Low Intensity Conflict Flashcards
Classification of Mil conflicts:
a. High Intensity Conflict
b. Med Intensity Conflict
c. Low Intensity Conflict
Characteristics of LIC:
a. Character. Ltd pol & mil confrontation.
b. Fighting Elements. May include armed elements of two countries, or within the country.
c. Effect of War. Condition is of lower grade than that of conventional war & of higher grade than that of normal peace condition.
d. Object of War. Pol, eco, psychological & social goals.
e. Limits of Activities. It may include diplomatic, economic, psychological, terrorism, subversion, Insurgency, use of military power etc.
f. Geographical Expansion of War. Geographically this type of conflict has a ltd area & is of local type but it has effect on regional & world sy expects.
g. Equipment/Weapons. Weapons, violence, and tactics are limited.
4 instruments of National Power:
a. Pol
b. Eco
c. Info
d. Mil
Imperatives of successful Mil Ops in LIC:
a. Pol dominance
b. Legitimacy
c. Unity of Effort
d. Perseverance
e. Adaptability
4 categories of Mil Ops in LIC:
a. Sp of Insurgency & CI
b. Peacetime Contingency Ops
c. Combating Terrorism
d. Peace-keeping Ops
LIC has increased because of:
a. Probability of Mil Destruction
b. Fear of International Reaction
c. Wpn of weak
d. Indirect participation
US Armed Forces includes the foll as LIC:
a. Foreign Internal Defense (CI Ops)
b. CT ops
c. Stability ops (to incl peacekeeping ops & peace-making ops)
d. Internal peace keeping & Aid to civil Auth.
e. Peace time contingency ops.
Principles of fighting against LIC:
a. Int
b. Unity of effort
c. Unified cmd
d. Protracted ops
e. Pol dominance
f. Necessity of large am of resources.
g. Dest of mil wing of Insurgents
Success factors of Malaya campaign:
a. Lack of external sp.
b. Sound int sys.
c. Correct grouping of villages.
d. Jungle trg.
Mil aim of LIC:
a. Dest of mil & pol wing of insurgents.
b. Provide protection to civil popn & gov agencies.
c. Protect people fm hostiles.
d. To isolate local popn fm insurgents by winning their hearts & minds.
Prep for LIC:
a. Intensify our efforts to identify the requirements & capabilities in org, eqpt & trg to meet the demands of LIC.
b. Formulate & continue to refine our opn & trg doctrines/techniques.
c. Maintain an adequate number of trained persons in language, int skills, aptitude & regional background of potential areas.
d. Identify & standardize the procedures for coordination with ministries/govt agencies & int org. This’ll facilitate joint plg & integrated application of all resources to combat LIC.
Advance prep:
a. Coll of int about militants, pol leaders supporting the movement, background information, organization of militants, their arms, amn, trg & motivation;
b. Recruitment/provisioning of interpretations & interrogators.
c. Terrain information.
d. Prep for psy ops & propaganda.
e. Issue & coll of special sector stores reqd for operations in the likely area(s).
f. Prep for combat in urban insurgency env such as scaling walls & buildings, taking on militants in alleys & cellars & so on.
g. Learning to carry out the police type of actions.
Aspects requiring emphasis during trg:
a. Junior leadership.
b. Physical fitness.
c. Basic field craft skills.
d. Wpns handling & good shooting standards under battle conditions.
e. Tech of fighting in built up areas, mountains and villages.
f. Human right & LOAC.
Imp aspects having direct bearing on LIC:
a. Popn
b. Civil Adm
c. Militants
d. Pol scenario
e. Police
f. Media
g. Int Agencies
Learn to Operate under following constraints:
a. Lack of timely int.
b. Due to vacillating political will to resolve the issue, there may not be a clear cut pol directive to the Army.
c. Inadequate coop from the local civil & police officials.
d. Non cooperative attitude of the local popn till adequate confidence is
fostered in them by successful mil ops.
e. Difficulty in identifying dissidents fm the innocent popn.
f. Probs of isolating the militants fm their sp bases particularly in urban areas.
g. Exploitation of informational means by dissidents against Army.
h. Indifferent attitude of local politicians & intelligentsia who may be committed to the cause of dissidents for their narrow ends.
i. Language problem.