Physiology of the Kidney Flashcards
The function of the kidney is to maintain…
- Isovolemia
- Isoionia
- Isosmosis
- Isohydria
How does the kidney control isohydria?
By elimination of H+ ions
List the functions of the kidney
- Homeostasis
- Conservation of essential substances
- Acid-base balance
- Cardiovascular regulation
- Exogenous and endogenous component elimination
- Hormone production
- Direct
- Indirect
List the anatomical features of the bovine kidney
- No renal pelvis
- Lobular surface
- Pyramids lead to calyxes
- Calyx leads directly to the ureter
The adipose tissue around the renal sinus functions as a…
What is the functional unit of the kidney?
The nephron
Give the elements of the nephron
- Malpighi body
- Tubular system
How many nephrons are found in each kidney?
What are the 4 basic functions of the nephron?
- Filtration
- Reabsorption
- Secretion
- Excretion
What % of cardiac output does the kidney receive?
What % of plasma is filtered into the renal tubules?
What is the renal filtration rate? excl. bovine
- 125 ml/min
- 180 l/day
What is the urinary output rate?
1.5 l/day
Why is the renal filtration rate higher than the urinary output rate?
Fluid is reabsorbed from the tubules
What isn’t filtered by the kidney?
What is the bovine renal filtration rate?
486 l/day
List the sections of the tubulary system
- Proximal tubule
- Henle loop
- Distal tubule
- Collecting tubule
Sections of the proximal tubule
- Proximal convoluted tubule
- Proximal straight tubule
Sections of the Henle loop
- Descending thin limb
- Ascending thin limb
- Thick ascending limb
Sections of the distal tubule
- Distal convoluted tubule
- Distal connective tubule
Sections of the collecting duct
- Cortical collecting duct
- Medullary collecting duct

Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)

Proximal Straight Tubule (PST)

Descending Thin Limb (DTL)

Distal connective tubule (CNT)

Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)

Thick ascending limb (TAL)

Ascending thin limb (ATL)

Cortical collecting duct (CCD)

Medullary collecting duct (MCD)
What % of nephrons are juxtamedullary?
What % of nephrons are cortical?
Urine is formed as a result of which processes?
- Simple filtration
- Selective/Passive reabsorption
- Excretion
The layers of the filtration barrier
- Fenestrated endothelium
- Glomerular basement membrane (GBM )
- Slit diaphragms
The filtration barrier selectively restricts passage to molecules of certain…
- Size
- Shape
- Charge
What is the relative difference in filtration dependent on the charge
negative < neutral < positive
List the molecular components of the GBM
- Collagen
- Laminin
- Nidogen
- Proteoglycans
How are the molecular components of GBM arranged?
- Collagen and Laminin form two independent networks
- Nidogen links these networks
- Adhesion of collagen and laminin to podocytes and endothelial cells



Proteoglycan: Anionic filtration barrier


Adhesion to podocytes

Adhesion to endothelial cells
The GBM acts as a barrier to…
Large plasma proteins

- Pedicules of the podocytes
- Contains slit diaphragm
The slit diaphragm has a … structure
The pores of the slit diaphragm are slightly smaller than…
Where is the slit diaphragm located?
Between the foot processes of the podocytes
What indicates that the slit diaphragm is partially elastic?
Slit area can increase with increased intraglomerular pressure
Monoclonal antibodies have been used against
Glomerular proteins
(Exclusive to the slit diaphragm)
Glomerular proteins were identified with which model?
Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome (NPHS1) model
Leading to heavy proteinuria
Symptoms of massive proteinuria
- Persistent oedema
- Recurrent infections
By in situ hybridisation, NPHS1 gene product (protein) was shown in the kidney to be expressed specifically in…
NPHS1 gene codes to produce which protein?
Nephrin is a variety of…
List the extracellular structural features of nephrin
- 8 x Ig-like modules (C2)
- 1 x Fibronectin (type-3-like) module
The type C2 Ig-like modules are usually found in proteins participating in…
Cell-cell interactions

