give the order of defences against cold
- Behavioural heat preservation
- Increased muscular activity/Shivering
- Chemical thermogenesis (Non-shivering)
- Metabolic heat production
What causes uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria?
Change in the proton flux
(Needed for ATP synthesis)
Effect of thyroid hormones on body temperature
- Slow but prolonged effect
- BMR increase
- No. mitochondria increase
- Thermogenin increase
- Na+/K+ ATPase activity increase
Brown adipose tissue defence against cold
- Located near the interscapular region/abdominal cavity
- Blood supply, many mitochondria
- High cytochrome oxidase (brown colour)
- Fat is oxidised in these adipose cells
- Have alpha-/beta- adrenergic receptors

The steps of heat production in brown tissue

Brown adipose cycle: ‘Sympathetic activation’
- Permeability of adipose increases to Na+ and K+ ions
- Depolarisation
Brown adipose cycle: ‘Futile cycle’
- Increased Na+/K+ pump action
- Heat production
Brown adipose cycle: ‘cAMP production’
- cAMP increases lipase activity
- Increases FFA in cell
- Most FFA oxidised by mitochondria → Heat
- Other FFA goes to organs → Further heat production
Defence against heat
- Behavioural
- ‘Dry’ heat loss
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
- ‘Humid’ heat loss
‘Humid’ heat loss
- Perspiratio insensibilis
- Diffusion from the alveolar, skin and oral mucous membrane surface
- Panting
- Diffusion from the alveolar, skin and oral mucous membrane surface
- Perspiratio sensibilis
- Sweating
How much energy is released in 1g of sweat through evaporation?
Evaporation might account to …% of heat loss
- Vapour release during expiration and inspiration
- Orally, evaporative heat-loss occurs only during expiration
- Panting frequency = Resonance-frequency of the thoracic cavity

Panting is found in which species?
- Dog
- Cat
- Sheep
- Birds
Gular flutter
- In birds
- Lowering + rising the larynx at high frequency
- Effective at evaporation

- Eq
- Ru
- Su

- Ca.
- Ho.

- Fe
- Rat

- Rabbit
- Bird
- Guinea pig
% heat production: Brain
% heat production: Heart muscle
% heat production: Skeletal muscle
% heat production: Liver
% heat production: Kidney
% heat production: Skin
Circulation in heat
- Precapillary sphincters open - AVA system opens, increasing blood to superficial areas
- Major deep veins contract, superficial ones dilate - Heat barely returns to the core
1 + 2 together are very effective at head dissipation

Circulation in cold
- Precapillary sphincters constrict - AVA system becomes closed
- Deep major veins dilate, superficial veins shrink - Heat returns to the core

Examples of countercurrent heat exchange
- In heat:
- In the leg of birds
- In cold:
- In the head
- In the testicles
Countercurrent exchange in the head
- Some animals have circulatory units ensuring CNS cooling
- Blood in the nasal venous plexi cooled by panting
- Cooled blood → basal cranial system of Willisius
- Blood of a. carotis is cooled before reaching the brain

Thermostat set point

- Heat production
- Behaviour
- Heat dissipation

‘Current value’

- Peripheral:
- Cold receptors
- Heat receptors
- Central:
- Hypothalamic
- Receptor field
The peripheral and central receptors sense the ‘current value’ and forward it as…
An afferent neural signal to the hypothalamic centre
- Homeothermia ceases
- Metabolism slows
- Heart + resp. frequency drops
What follows hypothermia?
- Circulatory failure
- Hypercapnia
- Hypoxia
- Digestive disorders
- Renal failure
- Fainting
- VF
Why are newborns and clipped sheep more prone to hypothermia
- Cold environmental temp.
- Humid skin surface
Enhanced by strong wind
Artificial hypothermia at surgical interventions
Adequate + expert artificial respiration is important
- Decreased BMR
- Excessive flow of blood into blood vessels
- Corruption of circulation (‘Overheating shock’)
What follows hyperthermia?
- Hypercapnia
- Loss of water + salts
- Hypovolemia
- Muscle seizures
Warm blood damages…
- Respiratory + circulatory centres
Animals bear hyperthermia harder because…
their body temperature is closer to the upper limit of durable temperature
Most sensitive species to hyperthermia
- Regulated hyperthermia
- Induced by infection/inflammation
- Endotoxins of gram-negative bacteria
- Polysaccharides
- Membrane debris
- Lipopolysaccharide fragments
Process of fever
- Pyrogens get into the organism
- Macrophage activation
- Formation of interleukin-1 and -6
- Stimulation of hypothalamic heat centre by PGE1 release
- Hypothalamic regulation
Effect of fever on the hypothalamus
- Setpoint increased to higher temp.
- Heat production/conservation processes
- As current value reaches set point, fever temp. becomes stabilsied
- Pyrogenic substance removed
- Set point drops to the previous norm
- Cooling mechanisms (sweating)
- ‘Relatively slow’ adaptation to extreme environmental temp.
- Can shift lower or higher critical temp.
Morpho-functional changes in cold
- Thickening of fur + Adipose thickening
- Calorigenic hormones:
- Increased thyroid hormone
- Increased glucocorticoids
- Increased BMR
- Superficial vasoconstrictor mechanisms of the skin
Morpho-functional changes in warm
- Decreased thickness of insulating layers
- The dominance of heat dissipating mechanisms
- Activate sweat glands
- Increase respiratory muscle activity
- Superficial vasodilation of skin
Enzyme effects on acclimatisation
- Kinetic changes of reactions
- Appearance of new enzyme isoforms → enzyme induction
- Changes metabolic enzymes
- Suitable for long term increase/decrease of BMR
Cellular thermogenesis
Two mechanisms:
- Mitochondrial heat production → Brown adipose tissue
- ‘Heating cells’ - Modified muscle cells (Based on fish)
Brown adipose thermogenesis
- Thyroid hormones
- Thermogenin + UCP (uncoupling protein) settles in the inner membrane of mitochondria
- Epinephrine → free fatty acids generated in cells
- Open thermogenin channel
- H+ enters channel → + O2 → Water formation
- No ATP synthesis → Only heat produced

Heater cells/ futile cycle overview
Found in certain species/Young animals with large brown adipose
- Temp. of CNS of some fish = temp. of homeothermic animals
How do heater cells function?
- Ca2+ pump of SR functions without muscle contraction
- Modified ryanodine receptor allows Ca2+ leakage from SR
- This continuously activates Ca2+ pumps → Heat production

Futile cycle
- Skeletal muscle → Epinephrine + thyroxine stimulation
- increases Ca2+ pump function
- Increased Na+ permeability gears up Na+/K+ pump function
- The pump is abused
Malignant hyperthermia
Stress sensitivity/Pathological hyperthermia
- Inherited on single locus:
- H antigen
- Phospho-hexo-isomerase (PHI)
- Defective ryanodine receptor
Malignant hyperthermia was used for…
Clarifying the thermogenic role of Ca2+ pumping proteins of the SR membrane
How does malignant hyperthermia occur?
- Produces defective ryanodine channel SR (H antigen)
- Lysine produced instead of arginine → Channels are leaky to Ca2+
- Intensive pumping back of Ca2+ to the SR
- Extreme heat production → Hyperthermia
Proves that muscle is thermogenic as well as contractile