Theorist-Media Language Flashcards
Roland Barthes-Semiotics
Media products are decoded by their readers in 2 ways, both denotative reading and connotative reading
Denotative reading
Readers recognise the literal or physical content
Connotative reading
A deeper understanding of the text including emotional, symbolic or ideological significance
Enigma codes
Construct moments of mystery and intrigue for the readers
Action codes
Build interest or suspense which show that ‘something is about to happen’
Semantic codes
Understanding the messaging to have an extra layer of meaning or a hidden meaning
Symbolic codes
Any repeated symbol that conveys a deeper meaning
Symbolic codes
Any repeated symbol that conveys a deeper meaning
Cultural codes
Refer to material from beyond the text and relies on our wider knowledge of culture, might refer to proverbs, idioms, historical or scientific ideas or knowledge
Levi Strauss-Binary opposition
Texts can best be understood through an examination of their underlying structure
Dependent upon pairs of oppositions
Binary oppositions
Have particular ideological significance
Tzvetan Todorov-Narratology
All narratives share a basic structure that involves a movement from one state of equilibrium to another
2 states of equilibrium
Separated by a period of imbalance or disequilibrium
Have particular ideological significance