Theory, Hypothesis, Prediction Final Flashcards
chapter 2
evolutionary theory
that beings will adptat to their enviroments and the one who dont die out
broad framework for organizing and explaining collection data
spurs reserch that tests boundaries of atheory
has evidence
tentative statment about something that might be true
it has to be tested
specific statment about the expected outcome of an STUDY ,given your precise method
the happiness study
caculate data, what now ?
-calculate avarage score on DV for ech condition#
what languague is used ?
suport or fail the hypothais
not confirm or prove the hypothais
strong hypothaisis
make predictions that exposes it self to falsification
make specific predictions =strong confirmation
Ex : working out for 5 min make u have a better mood
week hypothasis
make very general predidction
make general prediction =weak cornfirmation
something that is esily falsiable - is something very specific
simplier theories are better tnam more complex thories that can explain the same phenomenon
explaining as much as possible using as little as possible
more parsimonios theories are more fesiable than less persimonious theory
where do reserch ideas come from?
- theories
- past reserch
- observation of the world around us
- questioning common assumptions