Which significant feature(s) can be found in the intracellular region of nephrin?
9 x tyrosine residues
Used for ligand binding
Location of the C- and N-terminus of nephrin
C-terminus: Intracellularly
N-terminus: Extracellularly
Capillaries which are under high pressure for filtering
Non-real capillaries
Capillaries found around the tubule at low pressure
Real capillaries


Peritubular capillary

Cortical nephron

Juxta Medullary Nephron

Peritubular capillary

Vas aferent

Vas efferent

Venules, v. renalis

Vasa Recta
The function of Vasa Recta
- Enters renal medulla
- Henle’s loop
- Countercurrent exchange
- Concentration of urine
Length of Vasa Recta
Sympathetic innervation of the kidney
- Runs to α-adrenergic receptors (on v. afferent)
- Leads to vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole
- GFR reduced
- Rest: minimum AP
- Physical activity: Intensive AP
Parasympathetic innervation of the kidney
Cholinergic-mediated reaction
(Function not understood)
The function of pain-sensing fibres in the capsule
Sense of capsule stretching
The oldest examination method of renal function
Analysis of urine and plasma
List the methods of kidney examination
- Tubule puncture
- Clearance technique
- X-ray
- Scinthgraphy
- Ultrasound
Tubule puncture
Examination of the fluid composition
(Kidney structure is too fine to examine histologically)
Steps of the micropuncture method
- Using a fine glass capillary
- Retrieval of samples from different sections of the tubules
- Examination of samples under a microscope

Steps of Scintigraphy
- Labelled substance (isotope) administered intravenously
- Isotope appears in the kidney, reaching a maximum conc.
- This is detected with a detector on the body surface

Ultrasound examination of the kidney can be used to show
- Anatomical details
- Blood supply

Steps of the clearance method for kidney function
- Measures volume of plasma which all test substances have been removed from
- Shows the ability of the kidney to remove substances from the blood plasma

The equation to calculate clearance
(U x V)/P = Clearance ml/min
- U= Conc. in urine*
- P= Conc. in plasma*
- V= Produced urine (per minute)*
What are the varieties of renal clearances?
- Glucose
- Inulin
If 250 ml plasma passes into the kidney, and the flow rate is 125 ml/min…
125ml/min couldn’t be filtered
Therefore: Clearance = 125 ml/min
Clearance is independent to…
Plasma concentration
Unit for substances excreted by the clearance method
As well as the clearance value, clearance of substances can be used to determine…
- Functional standards of the kidney
- Quantitative values of functional disorders
Clearance of certain selected substances which are not reabsorbed nor secreted is equal to…
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
Clearance of certain selected substances which are entirely secreted is equal to…
Renal plasma flow (RPF)
If (a substance’s clearance value) Cx > Cinulin
If (a substance’s clearance value) Cx < Cinulin
What is the clearance value of glucose?
0 ml/min
(Totally reabsorbed)
Clearance of para-amino-hippuric acid (PAH) is….
Constant at low plasma concentration
At high concentrations of PAH…
The secretory capacity of renal tubules decreases
The point where excretion doesn’t grow with secretion
Transport maximum
Name a substance which is only filtered
(Not reabsorbed/secreted)
The conc. of inulin in the plasma doesn’t influence…
Inulin’s clearance
Even under extremely high values
Describe the path of urea in the kidney
- Freely filtered
- Passively moves along tubules
- A portion remains in the interstitium
- Clearance of urea is always smaller than that of inulin
Transport of urea during tubular cell diseases
- Urea recirculation damaged
- Urea conc. increases in blood
- Uraemia
Describe the path of glucose in the kidney
- Filtered freely
- Doesn’t reach descending limb of Henle’s loop
- Entirely reabsorbed in the proximal tubule
- Normally: clearance of glucose is 0
Describe the effect of diabetes on the kidney
- Glucose plasma so high
- Tubular cells unable to reabsorb it
- Transfer maximum (Tmgluclose) is therefore reached
- Glucose appears in the urine





Which processes are occurring?

