Outline Of Theorist Flashcards
Media language theorists
Roland Barthes-Semiotics
Levi Strauss-Binary opposition
Tzvetan Todorov-Narratology
Steve Neale-Genre theory
Jean Baudrillard-Postmodernism
Representation theorists
Stuart Hall-Representation theory
David Gauntlett-Identity theory
Van zoonen-Feminist theory
Bell Hooks-Feminist theory
Judith Butler-Gender performativity
Paul Gilory-Ethnicity and post-colonial
Industry theorists
Curran & Seaton-Power & Media
Livingstone & Lunt-Regulation
Hesmondhalgh-Cultural industries
Audience theorists
Albert Bandura-Media effects
George Gerbner-Cultivation theory
Stuart Hall-Reception theory
Henry Jenkins-Fandom
Clay Shirky-‘End of the audience’
Blumler and Katz-‘Uses and gratification’