Theories of Lenin, Mao & Che Flashcards
Theories advocated by Lenin in sp of Revolution
a. Theory of Imperialism
b. Theory of Proletariat Revolution
c. Theory of Revolutionary War
Theory of Revolutionary War is based on the foll components
a. Party Org
b. Popular Front
c. Orthodox & Pragmatism
d. Mil Intervention
e. Monopoly of Power
f. Economic Penetration
g. Destabilization
Mao’s Theory of People’s War divides warfare into three phases:
a. Phase I: Dev of Local Sp
b. Phase II: Org growth & cbt against En
c. Phase III: Transition of Guerilla Org into a conventional force & defeat of the En
3 essential principles of Protracted People’s War:
a. Revolution would be carried out from bases located in remote, rural areas.
b. It would involve a central role for the Red Army, a role that would be more
of a pol than a mil one.
c. Revolution would take the form of a protracted war-a war of long & undetermined length, but one which would proceed through orderly stages
Mao’s revolutionary war strategy characteristics:
a. Annihilating the enemy & preserving oneself.
b. Strategically despising the enemy, & tactically taking him seriously.
c. Strategy of Active defense.
d. Mainly adopt the mobile battle with close combination of positional battle & guerrilla battle.
e. The basic form of the battle is annihilation battle.
f. Initiative, flexibility and planning.
Mao’s revolutionary war strategy Principles:
a. Stick to the party’s leadership of the people’s war.
b. Fully mobilize, organize and arm the broad masses.
c. Have the people’s army as the backbone.
d. The combination of three forces and one cooperation.
e. Establish solid revolutionary base area.
f. Apply flexible strategy and tactics.
Mao’s proper conduct of people’s war:
a. Speak politely.
b. Pay fairly for what you buy.
c. Return everything you borrow.
d. Pay for anything you damage.
e. Do not hit or swear at people.
f. Do not damage crops.
g. Do not take liberties with women.
h. Do not ill-treat captives.
Che’s 3 fundamental principles of Foco Theory:
a. Speak Popular forces can win a war against an army.
b. It is not necessary to wait for a revolutionary situation to arise as one can be created.
c. In the underdeveloped countries of the Americas, rural areas are the best battlefields for revolution.
Phases of Che’s Strategy:
a. Nomadic Phase.
b. Semi-Nomadic Phase.
c. Sub-Urban Guerrilla Warfare Phase.
Foco Theory vs Maoism:
a. Che agreed with Mao that the correct place to start the revolution was among the rural Peasantry.
b. In Latin America the peasants were so ready to accept revolutionary ideas- a small band of charismatic revolutionaries could generate mass support in a short time.
c. Party organization and ideological direction will have created after the Foco gains momentum.
d. Attempts to mount revolutions by rural Focos based on Guevara’s teachings in Colombia (1961), Guetemala and Ecuador in 1962, Peru (1963). But, all failed.