Filtration + Resorption
Which processes are occurring?

Filtration + Redfiffusion
Which processes are occurring?

Filtration only

Filtration + Secretion
The formula to calculate extraction
E = (Pa - Pv)/Pa
- Pa = arterial conc. of substance*
- Pv = venous concrentration of substance*
The ability of the kidney to eliminate a substance from the organism
In extraction, the value of ‘E’ is where no substance reaches the venous side
In extraction, the value of ‘E’ is where no substance reaches the urine
What can be used to determine the RPF
Clearance of a substance that is:
- Filtered
- Excreted
So that none remains in the outgoing renal vein
A substance which is filtered and secreted…
Completely cleared (E=1)
Clearance of PAH =
Give the distributions of blood flow in the tissue layers of the kidney
- Cortex = 90%
- Outer medulla = 8-9%
- Inner medulla = 1-2%
Glomerular filtration rate
Amount of filtrate produced per unit time
Constant GFR is maintained at an arterial pressure of…
under 80-250mmHg
GFR can be measured by…
Inulin and Creatine
Average GFR value
120 ml/min
Filtered load/Filtered capacity
Mass of substance that is ultrafiltered per unit time
If a non-reabsorbing, non-secreting substance is used, it’s GFR value =
Clearance value
GFR = (UxV)/P
Substance such as Inulin
Cinulin values amongst the species
- Human = 120
- Cow = 75
- Pig = 70
- Horse = 60
- Dog = 50
Physiological by-product of muscle metabolism
If Cinulin = Ccreatinine
GFR = …
Which is normally higher:
- Cinulin
- Ccreat.
Effect on GFR by: Changes in RBF
No substantial influence
Effect on GFR by: Glomerular pressure (GP)
Change in GFR similar to GP change
Effect on GFR by: Capsular pressure (CP) increase
Reduce GFR
Effect on GFR by: Increase of Glomerular colloid osmotic pressure (GCP)
Decrease of GFR
Effect on GFR by: Glomerular membrane permeability
Decrease GFR
Effect on GFR by: Reduced total filtration surface (nephrectomy)
Decreased GFR

Capillary wall

Capillary fenestrations

Basement membrane


Glomerular filtrate

Outer wall of Bowman’s capsule
Free filtration occurs at…
< 4nm

Glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule

Glomerular ultrafiltrate



Value of glomerular blood pressure
55-60 mmHg
GCP value
30 mmHg
Capsular pressure value
15-20 mmHg
Filtration fraction =
Ultrafiltration is maintained by…
Filtration pressures
Transfer maximum (Tm)
The upper limit of reabsorption
350 mg/min
If the filtered load/Tmglucose is > 350mg/min
Maximum transport

Normal filtered load range



Glucose loss: Excretion

Which medical cases can glucose appear in urine?
- Diabetes mellitus
- Pregnancy
Secretion maximum
The point where above a certain plasma conc., secretion becomes constant
(all secreting nephrons reach their maximum)
Excretion =
Filtration + Secretion
3 Phases of excretion
- Linear phase
- SDL phase
- Saturation phase




Linear phase

SDL phase
Self-depression limit phase

Saturation phase
Self-depression limit (SDL) phase
- Cells become unable to secrete
- Secretion capacity is reached
- Excretion decreases
Saturation phase
- Curve is parallel with filtration
- No more secretion
- Excretion depends on filtration
Neural regulation of renal circulation
- Cortical vessels innervated by sympathetic nerves
- No sympathetic innervation to the medulla
Cortical vessels take part in which processes?
- Pressor reflex
- Redistribution of blood
Pressor reflex of the kidney
- Decrease of blood pressure
- Depressor centre activity decreases
- Pressor activity increased
- Periperal vasoconstriction
- Renal ischemia
Redistribution of blood in the kidney
Increased sympathetic tonicity
- Increased muscular activity/shock/pain
- Renal ischaemia
- Redistribution of blood
Is innervation of renal circulation essential?

