Theorist-Audience Flashcards
Albert Bandura-Media Effects
Media can implant in the mind of the audience directly
Audiences acquire attitudes, emotional responses and behaviours through media products modelling ideologies
If a media product represents behaviour such as violence or physical aggression, this can lead audience members to imitate those forms of behaviour
George Gerbner-Cultivation theory
Being exposed to repeated patterns of representation over long periods of time can shape and influence the way in which people perceive the world around them
This process of cultivation reinforces mainstream hegemonic values
Stuart Hall-Reception theory
Communication through media texts is a process involving encoding by producers and decoding by audiences
Preferred reading
Audience accept the intended message
Negotiated reading
Audience take away some of the intended message
Oppositional reading
Audience reject all of the intended message
Henry Jenkins-Fandom
Fans are active participants in the construction of textual meaning
Fans appropriate texts and read them in ways that are not fully intended by the media producers (‘textual poaching’). Examples of this may manifest in conventions, fan fiction and so on
Fans construct their social and cultural identities through borrowing and utilising mass culture images, and may use this ‘subcultural capital’ to form social bonds. For example, through online forums like Reddit
Clay Shirky-‘End of the audience’
Audience are no longer passive consumers, media consumers have become producers who ‘speak back’ to the media in various ways, creating and sharing content with one another.
Accomplished through comments sections, internet forums, and creating media products such as blogs or vlogs