Terrorism Flashcards
4 key elements of Terrorism:
a. It is premeditated-planned in advance, rather than an impulsive act of rage.
b. It is pol-not criminal, like the violence that groups such as the mafia use to get money, but designed to change the existing political order.
c. It is aimed at civilians-not at military targets or combat-ready troops.
d. It is carried out by sub national groups-not by the army of a country.
Evolution of Terrorism:
a. Terror in Antiquity: 1st to 14th Century AD
b. Early Origins of Terrorism: 14th to 18th Century AD
c. Entering the Modern Era: The 19th Century
d. Terrorism in the 20 & 21st Century
Assassins method are as follows:
a. Blended into local community
b. Stalked their intended victim with extreme patience.
c. Generally selected public place with large group of onlookers present to
perform spectacular murder in which assassins usually lose their lives.
d. Assassins are said to have been kept in court of nearly every Middle Eastern ruler for many years, so that they could kill if they are called upon to do so. (Slipper Cells)
Long Range Goals of Terror Org:
a. Cause dramatic change in govt such as revolution or war b/w nations.
b. Turn the tide favorably during guerilla warfare.
c. Influence local, national or international policy & decision making.
d. Gain pol recognition as the legal body representing an ethnic or national group.
Common characteristics of Terrorists
a. Promote fear among the popn.
b. Normally weaker in mil power than the SF.
c. Do not necessarily equate tactical success with mission success.
d. Normally lightly equipped & highly mobile.
e. Exploit the fact that terror is cheap. A few perpetrators with inexpensive
small arms create disruptions affecting whole nation.
f. Possess ltd resources.
g. Operate covertly but continuously.
h. Believe in the advantage of smallness for security and efficiency.
Modus Operandi of Terrorism:
a. Bombings, Armed attacks & assasinations.
b. Kidnapping & Hostage Taking
c. High Jacking & Sky Jacking
d. Suicide attacks
e. Cyber Terrorism
f. Narco-Terrorism
Cycle of Terrorism:
a. Initiative
b. Financing
c. Organizing
d. Training
e. Housing
f. Action
g. Impact.
Strategies of Terrorism:
a. Attrition
b. Intimidation
c. Provocation
d. Spoiling
e. Outbidding
Theories of Terrorism:
a. Theory of Anarchism
b. Theory of Fascism
c. Philosophical Theory of Religion
d. The Economic Theory of Rational Choice
e. The Globalization Theory
f. Sociological Theory
g. Biological Theory
Factors influencing rational choice of terrorism:
a. Plot
b. Size
c. Time
d. The climate of international opinion
5 sociological theories of Terrorism:
a. Frustration-aggression Hypothesis
b. The Relative Deprivation Hypothesis
c. The Negative Identity Hypothesis
d. The Narcissistic Rage Hypothesis
e. The Moral Disengagement Hypothesis
Types of Terrorism:
a. State terrorism
b. Bio terrorism
c. Cyber terrorism
d. Eco terrorism
e. Nuclear terrorism
f. Narco terrorism
g. Religious terrorism
h. Right Wing terrorism
i. Left Wing terrorism
j. Pathological terrorism
k. Issue Oriented terrorism
l. Separatist terrorism
Biological Diseases include:
a. Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis)
b. Botulism (Clostridium botulinum toxin)
c. The Plague (Yersinia pestis)
d. Smallpox (Variola major)
e. Tularemia (Francisella tularensis)
f. Hemorrhagic fever, due to Ebola Virus or Marburg Virus
Basic Causes of Terrorism:
a. Economic Deprivation
b. Socio-eco & demographic strain
c. Pol & Institutional order
d. Pol transformation & Instability
e. Identity & Cultural Clash
f. Global economic & Pol Order
g. Contagion
3 different ways state can use terror:
a. Govt or State Terrorism
b. State Involvement in Terrorism
c. State Sponsorship of Terrorism & Extremism