Juxtaglomerular apparatus

Bowman capsule

- Afferent arteriole
- Glomerulus
- Efferent arteriole

Mesangial Cells

Macula densa cells

Epithelial cells of the distal tubule

Juxtaglomerular cells
JGA is made up of…
- Macula densa
- Mesangial cell
- Swollen smooth muscle
- myoepithelial of vas. aff/eff
Function of JGA
- Renin production
- A sensor of salt + water metabolism
- Baroreceptor
- Hormone production
- Angiotensin-II
Where is renin used?
In the renin-angiotensin system
The theories of JGA level regulation of renin secretion
- Baroreceptor threory
- Macula densa theory
Baroreceptor theory of renin secretion
- Triggered by EC hypovolemia
- Vas. aff pressure decrease
- Transmural pressure decrease
- Arterial smooth muscle relax
- JGA-__baro__-R stimulated
- Renin secretion
Macula densa theory of renin secretion
- Triggered by reduced Na-content of distal tubule
- Stimulation of macula densa cells
- Stimulation of myoepithelium of juxtaglomerular cells
- Renin secretion
Renin-angiotensin system
Effects of RAS on angiotensin II
- Pressor effect
- Salt retention
- Direct
- Indirect
- Nervous system effect
The nervous system effect of RAS on angiotensin II
- Increase arterial pressure
- Dipsogenic effect
- Increase catecholamine synthesis
- Increased intrarenal vasoconstriction
- ADH stimulation
Effect of RAS on angiotensin III
- Pressor effect 50% lower than Angiotensin II
- Stimulation of aldosterone secretion is equivalent to Angiotensin II




Angiotensin-converting enzyme
Found mainly in the lungs


- ADH Stimulation
- Salt appetite
- Thirst
- GFR, RFB decrease

- Aldosterone production
- Vasoconstriction

Increased salt + water intake

Increased salt + water conservation

Hypovolemia counterregulated
Effect of Ag-II on salt + water reabsorption
Effect of Ag-II on salt + water intake
Stimulates intake
Title the figure

Renin-angiotensin system
Pressor effects of angiotensin-II
Increase of BP
Effects of angiotensin-II on direct salt retention
- Increase of Na+/ H+ exchange
- Increase HCO3- reabsorption in the proximal tubule
Effects of angiotensin-II on indirect salt retention
- Vas efferent constriction
- GFR + RPF diminishes
- RPF redistribution to the cortex
- Urine formation decrease
CNS effects of angiotensin-II
- Pressor centre stimulation
- Dipsogenic effect → Increased water intake
- Sympathetic stimulation
- Increased ADH release
- Synthesised in the kidney
Strong vasodilator
- Effects v. aff + v. eff
Effect of the kallikrein-kinin system
- Stimulates hepatic kininogen
- Causing bradykinin production (Vasodilator)
Constancy of RPF and GFR are maintained by…
Adaptive contraction of the afferent arteriole
In canines, increase and decrease of GFR plays a role in the increase/decrease of…
Sodium excretion
Autoregulation to BP rise of RPF and GFR
Autoregulation to BP fall of RPF and GFR
- Afferent arteriole: Vasodilation
- Efferent arteriole: Vasoconstriction
Tubuloglomerular feedback
- Macula densa of juxtaglomerular apparatus senses volume change
- Secretes signals to adjust GFR
Title the figure

GFR autoregulation
Steps of: V.afferent vasodilator feedback
Tubuloglomerular feedback
- GFR Decrease
- Fluid flow Decrease
- Na/Cl reabsorption Increase
- Macula Densa Activated
- V. afferent dilation
- RBF Increase
- GP Increase
- GFR returns to normal
Steps of: V. efferent vasoconstrictor feedback
Tubuloglomerular feedback
- GFR Decrease
- Na/Cl reabsorption Increase
- Tubular Na+ Decrease
- Macula densa Activated
- RAS activated
- Angiotensin II produced
- V. efferent constrictor release
- GP Increase
- GFR returns to normal
Supplementary mechanism
Autoregulation at increased blood pressure
- BP increase
- Kidney vessel resistance Increase
- Vasoconstriction
- No change in RBF
Which vessels does kidney autoregulation not protect?
Medullary vessels
Title the figure

