Acts Important Events Flashcards
Chapter 1 event
- Jesus ascends from heaven.
2. Matthias is chosen as a new apostle.
Chapter 2 event
- Apostles speak in tongues.
2. Peter preaches.
Chapter 3 event
Peter and John heal a lame man.
Chapter 4 event
Peter and John are imprisoned.
Chapter 5 event
- Ananias and Sapphira die.
2. Peter and John are imprisoned again.
Chapter 6 event
The 7 deacons are chosen to serve the widows (and other needy Christians).
Chapter 7 event
- Stephen’s speech
2. The stoning of Stephen
Chapter 8 event
- Disciples scatter to Judea and Samaria.
2. Conversation with the Ethiopian Eunuch
Chapter 9 event
Conversion of Saul
Chapter 1 significance
- Jesus sits down at the right hand of God.
- Jesus sends the Holy Spirit.
- Judas is replaced.
- The number of apostles is restored to 12.
Chapter 2 significance
- This is the first time the gospel is preached.
2. This marks the beginning of the church.
Chapter 3 significance
Jesus’s ministry of healing is continued.
Chapter 4 significance
Jesus’s followers are persecuted too.
Chapter 5 significance
It shows that even though we are saved by God’s grace, He still has no tolerance of sin.
Chapter 6 significance
The church took care of all the Christians.
Chapter 7 significance
- The Jews are just like the Old Testament Jews who rejected God’s prophets.
- Stephen is the first Christian martyr.
Chapter 8 significance
- God is able to bring good out of evil.
2. The Gospel is being taken to new parts of the world.
Chapter 9 significance
God has chosen Saul to be His missionary to the Gentiles.