experimental control Flashcards
experimental control
-ensuring only the iv changes across conditions
-avoiding alternative explanations:experimenter expenctacy effects,demand characteristics
optimizing our operational defenition
-avoiding ceeling and floor effects
-having an appropriate pairing of strong IV and sensitive DV
experimenter expanctacy effect
A cognitive bias that occurs when a researcher knows
what condition participants are in and therefore
intentionally or unintentionally manipulates an
experiment, thus impacting the findings.
thereat internal validity
maze bright/maze dull
1-participants were diveded intwo groups
2-one was told that their rats were super smart the other super stupid
3- they were told to see which one could do the maze faster
4- secretly the two animals were identical- not one was better then other
5- but the finding was that the ‘‘smart’’ rat was faster
6- the reason why probably was that the participants perhaps treated the rat better which inderactly caused the rat to act better
solution for experimenter expectacy effect
1-double blind study (reserch assistant and participants are blind to which one is getting the IV)
2-automated (computer ? )instructions
3-all conditions run simustaneous
demand characteristics
A demand characteristic is any feature of an
experiment that might inform participants of the
purpose of the study.
participants might try to help/hurt you
-be the good participants
-mess up the result
-socially desireability
sometimes a bit of deception is required
operational defenition of an IV manipulation
straightfoward manipulation/simple and easy
Just present participants with something for the IV (e.g.
writing, pictures, video, etc) that will influence the DV
-manipulate mood with music,a video, or a remenber a time when…..
-try to remeber as many words from the following list as u can
stage manipulation
1- try to inderetcly elicit a state
2- put particpansts in a position where they actually feel theyre in the situation
1-elicit fustration by giving people an impossible task
1-elicit anger by having a confederate insut a participant
2- driving while on hands-free vs with a passenger
straight foward manipulation vs staged manipulation
Research question: Does thinking about old age impact
the behaviour of young people?
straight foward: ask participants to think about when they are 90 their expectations and afterwards walk around the room
staged manipulation: asked them to put words that relate to old age in order then ask them to walk around the room
Often, we deceive subjects about the real purpose of
a study
₋ “Unrelated tasks” (filler tasks)
₋ Use of confederates or cover story
Attempt to avoid demand characteristics
ex:line studya,shock study
but a debrif us needed afterwards
straightfoward pros
-very common
-easy to pull of
-sometimes quite
artificial…might not really
simulate the “real world”(low mundane
-demand characteristics