Autoregulation of renal circulation

Adaption range
What % of the filtered material is reabsorbed into the proximal tubule?
Describe Na+ transport at the proximal tubule
- Na+/K+ ATPase pump
- Cell → interstitium
- The decrease of Na+ draws more Na + into the cell
- Excess IC K+ leaves the K+ channel

Describe Na+-related transport of H+ at the proximal tubule
- Na+ entry into the cell via Secondary active transport
- H+ secretion
- Ensures the removal of metabolic hydrogen

Describe HCO3- transport at the proximal tubule, in the lumen
- Cell is impermeable to HCO3 -
- HCO3 - + H+ forms carbonic acid
- H2CO3 → H2O + CO2
- Catalysed by carbonic anhydrase
- CO2 can diffuse through the cell membrane

Describe HCO3- transport at the proximal tubule, in the tubulary cells
- CO2 → H+ + HCO3-
- Catalysed by carbonic anhydrase
- H+ reaches lumen via secondary active transport
- HCO3- + Na+ ion → Interstitium
- Via Na/3HCO3- cotransporter
- (Indirect HCO3- transport)

Effect of HCO3- reabsorption inhibition
High loss of Na+ and water
(Diuresis = Increased urine formation)
Describe Cl- transport at the proximal tubule
- Prerequisite: pHlumen < pHcell
- Cl--acidic anion antiporter:
- Cl- → Cell
- Acid ion → Lumen
- Acidic ion binds H+ → Free acid
- Free acid → Cell: Dissociation
- Transport from cell to interstitium:
- Cl- channel
- K+/Cl- cotransporter
- HCO3- reabsorption increased Cl- gradient

Describe the H2O transport at the proximal tubule
- Movement by increased peritubular oncotic pressure
- From Lumen → Interstitium
- Water transport by: Aquaporin-1 (AQP-1)

Which 3 compounds are 100% withdrawn from the proximal tubule
- Glucose
- Amino acids
- Na+

How much urea is passively reabsorbed through the cell and paracellular pathways
Approximately half
The permeability of the descending limb of Henle’s loop
High permeability
% of substance reabsorbed in the ascending thick limb of Henle’s loop (TAL)
Describe transport processes in the thick ascending limb of the Henle’s loop (TAL)
- Furosemide sensitive Na+/K+/2Cl- synporter
- Na+/K+/2Cl- → Cell
- Utilises energy from basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase pump
- Electroneutral transport
- TAL is impermeable for H2O + Urea
- K+ + Cl- passively leaves cell → Interstitium
- Na+ eliminated by ATPase pump

Describe transport processes in the distal convoluted tubule
- Na+/Cl- symport protein reabsorb additional 5% of filtrate at luminal side
- Na+/K+ ATPase pump:
- Reabsorbed Na+ → Interstitium
- K+/Cl- cotransporter:
- Cl- → Interstitium
- Ca2+ transport begins

Describe transport processes in the:
- Distal connective tubule
- Collecting tubule
- Permeability depends on hormonal effects
- Hormonally regulated urine formed here
- CNT + CCT → Mineralocorticoid dependent Na+ reabsorption
- CCT → ADH-dependent water reabsorption
- MCT →
- ADH-dependent water reabsorption
- ANP dependent Na+ excretion
Intercalar cells:
- Regulation of acid/base K+ balance
Aldosterone controls…
- In distal + collecting tubules
- K+ excretion + reabsorption
- Na+ reaborption
Principal and intercalar cells are found in…
- Distal connective tubule
- Collecting tubule
Role of principal cells
- Secretion of K+
- Regulated by mineralocorticoids
- Regulate water reabsorption
- By expressing AQP-2
- As a result of ADH
- By expressing AQP-2
Role of intercalar cells
- Maintenance of acid/base balance
- Secreting H+
- Forwarding of HCO3-
How does HCO3- in the kidney relate to acidosis?
- HCO3- changes place with Cl- (via antiporter)
- HCO3- forwarded onto the blood
- Acidic component forwarded onto the lumen
- Works as an effective defence against acidosis
- The reverse is observed in alkalosis

