theories Flashcards
Hypodermic syringe theory
Information from the text are injected into the audience by the syringe . It suggests the audience are passive and believes anything
Two step flow
Opinion leaders get info from the media source
Opinion leaders then pass info along with their interpretation to others ( personal influence )
It suggests that info is filtered through opinion leaders
Uses and gratifications
It suggests that people use the media to fulfil specific gratifications
Eg -
Diversion - entertainment
Surveillance - to get information
Socialisation - personal relationships,a topic of conversation
Personal identity - self understanding - relating other people to yourself
Maslows hierarchy of needs
At the bottom -
Physiological- basic needs
Safety - secure home , safe environment , resources
Belongingness - love , friendship
Esteem - self esteem , respect , intimacy
Self actualisation - morality , luxury goods
Cultivation theory
Proposed by George Gerbner
The theory argues that the media generally presents an image of the world that does not reflect reality
According to the theory , people who watch to frequently are more likely to be influenced by the media
The exposure to to overtime will shape viewers perceptions of reality
Inoculation theory
The theory of a media audiences reactions grow weaker according to the level of exposure to something
The more you see something the less it effects you
Narrative theory - todorov
It states that most plots follow the same pattern
- A state of equilibrium - everything is stable
- Disruption of equilibrium (disequilibrium) - a problem will disrupt the happiness
- Recognition/ realisation
- Restored order - character attempts to repair the damage and restore the problem
- New equilibrium - problem is resolved - normality can resume again
Narrative theory - Vladimir prop
Character theory - 8 character types
The hero
The villain
The princess
The dispatcher - sends the hero on the task
The donor- gives something to the hero that will help them
The helper- helps the hero in restoring the resolution
The father
The false hero
Claude Levi Strauss
Binary opposites - he found out that narratives are arranged around conflict of opposites . Eg Good vs bad Peace vs war Young vs old Boy vs girl Day vs night
Roland Barthes
Enigma codes
Texts may be open ( unraveled in a lot of different ways) or closed ( only one obvious answer)
Hermeneutic / enigma code
Refers to mystery , clues are dropped but no clear answer
Enigma codes make the audience want to know more
Proairetic / action code
Adds suspense and contains sequential elements of action
Symbolic code
Shows contrast , creates greater meaning , tension , drama and character development
Semantic code
Refers to additional meaning
It has a connotative function , has an extra meaning in addition to its literal meaning .
Referential code
Refers to external body of knowledge such as scientific , historical and cultural knowledge .
Your own personal thoughts , what you think or believe about a symbol. It can have different meanings in different cultures
The literal meaning - dictionary definition
Audience profiling - mass audience/ low brow
Very large group , those who consume mainstream or popular texts
Normal / conventional things to do
Niche audience -high brow
Small , specific group
Unique interest
Rare , not popular activities , different to everyone else
What you usually can't change Age Gender Race Disabilities
What you can control Attitudes Interests Lifestyle Habits Religion Education Style
aberrant reading
interpretation of a text in a manner different from the way its author intended it to be decoded
the opposition to a hero- usually a character- villain .
this is the force that disrupts the equilibrium
binary opposition
construction of a text around opposing values- good vs evil, young vs old , women vs men