Theology Study Guide 4 Flashcards
an approach to biblical interpretation that seeks to understand the Bible in light of its historical and cultural backgrounds, that is, as a book arising out of a human context
historical criticism
a biblical term used in reference to the unapproachable and mighty manifestation of the immediate presence of God
any teaching rejected by the Christian community as contrary to Scripture and hence to orthodox doctrine
a compound Greek word meaning “to speak in tongues”
the science and art of biblical interpretation
the generous overflow of the love of God the Father toward the Son, Jesus Christ
the term used to refer to the theological investigation of sin
tended to emphasize the spiritual realm over the material, often claiming that the material realm is evil and hence to be escaped
often contrasted with “the Christ of faith,” that is, the Jesus that is honored and preached about by the Christian church
historical Jesus
the division of the theological discipline that seeks to understand and delineate how the church interpreted Scripture and developed doctrine throughout its history method of gaining knowledge
historical theology
the idea that God is present in, close to, and involved with creation
the characteristic of not experiencing change or development
a biblical term generally meaning “to be set apart”
the theological discipline that seeks to understand the purpose and process of preparing and delivering sermons
a term describing the uniqueness of humans as God’s creatures. In the Genesis creation account, Adam and Eve are said to be created in God’s image and likeness
Imago Dei
attempts to see the worth of humans apart from any appeal to God
most simply, the inability to cease to exist or the ability to exist eternally
a term usually referring to the possibility of Christ’s second coming occurring at any moment
the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian person and community in assisting believers to interpret understand and obey the Scriptures
refers to each of the three concrete and distinct trinitarian persons who share a single divine nature or essence
hypostatic union
a biblical term (from Greek prognosis) that literally means “to know in advance”
attempts to give as much “evidence” as possible to substantiate crucial facts of the Christian faith
the event in which Adam and Eve, the first humans, disobeyed the explicit command of God, thereby bringing sin and death onto the human race
the belief that human behavior is self-caused
free will
the realm in which there is no beginning and no end
the belief that sin is canceled out by being covered over. For Christians, suggests that Christ’s death covers our sins
a movement in North America during the early part of the twentieth century that attempted to maintain a firm commitment to certain “fundamentals” of the Christian faith
a Latin term literally meaning “and the Son”
It’s what happens at the finish when the believer is conformed to Christ’s image
the process of seeking to understand what a text means or communicates on its own
any philosophical system that attempts to define what it means to be human in terms of “existence” rather than in terms of “essence”
any act or event that is contrary to the good and holy purposes of God
a set of terms arising out of the Greek word euangelion, “good news” or “gospel”
a term used to declare that God reveals something about the divine nature through the created order
general revelation
a term that refers to different types or varieties of literature or media
God the Father is said to generate (or “beget”) the Son eternally
eternal generation of the Son
a biblical word that refers both to intellectual belief and to relational trust or commitment
the five rational arguments that Thomas Aquinas saw as pointing to the existence of God
the five ways
generally a derogatory term used to designate the practice of imposing a preconceived or foreign meaning onto a text
the view that matters of religious and theological truth must be accepted by faith apart from the exercise of reason
the area of philosophical and theological inquiry into what constitutes right and wrong
Mankind was created by God to ________________ His image, bring Him ________________ and to _______________ Him forever.
bear, glory, enjoy
To “bring God glory” means to _____ and ______ His glory.
reflect, radiate
Mankind sinned because they wanted ________.
sinning is just saying __ to God.
Two of the most important words related to the Gospel are: ___ ___
but God
Another word for the substitute that Jesus is for us: _______
According to Romans _______ the Gospel proper is that we are saved ____ ____ ___ ___.
5:9, from God by God
There are two ways to go, but only one way that leads to ____.
It is not “Door A or Door B.” Rather it is “Door A and Door _____.”
Not A
God is the source of ____, ____, and _______ - this is what we lost when we sinned.
life, light, happiness
The Hebrew word for angel is ______, and it means __________.
malak, messenger
The Greek word for angel is _______, and it means ________.
angelos, messenger
Angels are “_______” and therefore do not have physical bodies.
Revelation _____ is a passage that clarifies who the serpent is in Genesis 3.
The Five “I Wills” of Satan are found in _______.
Isaiah 14:12-19
According to ________ 12:3-4, when Satan fell from heaven, he took _____ of the angels with him.
Revelation, a third
The 10 steps of the gospel
- God is Creator
- God created Man
- God created Man with/for a purpose
- Man desired another and said “no”
- Man got what he wanted
- Man is now dead, in darkness and despair
- In steps Jesus
- Man is saved from God, by God - the Gospel Proper
- Jesus is our substitute
- Believe (in) God
Quote 1 John 4:10.
In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent His son to be the propitiation for our sins.
List 5 others references or names of angels with one Scripture passage:
- Holy Ones - Psalm 89
- The council - Psalm 89
- The assembly/hosts - Psalm 89
- Watchers - Daniel 4
- Princes - Daniel 10
List the 5 orders of angels:
- Lucifer
- Archangel
- Seraphim
- Cherubim
- Living Creatures
You crush the enemy Underneath my feet You are my sword and shield Though troubles linger still Whom shall I fear?
Regarding creation, Genesis 1-2 is not an apologetic, it’s _____.
According to Piper, to not love God is not trivial, it is ______.
The passage that speaks of the “Guardian Angel” is _________ and is generally referring to guarding _______.
Matthew 18, children
List the 4 people who are listed under “it is the hinge of your history” and the details of their story.
Mr. Stansberry
the apostle Paul
Augustine of Hippo
John Newton
Sin is always idolatry. Explain.
- sin is treason because we’re turning away from God’s way (not developing our own way, we’re just saying “no”) - we choose between Door A and Door Not A - and by doing this, we’re assuming he’s wrong and we’re right which means we therefore assume we’re over him (our way is better), this becomes self worship because we wanted our own desires
How are we saved like Abraham was “saved?” Explain with Scripture.
Abraham: God commanded Abe to move to the promise land and promised blessings over his family, because Abe believed God in this, it was counted as righteousness (Romans 4)
Us: God spoken to us through Jesus (Hebrews 1), must have faith in Him (believe Him) and this will be counted as our righteousness
List 2 passages that show the limitations of fallen angels and discuss what they mean.
James 4:7-8- resists the devil and draw close to God (the more we draw closer to God, the less Satan will affect us because he can’t stand God and he has no power over God), the devil preys on the weak
Job 1:12, 2:6- God allows the pain/suffering of Job, but always gives Satan a restriction (cannot tough him physically and cannot take his life)
We should not be afraid of Demons. What should we be and why?
respectful, alert, and wise because they are very powerful - they cannot read our thoughts but they can predict what we will do - therefore we should have a little fear but not a lot because 1 John 4:4 says God is greater than the one in the world (the devil)