H+ of cell water is forwarded to the lumen via…
Electrogenic luminal H+ pump (ATPase)
Water transport on the CNT and CCT or MCT sections is regulated by…
AQP-2 is bound to…
Microsomes inside the principal cells
Distal connected tubule + collecting duct:
- In the presence of ADH, AQP-2 migrate…
To the luminal pole
Facilitates water movement according to osmotic conditions

Name the process

ADH-mediated H2O transport
Intercalar cell function during alkalosis
- HCO3- release into the lumen
- H+ release into the interstitium

Describe ammonia transport relating to acid/base balance in the proximal tubule
- Goal: R_emove metabolically formed hydrogen ions_
- NH3 binds to H+ → NH4+
- Excreted as salt:
- Ammonium phosphate
- Ammonium sulphate
- pH of urine doesn’t fall to an extremely low value

Describe the cycle of ammonia/ammonium
- In thick ascending limb (TAL)
- NH4+ taken up by cells by K+/NH4+ exchange
- NH4+ cannot leave on the luminal side (impermeable)
- NH4+ → interstitium → descending limb (countercurrent multiplier)
- Medullary NH4+ increase
- Active uptake of NH4+ by collecting tubule cells

ADH is secreted by the…
List the triggers increasing ADH secretion
- Hyperosmosis of plasma → Osmoreceptors
- Stress
- Pain
List the triggers decreasing ADH secretion
- Baroreceptors → BP increase
- Stress, volume receptors
- ANP production → Central + atrial
Effects of ADH secretion
- AQP-2 expression → Water retention
- Extrarenal
- Renal
- Collecting duct
- Vessel contraction (If bleeding)
- Corticoid production increase
Atrial natriuretic peptide
List the triggers increasing ANP secretion
- Atrial stretch → pre-pro-ANP
- Salt load
- Fluid load
Give the effect of ANP secretion
- Na+ excretion increase
- cGMP production increase
- Na+/H+ exchange decrease
Stimuli of aldosterone
- Hyperkalemia (Plasma [K+] increase)
- BP fall
- Hypophysis: ACTH
Describe aldosterone secretion stimulated by hyperkalaemia
- Triggered by K+ increase in the blood
- Measured by z. glomerulosa cells
- Aldosterone considered to be the single regulator of K+ excretion
Hormones affecting the kidney
- Parathormone
- Calcitonin
- Glucocorticoids
Hormones produced in the kidney
- 1,25-OH-D3 hormone
- Erythropoietin
- Prostaglandin
Sources of water intake
- Fluid consumption
- Intermediary metabolism
- Food
Fluid intake by direct fluid consumption
2.1 l/day
Fluid intake by the intermediary metabolism
0.3 l/day
Sources of water output
- Sweat
- Lungs
- Urine
- Faeces
- Milk/saliva
Fluid output by sweat
0.35 l/day
Fluid output by lungs
0.35 l/day
Fluid output by urine
1.5 l/day
Fluid output by faeces
0.2 l/day
Osmotic load results in…
- Blocking of tubular H2O reabsorption
- Leads to osmotic diuresis
Hydropenia leads to…
Low volume production of hyperosmotic urine
Hydration leads to…
High volume production of hypoosmotic urine
Fast restoration of isosmotic conditions is usually carried out at the expense of…
The shift of isovolaemia
Hyperosmosis can be created artificially or physiologically by…
- A substance that cannot be reabsorbed
- Mannit
- Glucose
- A substance that can be reabsorbed after filtration
- Sodium
What occurs after hyperosmosis
- Hypothalamic osmoreceptors (_nucl_.* *supraopticus**) stimulated
- ADH release → Water retention
Non-reabsorbing substances cause…
Osmotic diuresis
Osmotically active substance → removes water from the body
Compensated for by water uptake (e.g diabetes)
Because animals take up water periodically…
- Volume + urine osmolality change in a wide range
- 2-5ml/kg bwt/kg - 200-229ml/kg bwt/kg
- 1400 mosmol/l - 50 mosmol/l
Osmotic layering
- Rapid changing of the quantity + osmolarity of the urine
- Low energy requirement
- High capacity
Which mechanisms are responsible for the creation and maintenance of osmotic layering?
- Countercurrent multiplier mechanism
- Countercurrent exchanger mechanism
The osmotic concentration of the interstitium is…
Why don’t deep medullary cells shrink?
- The IC space is full of ‘inert’ osmoliths
- No metabolysis

