audience Flashcards
audience profiling
age, gender,race,sexuality,education,occupation
what you usually can’t change
age, gender, race, height
what you can control
attitudes, interests, lifestyle, religion
mass audience
large group
consume mainstream products
low brow
niche audience
small group
unique interest
high brow
cultivation theory
media often presents an image of the world that does not reflect reality
exposure to tv overtime will shape viewers perceptions of reality
inoculation model
audiences reactions grow weaker according to the level of exposure to something. the more you see something, the less it effects you
hypodermic syringe theory
messages from the media are injected into the audiences by a syringe- audiences are passive
two step flow theory
mass media -
opinion leaders get informational from the media source
opinion leaders then pass the info along with their interpretation to others. So info is filtered through opinion leaders
Blumer and Katz
uses and gratification
uses and gratification
more focus on the consumer
they take an active role in interpreting media into their own lives
people use the media to fulfil specific gratifications
uses and gratification- diversion
escape from everyday problems
uses and gratification- personal relationships
using the media for emotional and other interaction - substitution of media for companionship
uses and gratification- personal identity
self understanding- reflecting yourself in the media - relating to the character
uses and gratification-social interaction
topic of conversation
Maslows hierarchy of needs
physiological - basic needs - food , eater , sleep
safety- home,security,resources
belongingness- lobe friendship, intimacy
esteem- confidence, respect
self actualisation]luxury,aspirational needs, creativity
Stanley Cohen
moral panics
an intense feeling expressed by a population regarding an issue considered to be a threat eg-dangers of social networking
marxist theory
the view that institutions like society and the media are owned and controlled by the ruling class