identities in the media Flashcards
Giddens (1991)
states that identity is the way in which individuals see themselves and the way different groups in society see us.
identity refers simply to a social category, a set of persons marked by a label and distinguished by rules deciding membership and characteristic features or attributes
It is important to pick up on the fact that identities initially were fixed and predetermined
Fragmented self: we are not one simple ‘identity’ but we have many identities
Identities can be complex and contradictory.
The media offers possibilities and celebrates diversity, but offers narrow interpretations of certain roles or lifestyles.
Stereotypes are always about power: those with power stereotype those with less power.
dyer - how we are seen…
How we are seen determines in part how we are treated; how we treat others is based on how we see them; such seeing comes from representations.
marxist perspective
A dominant class or group maintains power by making everyone accept their ideology as normal or neutral, through cultural influence rather then force.
One study of the top 100 highest-grossing films in the US showed that
just eight of those 100 movies had a non-white protagonist, as of 2014. Six of those eight were Will Smith
Afrofuturism is the reimagining of a future filled with arts, science and technology seen through a black lens
Black panther released in feb 2018 is an example of afrofuturism
After the global success of Marvel’s Black Panther, Afrofuturism is now more visible than ever.
speaking of a future where we’re included, we’re not the minority
Police in California
Police in California sent a helicopter and a squad of cars to detain a group of black friends leaving an Airbnb after a neighbor called 911 and reported them as possible burglars.
A mother on a Colorado college tour called the police … may 2018
A mother on a Colorado college tour called the police on two Native American students in the group because they looked like “they don’t belong”, in the latest episode to ignite outrage over racial profiling and needless calls to law enforcement in the US.
California police fired what sounded like more than 30 bullets at a packed car in a shopping store
California police fired what sounded like more than 30 bullets at a packed car in a shopping store parking lot, killing a black father of three and injuring a young woman in the latest US law enforcement shooting to spark backlash.
David Gauntlet identity
identity is complicated , everybody has got one
Suman Fernando
identity is not fixed , we are free to choose
Giddens complex
identities can be complex and contradictory
Giddens multiple identities
individuals can have multiple identities
dyer stereotypes
stereotypes are always about power: those with power stereotype those with less power
Freudian analysis
Self image is largely based around the notion of fitting in and conforming to social expectations.- Freudian analysis
Donald Glover video
controversial, four-minute video is a stunning yet devastating portrayal of America’s current state
what is the David glovers video about
layered with messages about police brutality, gun violence, racism, social media, and black cultur
Glover is trying to bring our focus and our attention
to black violence, black entertainment [and] the way they’re juxtaposed in society.