Calculate osmotic clearance
Cosm = Uosm x V/Posm
What are these characteristic of:
- Uosm = Posm
- CH2=0
Isosmotic urine
What are these characteristic of:
- Uosm > Posm
- CH2 = Negative
Hyperosmotic urine
What are these characteristic of:
- Uosm < Posm
- CH2 = Positive
Hyposmotic urine
Osmotic plateau =
Osmotic plateau values for:
- Human
- Dog
- Desert animals
- Human = 4
- Dog = 5-6
- Desert animals = 20
Concentrating capacity is proportional to…
The number of Juxtamedullary glomeruli
Interstitial hyperosmosis is maintained by…

Urinary hyperosmosis is maintained by

Creation and maintenance of increasing osmolality is driven by…
- Na-pump
- Repetitive reabsorption of Na+ of the TAL
- Recirculation of urea

Increasing osmolality results in…
Interstitial hyperosmosis
(creates a suction force)
Describe the process of the countercurrent multiplier
- Na+ pump increases interstitial osmolality
- H2O: descending limb → interstitium
- Urea/Na+ cannot follow the same path

What is responsible for the maintenance of osmotic layering?
Countercurrent exchanger
What is the function of a countercurrent mechanism?
- Maintains the status quo
- Doesn’t create temperature differences between

The countercurrent exchanger in the kidney
Vasa recta
Roles of Vasa recta
- Slow blood flow
- Fluid + solute exchange between 2 arms
- Diffusion equilibrium between interstitium + blood
- Isoosmotic blood leaves interstitium

