Measurment Flashcards
is your measure consistent ?
every construct has a true score
-Running speed
your ‘‘real level’’
can be mesured
for any constract,each participant has a true score
must reley on mesurment to find true scores, which has measurment error
a measure is realible if it has little measurement error
how to avoid mesurment error
-measure repetly
realibilly is your first concern
if it isnt measuring a thing constitly- no realibily ,= no validity
if the finding is consistent trought trials
if it measures what we want to measure/but acuratly
types of realibity
1-test-retest realibily
2-internal consistent realibility
we use correlation to meausre realibility
- test-retest realibily
is a participant score consistent across time(tests)- r=0.8
2.internal consistent realibility
is participants score on this construct similar across iteams that are aimed to measure related aspect of construct
3.inter-rater realibilty
how similar are a participants score when measured by different reters
relevant when behaviour is observed or text are coded by multiple rater
are u measing what u want to measure?
construct validity
- does contant reflect the iteam u want to measure
a)face validity
b)content validity - how does this measure behaviour?
d)Concurrent - how does this measure relate to other measures ?
e) Convergent
f) Discriminant
a) face validity
is it measuring what u want to measure?
b) content validity
is it capturing all important parts of the iteam/concept being measured ?- is something missing
it will predict accuratly future behaviour
d)concurrent validity
able to distinguish relevent behaviour now
that has to do with concept being measured
ex:lonlines are they going to parties
e) convergengengt validity
related to scores on measures of similar constructs
not related to what shouldt relate to
(low or zero correlation)
ex:don’t want to be measuring depression ! we want to measure loneliness!