Theology Study Guide 1 Flashcards
the area of philosophy formally concerned with defining the nature of beauty
there is sufficient similarity between God and creation so that observation of the universe will yield a limited understanding of God’s nature
analogy of being
literally “no knowledge”
the belief that the thousand years mentioned in Revelation 20 do not represent a specific period of time
God’s act of making otherwise estranged human beings part of God’s spiritual family
church of England
the fearful worship of spirits
a principle of interpretation that suggests that clearer passages of Scripture should be used to interpret more obscure or difficult passages
analogy of faith
an assertion dependent on experience
a posteriori
literally meaning “coming” or “arrival”, this term refers to the coming of Jesus Christ to earth
speaks of God making himself known to humans in words and ways suitable for the finite human mind to comprehend
formal defense/explanation of the Christian Faith
literally “against Christ”
words about, or teaching concerning, humankind
understood the task of biblical interpretation as seeking out its literal, moral, and allegorical senses
Alexandrian School
an assertion independent on experience
a priori
a story in which the details correspond to or reveal a “hidden”, “higher”, “deeper” meaning
the belief that the wicked will be judged by God and thrown into the lake of fire, where they will cease to exist
from the Greek word meaning unveiling
genre or type of Jewish literature that sought to disclose “heavenly secrets”
apocalyptic literature
practiced an approach to scriptural interpretation that emphasized the literal meaning of the text
Antiochene school
ascribing human attributes to God
Christ after earthly ministry going to the right hand of the father and will come again
a theological system developed mainly as a response to Lutheran and especially Calvinist views on the doctrine of predestination. salvation is freely chosen and freely lost.
a biblical concept that generally refers to those who fall away from belief in God (from within)
applying what you believe to real life - integration of Christian belief into Christian practice
the doctrine that teaches the possibility of Christians’ knowing that they are truly children of God
derived from the Greek term apostolos, an apostle is basically a “sent one” (Jesus’ 12 disciples)
Italian Theologian; Summa Theologica; 5 proofs of the existence of God
Aquinas, Thomas
Alexandrian bishop that combated theology of Arianism
the teaching that spiritually is attained through renunciation of physical pleasures and personal desires while concentrating on “spiritual” matters
____________ is the overarching attribute of God.
Psalm ____ is a beautiful Psalm about God’s omnipotence and omnipresence.
In Revelation 19:6 it reads that the “Lord God, Almighty _________.”
In Exodus 3:14, God names Himself as _______, which means _________.
Yahweh, I AM
In Isaiah ________, Isaiah shows the ridiculousness of idolatry.
40 and 44
One of the first steps in understanding God’s sovereignty is to _____ _________ yourself.
get over
God is infinite in: (with Scripture references)
__________, __________, __________, __________, and ___________. 1)__________ 2) ___________ 3) _________ 4) ____________ and 5) __________.
- time (Psalm 41)
- space (Job 11)
- knowledge (Psalm 147)
- power (Revelation 1)
- perfection (1 Peter 1: 15-16)
A key phrase regarding God’s Infinitude in passages like Ps. 41:13 and Ps. 106:48 is that He is from ___________ to ___________.
everlasting to everlasting.
In Daniel, God is called the _____ ________ _____.
Most High God
What key word in Revelation 1:8 speaks of God’s omnipotence?
An attribute overlapping with God’s immutability is ___________________.
The definition that God is love is found in ____________.
1 John 4:8.
Sovereignty is _________________, whereas providence is _______________________.
God ruling over all, God ruling over man
Another name for the 10 Commandments is the ______________.
Idolatry is really ______ __________.
self worship
What do the passages Isaiah 6:3, Rev. 4:8, Exodus 15:11, Acts 17:28, and 1 Peter 1:13-16 talk about?
God’s Holiness
What 2 passages did we discuss that speak of God as Father?
Romans 15:6 and Galatians 1:3-4
How many of the 10 commandments deal with idolatry?
What are they?
- no other gods before me
- do not carve an idol
- shall not take the Lord’s name in vain
incommunicable, the basis and staring point of all reality, (Leviticus 19)
God completely rules above (Psalm 83), incommunicable
outside time, unmeasurable by time, incommunicable, Psalm 41)
does not change, incommunicable, James 1
immeasurable in all sense, incommunicable, Romans 11
communicable, affection as One with Life, light, and happiness, 1 John 4
does anything He wants without effort, incommunicable, Revelation 1
being present in all reality, Psalm 139, incommunicable
knowing everything (Psalm 147) incommunicable
relying only on self for being, remaining, and rights, incommunicable, Romans 11
God in Trinity and Trinity in One, communicable, Deut. 6
communicable, God is a person, not an immaterial force, 2 Cor 1
God is first beyond material, a spirit immeasurable, communicable, John 4:24
God is the moral center, dependable, beneficial to all (John 10) communicable
Job - essay (beginning, climax, end)
- God asks Satan: “Have you considered my servant Job?”
- Satan brings all curses (boils, kills family) upon Job but never curses God
- climax- Job asks God, “ Why didn’t you let me die at birth?”
- God says He is sovereign therefore Job shouldn’t have questioned Him
- Sovereign and Impassibility
Psalm 139
a. Verses 1-6
- omniscience- knows every thought and plan
- judge- discerns our life, decides what will happen
b. Verses 7-12
- sovereignty- 7, 11, 12
- omnipresence- 7-10
c. Verses 13-16
- Creator- perfect creation
- omniscience- knew every day we would live (v. 16)
- sovereignty and providence
- our will is inside of His. We do have choices in things, but he knows b/c he is omniscient
- our will is constant with his. We will not decide anything outside of his will.
- our freedom is united, Gods’ is absolute.
- Psalm 139
Idolatry is constant sin and self worship, It is treason to God because we turn away from His commandments (the 1st three in the Decalogue) and do what we want to do. We take His name and place it on other things like music, grades, and sports. Israel did this with Baal. They took God’s name and placed it on a “carved image”. God forbids this in Exodus 20:7. When translating the Bible, certain scribes used to throw away every quill with which they wrote “Yahweh”. They revered God’s name because of its importance. When we idolize other things, our lives are empty (Isaiah 44).
Tozer: The most important thing about us is what we think about God.
Tozer means that what we believe, we will do. For example, if we believe God is love, we will love Him and others. Likewise, if we believe God is hate, we will express hate. If we don’t know God, we don’t know anything (Proverbs 9:10) because He holds everything together. In the same way, we cannot be happy without God or without the right image of God, for He is the only God and is sovereign above all (Isaiah 45:5-7). Therefore, it is imperative we have the correct view of God.