Theology -Sources Of Wisdom And Authority Flashcards
Anglican Church
A Christian tradition which consists of the CofE and other Churches that have historical and organisational ties to it . Its principle head is the Archbishop of Canterbury , who is also the nominal leader of the Anglican Communion , which is a world-wide group of Churches that are in full communion with the Anglican Church .
From a Greek word meaning someone who is ‘sent out ‘; applied particularly to Jesus’ original 12 Apostles ; also to a wider group of Christian figures such as St Paul
The Apostolic Tradition
Is the tradition that stems from Jesus’ Apostles. Jesus commanded them to preach the Gospel to all men. This was done orally , from the teachings they had received from Jesus and from the Holy Spirit; also in writing by the Apostles and by others associated with them , again under the inspiration of the Holy Spirt
The Apostolic Succession
Was continued in the Apostolic succession . Jesus’ apostles appointed bishops to be their successors, and the bishops were given teaching authority , and this established a continuous line of succession that would last till the end of time
Part of the theology of St Paul , who held that after the original sin of Adam , God and the world were ‘reconciled ‘ by the sacrificial death of Jesus ; for example , Romans 5:1-11
A collection of books which a religious group regards as inspired by God, and which therefore forms a body of authoritative scripture , for example , the Christian Canon of the books of the Old and New Testaments
A recognised , independent branch of the Christian Church
This refers to someone who accepts the existence of God on the basis of reason and the world of nature . Most deists would reject the idea of special revelation , and would hold that God created the world and then left it to its own free devices
A disciple is a pupil/student/apprentice of a teacher . Jesus’ 12 Apostles would have been disciples of Jesus , but not all disciples were Apostles
The state of being divine (God)
Ecumenical councils
Councils of Church leaders and scholars who met to discuss and decide matters of doctrine and practice. Their decisions were seen as having authority for the whole Church ; however after many schisms that split the Church into different traditions , the authority of any council was limited to the tradition its members represented
The Greek ‘euangelion’ means good message / good news . The word ‘Gospel’ was its Old English equivalent. To evangelise / evangelism is to spread the good news about Jesus the Messiah . The writers of the four Gospels are also known as the Four Evangelists .
General revelation
Revelation that is available to all people at all times : knowledge of God that comes through natural means , such as reason and observation of the world
A word commonly used in the Bible to mean non-Jews
Holy Spirit
The third person of the Christian Trinity ( Father, Son and Holy Spirit ) , each being an aspect of God
The doctrine that Jesus as the Son of God became flesh . In the Bible , this is expressed in the well-known passage in John 1:14
“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us “
In the Biblical sense , the doctrine that God in some sense influenced the authors and editors of the Bible , so that what they recorded was ‘the word of God’
Special revelation
Revelation that occurs to specific people at specific times : for example , Scripture ; also religious experiences and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit
When applied to God , the idea that God sustains creation / maintains it / keeps it in existence / maintains order in a chaotic universe; so that if God ceased to sustain the universe , it would cease to exist
What are different Christian beliefs about the nature and authority of the Bible ?
- Conservative ideas range from those of Evangelical Protestants who tend to regard Scripture of the literal Word of God , to those of Catholics for whom Sacred Scripture of the word of God written though inspiration of the Holy Spirit , using human authors who were inspired and allowed to use their human faculties
- Karl Barth’s Neo-orthodox view sees the Bible as a human work that becomes inspired when it provides those who read it with a personal encounter with Jesus , not the Word of God
- Liberal views range from partial inspiration to a fully human document
Social Gospel Movement
Social action is more important than worrying about insoluble matters of doctrine
The different perspectives of the Protestant and Catholic Traditions on the relative authority of the Bible and the Church
The Catholic view is that the Bible and the Church have equal authority , being inextricably linked through the work of the Holy Spirit . The ongoing Tradition means that the Magisterium alone has the authority to interpret Scripture correctly . For Protestants , authority is focused on Scripture - Sola Scriptura. All believers form a priesthood of believers , consecrated as priests through baptism.
The authority of Jesus
Most Christians accept the statement about Jesus given in the Nicene creed . The Gospels use a number of titles for Jesus e.g Son of God, Son of Man
2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof , for correction , and for correction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete , equipped for every good work
2 Peter 1:20-21
“…no prophecy of scripture if a matter of one’s own interpretation , because no prophecy ever came by the impulse of man , but then moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God”
The bishops’ conferences of England and Wales and of Scotland
“Centuries of reflection and prayer have led Christians to discover new truths and new senses of biblical passages”
Jeremiah 15:10
“Woe is me , my mother , that you bore me”
Bishops Conferences of England and Wales , and of Scotland ‘The Gift of Scripture’
“It follows that in order to understand the word of God in scripture we should seek to know the intentions of the human author”
Joshua Hoffman summarising Karl Barth’s Neo-orthodox views
“ For Barth revelation always comes to us in a fallible human vehicle… Barth proposed that the text is both fully divine and fully human “
2 Timothy 2
“[W]hat you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”
Martin Luther claiming the only true authority is …
“…the Word of God , through which alone we obtain whatever knowledge we have of God and divine things “ and all that was needed was “… the sure rule of God’s Word”
“Let us not change the Word of God ; we ourselves should be changed through the Word “
Matthew 28:18
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me “
Mark 9:7 - the transfiguration
“This is my beloved Son ; listen to him” ( Mark 9:7)
Son of Man quote
“… but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head “
Where is the Sermon on the Mount in the Bible ?
(Matthew 5:38-48)
Quote from Jesus which seems to encourage conflict
“And let him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy one “
Unitarians stance of pacifism
” So although there are many Unitarian pacifists , there is no explicit requirement or implicit expectation of the matter”