The osmotic gradient of the interstitium affects…
- Lumen osmolality
- Quantity of urine
- Composition of urine
Which changes may occur when osmotic conc. of interstitium is different to the tubular liquid?
- Salt leaves the tubule
- Salt enters the tubule
- Water leaves the tubule
- Water enters the tubule
- Combination of the above
The maximum deviation from isosmosis can only be…
Role of ADH
Maintain Isosmosis
Damage to hypothalamus ADH secreting locus results in…
Hyposmotic urine (Diabetes)
Increased diuresis following extra H2O load can be blocked by…
Hydropenia results in…
Blood ADH increase
ADH level of action
Connecting part of Distal tubule + Collecting duct
Summarise ADH mechanism of action
- ADH receptor → cAMP release
- AP-2 → H2O
- AP-1 → H2O reabsorbed
Mechanism of dehydration on ADH release
- Dehydration → [Salt] in blood increases
- Osmotic pressure increase
- Receptors in hypothalamus detect this
- ADH release
- Thirst centre in hypothalamus also responds
Describe Verney’s experiment
- Dog drinking → diuresis occurs
- ADH/NaCl applied → diuresis stops
- The electrical stimulus of n**ucl. supraopticus → diuresis stops
Central regulation of ADH secretion
- AV3V of the third ventricle stimulated
- ADH secretion
- Thirst
Summarise the reaction to hyperosmosis
- EC + IC balance → Hyperosmotic isovolemia
- Hypothalamus: Osmoreceptor activity increase
- ADH in blood increase
- Distal tubule: AP-2 expression increase
- Free water clearance decrease, water retention
- Isosmotic hypervolemia
Summarise the reaction to hyposmosis
- ADH inhibition
- No H2O retention
- Hypovolemic isosmosis
The thirst centre is composed of…
- Anteroventral wall of the 3rd ventricle
- Anterolateral part of the preoptic hypothalamus
- AV3V region of 3rd Ventricle
Excitation of the thirst centre is triggered by…
Extreme water intake
Basic stimuli for exciting thirst
- IC-dehydration
- Losing blood
- Food intake
- Angiotensin-II
Temporary relief of thirst
- Stops unnecessary drinking
- Water → Oesophagus/stomach
- Relieves thirst for 30 mins
Body process with excess salt intake
- 1-2 days
- Verney-mechanism activated
- Extra salt and water stay in the EC space
- EC space is extended → hypervolemia
Body process with excess water intake
- Volume increase → BP increase
- Baroreceptors stimulated → Peripheral vasodilation + oncotic pressure decrease
- Fluid leaves circulation → Interstitium
ANP secreted from
Cardiac Atrium
The function of ANP release
Increase Na+ excretion
by inhibiting Na+ reabsorption
Volume receptors
- Stretch receptors
- Centre of volume regulation
- Around diencephalon
Pressure diuresis
- BP increase → Diuresis increase
Summarise the reaction to hypovolemia
- RAS inhibition
- ANP stimulation
- Na+ excretion
- RAS + ADH inhibition
- Isovolemia
Smooth muscles of the bladder
- Exhibit reflex relaxation
- Plasticity → Allows uptake of large volumes
- Filling → Sympathetic differentiation of bladder
- Bladder loosened, sphincter contracted
- Urination → Parasympathetic dominance
- Bladder contracted, sphincter dilates
What forwards urine to the renal pelvis?
Contraction of the calix
Lower urinary tract components
- Urinary bladder
- Urethra
How is urination induced?
Filling of bladder → Increase of mechanoreceptor activity

Maximal stretch and mechanoreceptor activity

Stimulus of urination


Which motor systems control urination?
- Lumbar → Sympathetic
- Sacral → Parasympathetic
- Somatic → M. abd., perineum, outer sphincter

Describe bladder filling
- Parasympathetic activity inhibited by sympathetic activity
- Sympathetic Tone
- → M. detrusor relaxes
- → Contracts smooth muscle of bladder neck
- Outer urethral muscles contract (n. pudendus**)

Sympathetic Tone contracts the smooth muscles of the bladder neck via the…
Alpha1 receptors
Describe urination
- Increased mechanoreceptor activity → Pons
- Increased parasympathetic activation
- Inhibits somatic and sympathetic activity
- Bladder wall contracts, sphincters relax
Because the pons is connected to the cortex and hypothalamus…
Animals can be trained to retain urine
Average urine production (l/day/bodyweight) for:
- Cattle
- Horse
- Swine
- Dog
- Cat
- Cattle: 9
- Horse: 5.5
- Swine: 2.5
- Dog: 1.2
- Cat: 0.1
The average speed of urine formation (ml/min/100kg) for:
- Cattle
- Horse
- Swine
- Dog
- Cat
- Cattle: 1 - 3
- Horse: 0.2 - 1.3
- Swine: 0.5 - 2.2
- Dog: 0.4 - 1.2
- Cat: 0.7 - 1.4
Maximum urinary osmolarity of birds
500-600 mosmol/l
Why is avian osmolarity so low?
Urea is almost absent in the medullary interstitium
Some avian nephrons lack…
Henle’s loop
(reptilian-type nephron)
Birds have a urinary bladder: true or false?
Salt and water content of avian urine is adjusted by…
Cloaca and Large intestine
Apart from urination, salt can be excreted by…
- Salt glands
- Secreted nasaly
Secreted fluid from seagull salt glands can reach an osmolarity of…
- 800-1000 mosmol/l