theories Flashcards
Hypodermic syringe theory
Information from the text are injected into the audience by the syringe . It suggests the audience are passive and believes anything
Two step flow
Opinion leaders get info from the media source
Opinion leaders then pass info along with their interpretation to others ( personal influence )
It suggests that info is filtered through opinion leaders
Uses and gratifications
It suggests that people use the media to fulfil specific gratifications
Eg -
Diversion - entertainment
Surveillance - to get information
Socialisation - personal relationships,a topic of conversation
Personal identity - self understanding - relating other people to yourself
Maslows hierarchy of needs
At the bottom -
Physiological- basic needs
Safety - secure home , safe environment , resources
Belongingness - love , friendship
Esteem - self esteem , respect , intimacy
Self actualisation - morality , luxury goods
Cultivation theory
Proposed by George Gerbner
The theory argues that the media generally presents an image of the world that does not reflect reality
According to the theory , people who watch to frequently are more likely to be influenced by the media
The exposure to to overtime will shape viewers perceptions of reality
Inoculation theory
The theory of a media audiences reactions grow weaker according to the level of exposure to something
The more you see something the less it effects you
Narrative theory - todorov
It states that most plots follow the same pattern
- A state of equilibrium - everything is stable
- Disruption of equilibrium (disequilibrium) - a problem will disrupt the happiness
- Recognition/ realisation
- Restored order - character attempts to repair the damage and restore the problem
- New equilibrium - problem is resolved - normality can resume again
Narrative theory - Vladimir prop
Character theory - 8 character types
The hero
The villain
The princess
The dispatcher - sends the hero on the task
The donor- gives something to the hero that will help them
The helper- helps the hero in restoring the resolution
The father
The false hero
Claude Levi Strauss
Binary opposites - he found out that narratives are arranged around conflict of opposites . Eg Good vs bad Peace vs war Young vs old Boy vs girl Day vs night
Roland Barthes
Enigma codes
Texts may be open ( unraveled in a lot of different ways) or closed ( only one obvious answer)
Hermeneutic / enigma code
Refers to mystery , clues are dropped but no clear answer
Enigma codes make the audience want to know more
Proairetic / action code
Adds suspense and contains sequential elements of action
Symbolic code
Shows contrast , creates greater meaning , tension , drama and character development
Semantic code
Refers to additional meaning
It has a connotative function , has an extra meaning in addition to its literal meaning .
Referential code
Refers to external body of knowledge such as scientific , historical and cultural knowledge .
Your own personal thoughts , what you think or believe about a symbol. It can have different meanings in different cultures
The literal meaning - dictionary definition
Audience profiling - mass audience/ low brow
Very large group , those who consume mainstream or popular texts
Normal / conventional things to do
Niche audience -high brow
Small , specific group
Unique interest
Rare , not popular activities , different to everyone else
What you usually can't change Age Gender Race Disabilities
What you can control Attitudes Interests Lifestyle Habits Religion Education Style
aberrant reading
interpretation of a text in a manner different from the way its author intended it to be decoded
the opposition to a hero- usually a character- villain .
this is the force that disrupts the equilibrium
binary opposition
construction of a text around opposing values- good vs evil, young vs old , women vs men
meaning created through association
audiences categorised by specific features - e.g. working class females or 5-7 year old american children
the simplest way to create meaning
stability within a story
anyone within an organisation who decides what items will be published
the practice among powerful groups of dominating the media
the way multiple texts drawn upon one another to create meaning
moral panic
a lot of fuss about something that the media creators don’t like
a story
point of view shot
a shot that shows the audience the scene from the perspective of a character
preferred reading
the way in which the creator of a text intends it to be read
a text that aims to alter the ideology of an audience
main character
a prejudicial assumption about what type /group/place will resemble